The High Forest world illustration - Fantasy theme

The High Forest


The High Forest is a vast and ancient woodland located in the northwest of Faerûn.

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Baerel was once a vibrant Elven village, but now lies in ruins following a decisive battle between Dlardrageth Fey'ri and Siluvanede warrior mages in 2770 DR. It is said that the village is cursed, and any Elf who ventures near risks summoning a demon in a fit of rage.

Bridgeview Canopy

Bridgeview Canopy

Once a residential district, it has morphed into an eerie arboreal lost town, where the remnants of elven architecture blend with the encroaching wilderness. Uncanny network of treehouses scattered across the ancient boughs of towering trees. These homes, once vibrant and meticulously crafted from the forest’s oldest woods, now hang in disrepair, with moss and lichen claiming their carved railings and broken lattice windows. Structures are exposed to the elements, harboring nests of birds and forest debris. Interconnected by bridges that once showcased elven engineering, many now lie in ruins or sway perilously, their paths obscured by hanging vines and slick with moisture, posing a challenge to navigate. The remaining bridges create a fragmented landscape amidst the creaks of aging wood and the distant crashes of falling branches. Inhabited by local wildlife, the district is webbed with giant spider threads and prowled by creatures like owlbears, especially at night.



Long ago this was a Dwarven settlement on the Eastern edge of the Dwarven empire. While the stonework of the Dwarven inhabitants still remains, it has been resettled by Humans and is used as a resupply location for caravans travelling North to Silvermoon.



Caelpiir is a remnant of the long ago past, once a thriving center for mercantilism. The city now stands abandoned and overgrown, with exquisite spires and citadels hidden in the thickets. It has become a hunting ground for terrifying predators like Rakshasa, Behir, and dinosaurs such as the Tyrannosaurus.



Caerilcarn is a wood elf village located in the High Forest designed to harmonize with the natural environment. Homes and buildings are primarily crafted from the trunks of living trees, supplemented by stone and earth, featuring roofs thatched with local flora. The village was build around the old Stronghold of the Nine. Paths in the village are lined with softly glowing stones. The population is predominantly wood elves and moon elves, who live in closely-knit family units or communal dwellings typical of elven design, characterized by open, airy spaces and natural motifs. The outskirts of the village blur seamlessly into the surrounding forest, making it difficult to determine where the village ends and the wilds begin. The village has been attracting a slightly rising number of elves migrating into the area, leading to the construction of new houses within the village. The village is allied with Morgwais Nightmeadow, ruler of Reitheillaethor, in attempt to rebuild Eaerlann kingdom.

Centaur Runs

Centaur Runs

Centaur Runs is a region marked by the intersection of the dense woodlands of the High Forest and the open expanses of the Delimbiyr Valley. The area is named after the prominent Centaur tribes that inhabit its periphery, maintaining extensive trails that crisscross through both the forest and the valley. Additionally, human bandits have established semi-permanent camps within the forest, exploiting these trails to raid passing caravans. The area is teeming with diverse wildlife and mystical creatures, including various beasts like dire wolves, giant spiders, and mythical entities like unicorns and wyverns. The area also hosts a variety of other beings including trolls, ogres, and various fey entities like satyrs and blink dogs. Centaur Runs is a dynamic blend of natural beauty and constant activity, where the tranquility of the landscape contrasts sharply with the movements of its various, often conflicting, inhabitants.

Citadel of the Mists

Citadel of the Mists

The Citadel of the Mists lies shrouded in a perpetual haze, its towering spires disappearing into the mist that surrounds it. Home to the enigmatic Mistmaster, a Human Illusionist Cleric of Leira who has held dominion over the Citadel since 1294 DR, the fortress exudes an aura of mystery and intrigue.

Crystal Rill (1.1)

Crystal Rill (1.1)

A clear, lively brook, weaving through dense woodland, bubbles up from ancient, magical springs. The banks combine soft silt with scattered pebbles, thick with moss and low-hanging branches dipping into the sparkling waters. Ferns, wildflowers and rare herbs overhang the water’s edge, creating a whispering sound as breezes pass through. The waters here are exceptionally clear, shimmering with a surreal quality as if imbued with ancient magic.

Crystal Rill (1.2)

Crystal Rill (1.2)

A clear, lively brook, weaving through dense woodland, bubbles up from ancient, magical springs. The banks combine soft silt with scattered pebbles, thick with moss and low-hanging branches dipping into the sparkling waters. Ferns, wildflowers and rare herbs overhang the water’s edge, creating a whispering sound as breezes pass through. The waters here are exceptionally clear, shimmering with a surreal quality as if imbued with ancient magic.

Crystal Rill (2)

Crystal Rill (2)

The Crystal Rill in this section is a broader river, under the guard of towering trees whose roots create natural barriers along the banks. The water is deeper and flows quietly beneath the shade of ancient oaks and maples. The banks are firm, interspersed with large stones and occasional clearings used as resting spots by travelers and wildlife. This part is shaded and cool, offering a tranquil, shadowed pathway along the water.

Crystal Rill (3)

Crystal Rill (3)

As it nears its journey's end, the Crystal Rill is wide and slow-moving, approaching its confluence with the Unicorn Run. The banks are broad and gently sloping, carpeted in thick grasses and wildflowers that sway in the wind. Deeper pools gather, teeming with fish and reflecting the sky. This area is a natural hub for wildlife, filled with the sounds of mingling waters, birdsong, and the rustling of animals in the underbrush.

Crystal Rill Basin

Crystal Rill Basin

Crystal Rill Basin

Dancing Falls

Dancing Falls

Spouting from a fissure in the lost peaks, the Dancing Falls form the headwaters for the Dessarin River. The falls spring from a cliff face and fall 300' to a large pool surrounded by a diverse pattern of flora. Korred tribes have made this area their home and defend it from all intruders.



Darmaerth is an ancient Siluvanede city that was reclaimed by the forest. It still hides wondrous artifacts from the Elven empire, but the evil influence of the Fey'ri who sacked the city in -4489 DR lingers, casting a shadow over its once glorious past.



Deepwood is a mystical expanse in the heart of the High Forest, characterized by its untamed wilderness. Dominated by Wild Elves, this region is known for their nomadic lifestyle and aggressive protection of their territory against various fronts including orcs and humans. Alongside them, a rich tapestry of Fey creatures including dryads, nymphs, and satyrs, inhabit Deepwood, often interacting playfully or maliciously with adventurers. The forest is also patrolled by the Druids of the Tall Trees, while maintaining a balance with its native beings. Creatures of Deepwood range widely, featuring aberrations like green slaad and ettercaps, a variety of beasts such as dire wolves and giant spiders, and magical entities including earth elementals and feyward trees. Both a young and an ancient black dragon are active in this region. Additionally, monstrosities like owlbears and remorhaz roam the woods, alongside diverse plant life forms like awakened trees and shambling mounds.



Delaethor, nestled in the Delimbiyr Valley, features sprawling meadows transitioning into open plains and gentle hills, bordered by scattered woods. Human settlers from the village of Merric engage in sheep herding and fishing, utilizing the ruins of ancient Dwarven bridges, Karse Crag, for ferry operations across the Delimbiyr River. Nearby, two Centaur villages thrive, known for raiding the basin between the forest and the river. North of these villages, a large Gnoll camp preys within the inner forest, avoiding the plains. The area's biodiversity includes animals like wolves and dire elks, alongside a variety of beasts such as stirges and wyverns, or magical creatures such as pseudodragons and faerie dragons. Shadow Demon and satyrs represent the fiend and fey inhabitants respectively. Among multiple humanoids such as orcs or fey'ri, hill giants and trolls are present. Additionally, Delaethor is home to magical beasts like unicorns and monstrosities including minotaurs and gorgons.

Dessarian River Basin

Dessarian River Basin

Dessarian River Basin

Dessarin River (1)

Dessarin River (1)

Crystal-clear waters that cascade powerfully from the mountain heights. The banks are rocky and steep, lined with dense, moisture-loving foliage. Mosses and ferns are abundant, thriving in the cool spray of the falls. This area is often shrouded in mist, giving it an ethereal and secluded ambiance. The water is cold, and fast-moving, rushing away from the falls with vigor.

Dessarin River (2)

Dessarin River (2)

A gentle, wide stream, meandering through dense woodland. The banks are soft, composed of rich, dark soil that supports a lush growth of riverside grasses and wildflowers. Occasional clusters of birch and willow trees dot the landscape, providing shade and habitat for riverine wildlife. This stretch is tranquil, with the gentle sounds of flowing water mingling with the calls of waterfowl. The river's pace is slow, and its waters deep and darken under the shade of the canopy. It homes the silver shalass, a fish that is considered a delicacy all across the North.

Dessarin River (3)

Dessarin River (3)

A wide, gently flowing river with intermittently sandy banks lined with pebbles. There's an indication of human and other sentient races' influence on the riverbank, with small piers and tract that run along the right shore, a vital artery for commerce. The river is used for transportation and fishing for silver shalass, a fish that is considered a delicacy all across the North. The water here flows steadily, deep enough for small merchant vessels, and reflects the sky and surrounding foliage in its broad expanse.



Direwood is a foreboding region characterized by its black, petrified trees and red-hued soil, forming a landscape filled with uneven hills and peaty bogs. This seemingly dead forest, surrounded by pale oaks, thrives under a blanket of wild magic, causing unusual weather phenomena and distorting spatial perceptions. The interior of Direwood is much larger than it appears from outside, with its cold, deathly atmosphere reeking of decay. It is under the dominion of the Lich Wulgreth, though his presence has waned, leading to an undead civil war among his minions. The area is rife with various forms of undead including ghouls, specters, and wights, alongside a host of aberrations including Asanbosam, various beasts like Stirges and Giant Bats, as well as more ominous beings like Shadow Demons and Trolls. It also hosts a range of Fey and monstrous entities like Mavka and Behir, alongside a large number of animated objects and plants turned lethal, such as Awakened Trees and Vine Blights.

Eldathyn Gate

Eldathyn Gate

Eldathyn Gate is located at the headwaters of the Unicorn Run, where the Eldrath god of quiet places and druid groves resided until 1369 DR. The gate to her home realm, the True Grove in Elysium, was opened at that time and is still protected by Eldrath druids and clerics.

Elderglade Sanctum

Elderglade Sanctum

This district, once a vibrant canvas of elven culture with expansive parks, gardens, and sacred sites, is now a labyrinth of overgrown ruins and dense flora, where nature and the arcane subtly intertwine. The architecture here is more sparse, with occasional openings that once could be theaters and small druidic or bardic residences. Gardens and parks, designed for meditation and celebration, have transformed into wild thickets where the distinction between the cultivated and the wild is blurred. Pathways lined with luminescent stones, intended to guide nighttime wanderers, now flicker under the overgrowth. Magical plants have evolved in the wild, some acquiring sentience, such as Awakened Shrubs, which now guard their territory with quiet vigilance. Old shrines and statues are visible under layers of dirt and foliage, adorned with offerings from the forest itself—fallen petals, berries, and leaves, placed by unknown hands or perhaps by the roaming fey.

Elven Port

Elven Port

Aerendel is an ancient Elven Port that was overrun and occupied by the Fey’ri. The Wood Elves have successfully resettled it, but the city remains in ruins and covered in thick overgrowth, a mix of Elven and Fey'ri architecture blending together in a unique and mystical way. The air is filled with a sense of ancient magic and mystery, with whispers of the past echoing through its broken streets.

Endless Caverns

Endless Caverns

Long ago these caverns were a major city of the Riftdelve Deep Dwarf clan. This underground city was sealed by the Sun Elves of the Siluvanede empire trapping 9000 dwarves within it. The dwarves were cursed to an undead state and continue suffering in their city. There are hidden paths through the city that link the upper world to deep into the Underdark.



Evaliir is the ruined remains of a Sharrven fortress located on the Heartsblood river. Two delicate spires still rise 20' above the forest canopy. Their balconies are all blasted and melted from dragon breath.



Originally a frontier fortress of the Aryvandaar Elves, Farsilver has been used by many humanoids over its long history. A single towering stone citadel still stands at the center of the fortress rising well above the tops of the surrounding trees. Deep underground vaults are still accessible and although the original Elven treasures they contained are long ago looted, centuries of use by other races have left a random assortment of treasures and artifacts.



Fhaorkerymkilr is the ruins of a once-thriving Wood Elf settlement. The high trees still hold the remnants of burnt circular platforms high above the forest floor. Sculpted trees create cathedrals hundreds of feet from the ground, a testament to the former glory of this mystical place.

Former Myth Adofhaer

Former Myth Adofhaer

Former Myth Adofhaer is a broad crater, half a mile across, marking the location where the mythal-cloaked Silvuanedenn city once stood. Any remaining ruins are from -5300 DR and are very difficult to locate.

Fountains of Memory

Fountains of Memory

The Fountains of Memory are located on the high plateaus nestled within caves of the Western Mountain of the Lost Peaks. These magical pools have the unique ability to reflect the history of Faerun, showing images that hold a special connection to the viewer, whether it be their family history or their current quest. Before the Spellplague, the pools could even be used as gates to travel to the places seen within them, but it is uncertain if this capability still exists after the ravages of the Spellplague.



Ghostand is a small community of approximately 350 Tree Ghost Tribe Uthgardt barbarians that sits aloft in a grove of oak trees not too far from the edge of the Grandfather Tree's outer rings. The community has grown in this location over the last 120 years since the tribe rediscovered the Grandfather Tree.

Half-elf Renegades

Half-elf Renegades

Silvershade Outpost is a secluded village on the edge of the dense forest, home to a band of approximately 100 half-elf and human renegades. They have established themselves as skilled mercenaries and kidnappers, preying on traveling elves for ransom or slavery. Despite their notorious activities, they have managed to coexist peacefully with the local powers due to their avoidance of harassing local caravans.

Halls of the Four Ghosts

Halls of the Four Ghosts

The Halls of the Four Ghosts is a crumbling abandoned dwarf hold, haunted by four ghost dwarves. A sense of ancient sorrow lingers in the air as the spirits of the past inhabitants whisper through the dilapidated corridors. A well shaft descends from the main hall, disappearing into the depths below, connecting to the mysterious realm of the Underdark.

Hellgate Keep

Hellgate Keep

Hellgate Keep is a ruined fortress that serves as a prison for the Tanarukk Rorgak’s Fey’ri legions. The ruins are heavily warded to prevent any teleportation or gating magic. The area is surrounded by a ring of 25 grand oaks, with 5 of them being Treants who guard the perimeter and allow only Turlang's trusted allies to approach. Moss and vines cover the crumbling stone walls, and patrols of Earth elementals and Wood Elves keep watch over the area. Rumors speak of extensive tunnels dug by the demons within that once connected to distant locations like the Nameless Dungeon and Amarrindar.

High Spellcourt

High Spellcourt

The district is characterized by towering, multi-floored treehouses and intricate stone buildings, crafted with the elegance typical of elven architecture, which were once the administrative and arcane center of Morynarth. The grandeur of the past is still visible in the ornate carvings and intricate stonework, obscured by thick moss and creeping ivy. Vines drape over the once-clear glass windows, distorting the sunlight that filters through, casting fragmented and colored shadows on the leaf-littered floors. Overgrown pathways are now barely discernible, and wooden bridges are collapsed or dangerously unstable. The ground level, where stone palaces and guild buildings stand, shows signs of looting and abandonment, with doors unhinged and interiors exposed to the elements. The magical protections that once kept these places secure have faded, leaving behind traces of enchantments that occasionally flicker to life with eerie, uncontrolled effects.

Ironspan Crossing

Ironspan Crossing

Built by dwarves, its robust construction features large, weathered blocks and intricate stonework that, despite showing signs of age and wear, holds firm due to its robust dwarf-made architecture. Spanning the Unicorn Run, this ancient bridge connects directly to The Whispering Inn on one side, while the other leads into the dense High Forest, with a trail that quickly becomes indiscernible, known only to local elves. The bridge is the sole crossing over the river, sparsely traversed by travelers, traders, or local elves. The stonework, although eroded in places, is buttressed by the enduring ironwork, which gleams subtly even under layers of rust and moss. Over time, the bridge has become an integral part of the landscape, its enduring presence a familiar landmark for those navigating this part of the forest. At night, lanterns hung from the inn's porch spill light onto the bridge, casting long shadows and illuminating the path into the woods.



Iyrithue is one of the remaining active mineshafts of the Elves, now occupied by Deep Dwarves who have heavily trapped the entrance from the surface.



Karse is an Elven city that was abandoned after the fall of Ascalhorn. It now serves as the lair of the Lich Wulgreth, who has turned it into a stronghold for various types of undead. The city is patrolled by legions of undead led by Deathknights, each protecting different sectors of the Dire Wood. Rumors suggest that Wulgreth may have been destroyed following a battle with Galaeron Nihmedu in 1371 DR.



Kerymnaar is the remains of an ancient Elven settlement that dates back to the Eaerlann period. The settlement, once bustling with life and culture, was mysteriously abandoned in 882, leaving behind a haunting sense of a lost civilization.



Khle'cayre is a village of Aarakocra nestled in a broad cave in a Cliffside. The cliff is nearly inaccessible to any that can't fly, and the 50 or so warrior Aarakocra in the village will assault any that approach.



The Elven city of Lhuve was abandoned in -2770 after the legendary battle of “The Slaughter of Sharrven”. 20,000 demons were slain here over a period of days. The evil chaos that seeped from them still infects the area.

Lothen of the Silver Spires

Lothen of the Silver Spires

Lothen of the Silver Spires is a quarter mile wide stone city of sun elves. A magical aura within the city causes spells with durations to misfire, leading to wild magic events. Paper decays rapidly within the city. Currently, it is occupied by the orcs of the Tanglethorn tribe along with remnants of the Hornedlord and Sharpspike tribes. These orcs practice druidic magic and ranger skills, united under the worship of Malar, converting elven ruins into a warcamp.



Merric is a walled village in decline, built on the long-covered ruins of Karse Crag. Once large enough for 500 people, it now only houses around 100 residents. It serves as a primary stop for caravans traveling South through the High Forest or heading East from the Sword Coast.



Once a proud Elven capital, Mhiilamniir now lies in ruins after being destroyed by demonic hordes from Hellgate Keep. The city is overgrown and abandoned, a haunting reminder of its former glory.



Once a stronghold that represented the eastern reach of the dwarven realm of Besilmer, this fort now serves as a living tomb. Throughout the crumbling keep, the skeletal remains of dwarves continue toiling away at their tasks from the moment of their death; mining, smelting, training, and the like. The cause has long been lost to time.



Morynarth, nestled at the confluence of the Unicorn Run and the Crystal Rill in High Forest's Selu'Arakor region, is an abandoned elven tree city, now engulfed by nature's reclaim. The city architecture, primarily composed of elaborate treehouses interconnected by wooden bridges and walkways, follows the organic forms of the enormous trees they were built upon. These structures, now partially collapsed, have become a shadowy haven for raiders and bandits who navigate its crumbling treehouses and overgrown walkways, while beasts from the forest have taken over most of the city, lurking draped in ivy and moss ruins that still offer shelter. The air carries a sense of loss and eerie silence, punctuated only by the calls of forest wildlife. Explorers and adventurers seeking the secrets of Morynarth must navigate through overgrown paths and crumbling edifices, ever vigilant of the dangers that lurk within the shadows of this once-great city.



The ruins of an ancient Elven settlement that was razed in 882 by demons. Massive hollowed out trees clustered together form the core of the ruins, with the center tree being a now desecrated temple to Seldarine.

Nameless Dungeon

Nameless Dungeon

Known by some as Nar Kerymhoarth (the Sleeping Citadel), the underground fortress is located at the base of a stone bluff. It once held 2000 Fey’ri until 1374 when they were released by Sarya Dlardrageth. The area is still patrolled by Wood Elf patrols.



Nar'kerymhoarth is the 5th and greatest armory of the Fey'ri. In -4300 DR, a final battle between the Sharrven wizards and the Daemon Fey occurred here. The Moon Elves sealed many of the most powerful Daemons within the armor and warded it with powerful magics against entry.



Nithrithyinae was once the royal city of the Sharrven empire, home to the extended family of monarchs. However, it now lies in ruins, destroyed by the Fey'ri during the fall of the empire. Over the centuries, Orcs and Gnolls have scavenged what remains, leaving little of value behind. Today, the city's remnants are overgrown by the surrounding forest, making it hard to believe that a grand city once stood in this place.

Noanar's Hold

Noanar's Hold

Noanar's Hold is a human settlement ruled by The Hunt Lords, known for the White Hart Inn and lavish lodges that cater to hunting parties of the Nobles of the Sword Coast. Hunts of any prey are available for the right price. The village is overlooked by a small keep guarded by the castellan Amrath Mulnobar, and it engages in trade with Triboar.



Wood elf village located high on the trees at the side of Unicorn Run river within High Forest. It is composed from series of very simple dwellings built around and in the trunks of the massive trees at the forest's heart. Consisting of approximately 20 trees and 30 individual buildings interconnected by swinging vines, branch roads, and rope bridges between the trees. This settlement is home to about 100 sylvan elves and is protected by a strong militia of rangers and clerics of Corellon Larethian. These Elves are eager to trade with travelers for high quality swords and armor, as they do not have access to mines and don't trade with the local dwarves or humans for metals. There is only one entrance to this colony from the forest floor, and it is a heavily guarded winding stair that ascends 100 feet up the interior of a massive oak to the lowest of Nordahaeril's outbuildings. The village is allied with Morgwais Nightmeadow, ruler of Reitheillaethor, in attempt to rebuild Eaerlann.

Northern Dlardrageth Armory

Northern Dlardrageth Armory

Dlardrageth Armory is one of the ruins of Fey’ri strongholds. It was renowned as treasure caches but may have been cleared out long ago.

Oldroad Guardpost

Oldroad Guardpost

A bright stone guard post stands at the crossroads of the Old Road and a ruined road leading North. No less than 25 Moon and Gold Elves sent from Silverymoon are stationed here at all times of the year.

Olostin's Hold

Olostin's Hold

Olostin's Hold is a fortified keep on the edge of Turlang's Woods, supporting a small village of 200 community members along with farmers and ranchers. The region has an agreement with the High Forest to maintain balance and faces threats from wandering monsters like trolls. Within the city walls are an allfaith shrine, the Flaming Flagon tavern, and craftsmen providing local trade tools.



Once a thriving community of gold elves, this city constructed in the canopy of the trees now lies near the edge of the thinned High Forest. It's beautiful architecture has now been mostly reclaimed by nature with vines and wildlife now overtaking and repurposing the arched walkways, spiral stairs, and remaining structures. One of the only features accessible beneath the canopy is the ancient Moon Glade, a circle of stones with ancient elvish scripts carved into them. It is said these stones acted as portals to similar glades in elvish realms across the continent.



Othrilaenthor is a natural cavern that was converted into the royal tomb of the Wood Elves prior to abandoning the Karse region. Sentient trees grow within the cavern, and the Elves left powerful magical traps and elementals to deter any who would defile the tomb.

Realm of the Hunt

Realm of the Hunt

The Realm of the Hunt is a perilous area within the High Forest, governed by the relentless influence of Malar, the Beastlord. This region is notorious for its high concentration of deadly predators and is largely inhospitable to humanoids due to the constant threat of attacks. It features a labyrinth of trails frequented solely by Malar's Rangers and Druids, who are ever in pursuit of new quarry. The realm is marked by ongoing conflicts, notably between xenophobic, nomadic Centaur tribes and aggressive Gnoll clans, both adapting to the fierce conditions set by Malar’s wild dominion. The landscape teems with a daunting array of creatures, from various dire animals and giant beasts to dragons and magical beasts like Owlbears and Pegasus. Additionally, formidable Fey entities like the Fey Lord of the Hunt and various lycanthropes roam the woods, adding to the area's deadly allure. This forest is a living arena of survival, where the law of the hunt dominates all aspects of life.



Former ruins of a wood elf village, several tribes of wood and moon elves have started the long process of rebuilding under the leadership of the Council of the Wood with the intent to extend their efforts to other ruins. Led by Morgwais Nightmeadow, the Council seeks to rebuild an ancient nation of elves that would bring together much of the High Forest under one banner.



Selu'Arakor is a verdant, hilly region surrounding the Unicorn Run river, celebrated for its breathtaking waterfalls and lush banks. It is a haven for fey communities and occasional unicorn sightings, encapsulating an enchanting wildness. The area is predominantly guarded by the Druid Ogian, a Chosen of Meilikki, who maintains vigilance over the Stronghold of the Nine and its surroundings. Despite his presence, the local Wood Elves of Nordahaeril village, live somewhat independently, only collaborating with Ogian during significant threats. The region teems with diverse wildlife, including dire wolves, giant spiders, and a range of fey like blink dogs and pixies. Selu'Arakor also hosts formidable plant life and constructs, alongside a range of monstrous beings such as wyverns, trolls, and behirs. This region blends breathtaking natural beauty with complex cultural tapestry of ancient Elven legacies, making it a mystical realm marked by its deep historical roots and natural beauty.

Shadowtop Cathedral

Shadowtop Cathedral

Shadowtop Cathedral is an expansive, beautiful clearing within the High Forest. The dense canopy of Shadowtop trees allows only trickles and singular beams of light to filter through, creating a perpetual sense of twilight. It is a sacred meeting place for members of the Emerald Enclave and a pilgrimage site for Circle of the Moon druids who conduct rituals under the moonlight. The forest surrounding the clearing is guarded by awakened trees and shrubs that seek to obfuscate anyone with ill intent trying to reach the cathedral.



Sharrven is a historic and remote region known for its former significance during the era of the Elven empire, characterized by its treacherous landscape dotted with old mithril mineshafts and the remnants of mining camps. The terrain is rugged, interspersed with sinkholes that pose hazards due to the abandoned mines below. Currently, the area lacks a dominant humanoid presence, with sparse groups of Gnolls hunting along the riverside and small, scattered bands of Fey near the foothills. The wildlife feature a range of animals from dire wolves to giant owls, alongside dangerous creatures like black and green dragons, various fey, and formidable plant beings like awakened trees and treants. Additionally, the area hosts a mix of other beings including elementals, giants, and a myriad of monstrous entities or even liches. This wild, largely uncontrolled region is a confluence of ancient magic and natural hazards, making it a challenging and mysterious area for any who venture within.



Shilrua is an ancient city of gold elves, with many spires that rise from the forest floor. Non-elves are unable to enter the city due to a perpetual necrotic magic barrier, visible as a thin, translucent film encircling the city. From outside, one can see a striking silver and gold mausoleum at the city's center, along with statues of elven figures that remain untouched by time.



Siluvanede, a former elven frontier and agricultural land, now hosts diverse new powers amidst its historical ruins. Dominated by Noanar's Hold, a human settlement that engages primarily in commerce, supported by the trade of exotic beasts and the occasional sale of prisoners by orc tribes. These tribes, including the Horned Lord, Tanglethorns, and Sharpspike, roam the region, led by human druids of Malar, and often clash with the local wood elves and wild elves. The latter, numbering around 300, patrol northwest of the Star Mounts, while the wild elves inhabit the valley between the Star Mounts and The Lost Peaks, aggressively defending their lands. The western zones, near The Lost Peaks, are rich in fey populations, including satyrs, dryads, nymphs, and korreds, who collectively work to repel orc and human encroachments. The area is also home to creatures like giant beasts, dragons, elementals, magical beasts, giants, and monstrosities such as owl harpies, galeb duhr, or ogres.

Singing Wood

Singing Wood

An overgrown district, once the center of elven commerce, now its structures are cloaked in vines and moss. Shops and workshops, carved into ancient tree trunks, open into the forest, their hollow interiors hosting wild flora and fauna instead of merchants and craftsmen. The ground-level buildings, tangled with vines and moss, hint at their past purposes with scattered remnants like rusting mining tools, decayed fabrics, and semi-precious gems dulled by the elements. The nearby docks, segmented for fishing and cargo, are littered with the skeletal remains of crates and barrels. Craftsmen’s workshops are similarly deserted, their tools scattered among dusted workbenches, with spoiled materials melding back into the earth. Above, residential treehouses are connected by precarious, vine-laden bridges. Plants here form a twisted thicket, some of which have awaken and attack hostile intruders. Ground close to the river form thick fetid swamp mud. Perfect enviroment for a green hag.

Sorrow Wood

Sorrow Wood

Sorrow Wood, nestled at the Star Mounts' base and source of the Crystal Rill's headwaters, harbors the ancient temple tree settlement centered around a time portal nexus. This enchanted copse of magic oaks was planted over 10,000 years ago by the Elves of Aryvandaar. It contains vibrant trees whose leaves cycle through the seasons but never detach, symbolizing perpetual remembrance of the elves' turbulent past filled with conflicts and losses. Rooted deeply, they are rumored to connect with every tree in the forest. The area is safeguarded by a mythal that mitigates natural extremes and hostile magic, extending protection within a one-mile radius. Sorrow Wood is guarded by elven priests who assist and protect vision seekers. Factions of elves and scribes study and preserve the grove's profound history. The woods, cloaked in a 'Forbiddance' effect, repel invaders and harmful intentions.

Southern Dlardrageth Armory

Southern Dlardrageth Armory

Dlardrageth Armory is one of the ruins of Fey'ri strongholds, once renowned as treasure caches but may have been cleared out long ago.

Star Mounts

Star Mounts

The Star Mounts, a formidable mountain range with peaks rising to 30,000 feet, dominate the landscape with their steep, wind-battered slopes and vast veins of iron and nickel. These mountains are renowned for their inhospitable terrain, marked by constant gale-force winds and massive crystals protruding from their surfaces. The range is a nexus for legendary red and gold dragons, including the ancient red dragon Imvaernarho, which maintain lairs throughout the peaks and and serves as a pilgrimage site for the Cult of the Dragon. The Aarakocra maintain fortified eyries, guarded by air elementals, while orc tribes, aligned with the dragons, use the mountains for raiding. The presence of Underdark entrances adds to the complexity, with Drow and Duergar frequenting the lower caves. This region is also populated by a variety of beasts and magical creatures, including giants, numerous monstrosities, and various giant insects, birds, and predators suited to its harsh, wind-swept environment.

Starwood Rise

Starwood Rise

The border of Turlang's Forest and the Star Mounts presents a dramatic landscape where the lush, expanding woodlands of the forest meet the imposing, sheer cliffs of the mountain range. This region is characterized by its stark natural contrasts, transitioning abruptly from dense forest to rugged mountain terrain. The cliffs rise vertically from the forest floor, reaching heights of approximately 1000 feet before transforming into jagged slopes that mark the beginning of the formidable Star Mounts.

Stone Stand

Stone Stand

Stone Stand is a druid circle of low moss-covered stone surrounding a large Oak tree grown from the cutting of the Grandfather tree. The Human “Tree Ghost” barbarians consider this site holy and have placed many wards and guards against intrusion.

Stonehearth Burrows

Stonehearth Burrows

District for smaller folk of Morynarth, along the Unicorn Run, presents a stark contrast to Morynarth's elven architecture, with its earth-bound stone and wood buildings. Dwarven homes, with thick stone walls and arched doorways, are built to endure, each featuring a forge or workshop. Halfling and Gnome-crafted, earthy burrows integrate seamlessly into the landscape, their rounded doors and windows peeking out from under soil-and-grass-topped roofs now overrun with wild gardens. The long abandoned district is cloaked in ivy and moss, with wildflowers sprouting from the crevices. Pathways are obscured by tall grasses, and the area holds a quiet, ghostly feel, a silent witness to its former vibrancy. Small, dilapidated docks along the riverbank hint at a once bustling interaction with the river, now silent save for the lapping of water and occasional wildlife splash. The air here is rich with the scents of damp earth and decay.



Talanosstaar is a temple tree settlement in High Forest, built within ancient oaks near Sorrow Wood. Architecture follows the natural curves of trees featuring multiple galleries, communal spaces, and terrace gardens interconnected by wooden bridges and accessed by spiraling walkways. The settlement centers around a temple complex containing shrines to Corellon, Angharad, and Labelas, located within the largest trees of the settlement. The priests and scribes in attendance care for vision seekers and guide them into the Grove of Vision deeper in the Sorrow Woods. They also help to interpret the visions and are dedicated to recording the lore of the ancient elven empires. Residential areas surrounding the temples, house not only vision seekers and visitors but also a druidic circle, which together with local treants protects the area of the Sorrow Wood. The significance of this place, and the atmosphere of deep sorrow and remembrance, make it a frequent pilgrimage destination for elves.

Tall Trees

Tall Trees

Tall Trees, nestled in the northwestern High Forest, harbors ancient trees dating back to the elven realm of Eaerlann. This historic area is watched over by the Druids of Tall Trees and the elves of the Caerilcarn, both striving to restore its former glory. An ancient road connects the area to key elven sites, guarded by Wood Elves and druids. Dominating the region are Treants, concentrated near Hellgate Keep, actively opposing demonic forces. The local Wood Elf community, although having suffered massive losses, remains resilient, bolstered by alliances with the Treants. Lurking beneath this surface is the Tanar'ri threat, sealed under Hellgate Keep, and Chloracridara, an Old Green dragon stirring trouble from Mhiilamniir. Area teems with a diverse ecosystem, including dire creatures, enchanted plants, and magical beasts such as owlbears, J'ba Fofi, and ettercaps, fey creatures, including pixies and dryads, but also demons, fiends, and monstrosities such as Ankheg, Shoosuva or Balor.



The Sharrven city of Ithrillianthor, once a thriving mining hub for Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, and various other races, now lies in desolation. Its streets are deserted, buildings in disrepair, and echoes of its former glory can still be felt. The 10-story stone spire tower at the city's center, once bustling with mages and guilds, now stands as a solemn monument to what was lost. To the south, the mines of Ithrillianthor, carved by the Torcwood Shield Dwarf clans, hold untold riches in mithral and gems, their tunnels reaching as far as the Star Mounts to the east.



Teuveamanthaar is an ancient settlement of the Wood Elves that was razed by demons in 882, but has since been resettled by the human Druids of the Tall Trees. The village is now a welcoming place for travelers as long as they don't pose a threat to the residents or the forest. The Druids are known to investigate the intentions of any newcomers, with those hiding their purpose or showing ill intentions being viewed as hostile.

The Grandfather Tree

The Grandfather Tree

Deep within the forest rises the ancient branches of the Grandfather Tree. More than three hundred and fifty feet tall, the Grandfather Tree spans a massive clearing in the center of the woods with a trunk of nearly fifty feet in diameter. Sacred for a number of reasons to various factions of the forest, the rolling hills surrounding the tree have long considered to be hallowed grounds.

The High Forest

The High Forest

The High Forest, located in Faerûn, is one of the last significant ancient woodlands in the area, known for its mystical and untamed nature. This dense forest is rich in hidden dangers, ancient magic, and unexplored lore, offering a habitat where nature dominates without the influence of civilization, except for a few remote settlements. It is home to various factions and creatures that struggle for control in an environment filled with towering trees, rolling hills, and meandering rivers. The landscape is marked by thick vegetation and scattered ruins, adding to its mysterious and secluded atmosphere. Despite the risks, the forest's wild beauty attracts both adventurers and scholars.

The Lost Peaks

The Lost Peaks

The Lost Peaks, towering at 7,500 and 8,000 feet respectively, are two isolated mountain ranges known for their dense forests and mystical aura in the north-western High Forest. The headwaters of the Dessarin River flow from the west side of the range. This area is a hotspot for fey activity, particularly near the Dancing Falls, where Korreds and Satyrs are prominent but notoriously unfriendly to non-Fey humanoids. A large tribe of centaurs guards the area against hunters from Olostin's Hold, while on the southern slopes, the SharpSpike Tribe Orcs have their lair, maintaining a cautious distance from the fey-dominated areas. The region is home to a diverse array of fauna including various giant insects, beasts, and birds, along with more formidable creatures like Black, Green, and Red Dragons, Earth Elementals, and Stone Giants. The mountains also house a myriad of other creatures like Aarakocra, Bugbears, Drow, and other humanoid and magical beasts.

The Old Trees

The Old Trees

The Old Trees is a largely untouched expanse within the High Forest, steeped in the remnants of the ancient Sharrven empire but now devoid of humanoid influence. This region hosts a diverse array of creatures and factions that manage to survive amidst its dense woodlands. Notably, it serves as a passage for the Girondi and Belcondi Barbarian Tribes, whose young warriors use the forest for rites of passage during the winter months. Additionally, a tribe of Wild Elves resides deep within the valleys, maintaining a nomadic lifestyle and allying with local Fey but avoiding other humanoids. The fauna here includes a mix of common and magical creatures such as Dire Wolves, Giant Spiders, Earth Elementals, Green Dragons, and a variety of Fey like Pixies and Dryads. This forest is also home to more menacing beings such as Cyclops, Ogres, and various forms of lycanthropes. The Old Trees embodies a wild, unbridled part of the world where history and nature converge in a struggle for survival.

The Sisters

The Sisters

The Sisters, set within the churned foothills of the Star Mounts, is celebrated for its scenic woodlands and meadows, shaped by the divine influences of Silvanus and Mielikki. This region, a complex tapestry of ancient magic, is a haven for Fey, including centaurs, dryads, sylphs, pixies, or leprechauns, but also Fey Queen of Witches, green hags, or far darrigs, all thriving among the lush greenery and waterfalls of the Unicorn Run. The area is also a spiritual site for various druids who vigilantly protect the land and its Fey inhabitants from harm. However, the serene beauty is contrasted by the presence of Drow, who emerges from several Underdark exits to conduct raids, disturbing the peace. The Sisters is rich in biodiversity, hosting a range of creatures from aberrations like Asanbosam to black, red, and green dragons, elementals, and giants. The area is also populated by living plants such as awakened trees, needlefolk, dragonleaf trees, gas spores, Mi-Go, or Shambling Mound.

Tiru Orindraar

Tiru Orindraar

Tiru Orindraar was once a mighty Sharrven fortress city that met its demise in -4363 DR at the hands of the Fey'ri. All that remains now is a deep crater where the city once stood, revealing hidden entrances to the intricate tunnel complex that lies below the surface. Elven-carved grand chambers filled with ancient mysteries and forgotten treasures can still be found deep beneath the ground.



Tiselles is a human settlement located on the banks of the Heartblood River. It is known for having a Dwarven-built water-powered wool processing mill and is home to many skilled pottery artists.

Tomb Hills of Sharrven

Tomb Hills of Sharrven

Situated in the rugged terrain east of the Unicorn Run, serve as a widespread burial ground for the nobility of the Sharrven empire. This serene expanse is characterized by scattered royal tombs and mortuary complexes, integrated seamlessly into the natural landscape of steep hills and gullies lined with blackberry bushes. Hidden among these natural barriers are towers and forts, home to the Caerilcarn Tomb Guardians, vigilant elf guardians who patrol the area to protect the tombs from threats. These sparsely placed tombs are connected by meandering paths that weave through the hills, linking the individual shrines dedicated to the Seldarine pantheon found within each family's burial site. This layout not only emphasizes the area's sacred purpose but also its reverence for the environment and the deceased's peace.

Turlang's Forest

Turlang's Forest

Turlang's Forest, a dense expanse within the High Forest, grows from the dedicated nurturing of the treant Turlang, To the west, the forest allows regulated wood harvesting, balancing human needs with ecological preservation. Deeper in the forest, the vegetation thickens, with dense brambles, natural clearings, and ponds adorned with lily pads. At night, parts of the forest are illuminated with bioluminescent fungi. The forest is a sanctuary for diverse life forms, governed by Oak and Ash Treants who protect the sacred Grandfather Tree while permitting harmless passage through their domain. The Emerald Enclave thwarts dragon threats, while human settlers abide by treant laws, and transient bandits exploit the treants' leniency. Inhabiting the forest are creatures like Asanbosam, Bagiennik, or Ettercaps, alongside various giants, fey, goblins, orcs, and an array of animals from dire wolves to giant spiders. Beings such as dragons and earth elementals also frequent the region.

Unicorn Run (1)

Unicorn Run (1)

Here, the waters are exceptionally clear and vibrant, bubbling up energetically to begin their journey. This section of the river is framed by steep, hilly terrain, adding drama to the multiple cascading waterfalls that dot the landscape. The riverbanks are lush, densely carpeted with a rich array of soft grasses and a spectrum of wildflowers that bloom profusely, creating a vivid tapestry of colors. The combination of the rushing water and the floral abundance emits a refreshing, earthy aroma, enhancing the serene atmosphere. Overhead, the canopy of ancient trees filters sunlight into dappled patterns, casting an ever-changing play of light and shadow over the waters.

Unicorn Run (2)

Unicorn Run (2)

Lively and picturesque segment of the river, where water dances down a series of small, sparkling waterfalls and lively cascades. This section is narrow and swift, cutting a clear path through rocky terrain that challenges the river's flow. The banks are irregular, adorned with clusters of flowering bushes and overhanging limbs of ancient trees that contribute to a wild, enchanted aesthetic. These trees, some gnarled with age and others bursting with seasonal blooms, cast playful shadows that dance on the water's surface. The air here is filled with the continuous sound of rushing water, mingling with the gentle rustling of leaves, creating a symphony of natural sounds. Moss and lichen cling to the stones near the water, adding shades of green and grey to the landscape, while the constant mist from the cascades keeps the surrounding flora lush and vibrant. This area is a favorite haunt for fey creatures, who are drawn to its magical interplay of water, light, and verdant growth.

Unicorn Run (3.1)

Unicorn Run (3.1)

Exhilarating stretch of river marked by its dynamic and energetic flow. The water here is fast and turbulent, surging over rocks and boulders that jut from the riverbed, creating foamy white water and resonant splashes that echo through the air. Each rapid and waterfall in this segment adds to a lively mist that hangs like a veil over the river, contributing to a cool, moist environment. The riverbanks are a mosaic of soft, grassy patches and clusters of wildflowers that sway gently in the breeze, contrasting with the vigorous movement of the water. Occasional willow trees with their long, sweeping branches touch the water's surface, creating tranquil spots that soften the landscape's wildness. The sound of water crashing against stone dominates this stretch, providing a powerful backdrop to the otherwise peaceful woodland setting.

Unicorn Run (4.1)

Unicorn Run (4.1)

A wide, meandering river flowing through rolling hills, its banks expansive with soft, sandy shores interspersed with pebbles and driftwood. Large willows and alder trees overhang, creating a latticed canopy that dapples the river's surface with light and shadow. The tranquil waters are home to a variety of wildlife, including chirping birds and occasionally visible fish. Ancient structures, enveloped in moss and ivy, emerge along the lush banks. The riverbed, visible through clear waters, comprises fine silt and scattered pebbles, supporting diverse aquatic life. Waterfowl glide across the surface or nest along secluded banks, contributing to a soundscape filled with gentle water lapping, bird calls, and rustling underbrush. This serene section of the river exemplifies natural harmony, inviting both quiet contemplation and wildlife observation.

Unicorn Run (4.2)

Unicorn Run (4.2)

A wide, meandering river flowing through rolling hills, its banks expansive with soft, sandy shores interspersed with pebbles and driftwood. Large willows and alder trees overhang, creating a latticed canopy that dapples the river's surface with light and shadow. The tranquil waters are home to a variety of wildlife, including chirping birds and occasionally visible fish. Ancient structures, enveloped in moss and ivy, emerge along the lush banks. The riverbed, visible through clear waters, comprises fine silt and scattered pebbles, supporting diverse aquatic life. Waterfowl glide across the surface or nest along secluded banks, contributing to a soundscape filled with gentle water lapping, bird calls, and rustling underbrush. This serene section of the river exemplifies natural harmony, inviting both quiet contemplation and wildlife observation.

Unicorn Run (5.1)

Unicorn Run (5.1)

A broad, meandering river, its banks bordered by lush underbrush, tall reeds, flowering bushes, and often dotted with floating algae, creating a vibrant green layer. The river flows gently through sinuous paths, creating tranquil pools and lively rapids alike. Dense forest canopies drape over the water, casting dappled light and creating serene, reflective surfaces that mirror the verdant greens and sky blues. Local fauna, including a variety of birds, fish, and amphibians, thrive in these rich habitats, supported by the slow-moving, nutrient-rich waters. Well-trodden paths indicate the presence of wood elves and druids who maintain this natural corridor. The river's dynamic sections, from its deep, slow pools to briskly flowing stretches over a pebbled bed, contribute to its ecological richness and aesthetic charm, making it a vital and picturesque part of the High Forest.

Unicorn Run (5.2)

Unicorn Run (5.2)

A broad, meandering river, its banks bordered by lush underbrush, tall reeds, flowering bushes, and often dotted with floating algae, creating a vibrant green layer. The river flows gently through sinuous paths, creating tranquil pools and lively rapids alike. Dense forest canopies drape over the water, casting dappled light and creating serene, reflective surfaces that mirror the verdant greens and sky blues. Local fauna, including a variety of birds, fish, and amphibians, thrive in these rich habitats, supported by the slow-moving, nutrient-rich waters. Well-trodden paths indicate the presence of wood elves and druids who maintain this natural corridor. The river's dynamic sections, from its deep, slow pools to briskly flowing stretches over a pebbled bed, contribute to its ecological richness and aesthetic charm, making it a vital and picturesque part of the High Forest.

Unicorn Run (5.3)

Unicorn Run (5.3)

A broad, meandering river, its banks bordered by lush underbrush, tall reeds, flowering bushes, and often dotted with floating algae, creating a vibrant green layer. The river flows gently through sinuous paths, creating tranquil pools and lively rapids alike. Dense forest canopies drape over the water, casting dappled light and creating serene, reflective surfaces that mirror the verdant greens and sky blues. Local fauna, including a variety of birds, fish, and amphibians, thrive in these rich habitats, supported by the slow-moving, nutrient-rich waters. Well-trodden paths indicate the presence of wood elves and druids who maintain this natural corridor. The river's dynamic sections, from its deep, slow pools to briskly flowing stretches over a pebbled bed, contribute to its ecological richness and aesthetic charm, making it a vital and picturesque part of the High Forest.

Unicorn Run (5.4)

Unicorn Run (5.4)

A broad, meandering river, its banks bordered by lush underbrush, tall reeds, flowering bushes, and often dotted with floating algae, creating a vibrant green layer. The river flows gently through sinuous paths, creating tranquil pools and lively rapids alike. Dense forest canopies drape over the water, casting dappled light and creating serene, reflective surfaces that mirror the verdant greens and sky blues. Local fauna, including a variety of birds, fish, and amphibians, thrive in these rich habitats, supported by the slow-moving, nutrient-rich waters. Well-trodden paths indicate the presence of wood elves and druids who maintain this natural corridor. The river's dynamic sections, from its deep, slow pools to briskly flowing stretches over a pebbled bed, contribute to its ecological richness and aesthetic charm, making it a vital and picturesque part of the High Forest.

Unicorn Run (6)

Unicorn Run (6)

In this segment, the river is significantly wide, creating a broad and majestic flow that moves with a stately, slow pace. The banks stretch out into expansive valleys. The water here is calm and deep, providing a reflective surface that mirrors the vast sky and the lush, verdant borders that frame the river. The wide banks are a mosaic of vibrant plant life and bustling wildlife, making this area a vital ecological habitat. Grasses sway gently in the breeze, interspersed with wildflowers that add splashes of color to the green canvas. Birds, small mammals, and even larger creatures frequent the water’s edge, drawn by the abundance of food and water.

Unicorn Run Basin

Unicorn Run Basin

Unicorn Run Basin

Unicorn Run Upper (3.2)

Unicorn Run Upper (3.2)

Exhilarating stretch of river marked by its dynamic and energetic flow. The water here is fast and turbulent, surging over rocks and boulders that jut from the riverbed, creating foamy white water and resonant splashes that echo through the air. Each rapid and waterfall in this segment adds to a lively mist that hangs like a veil over the river, contributing to a cool, moist environment. The riverbanks are a mosaic of soft, grassy patches and clusters of wildflowers that sway gently in the breeze, contrasting with the vigorous movement of the water. Occasional willow trees with their long, sweeping branches touch the water's surface, creating tranquil spots that soften the landscape's wildness. The sound of water crashing against stone dominates this stretch, providing a powerful backdrop to the otherwise peaceful woodland setting.

Vale of Memory

Vale of Memory

A broad vale East of Hellgate Keep. This site has been a place of power for the Elven kingdom since the age of Eaerlann.

Verdant Echoes

Verdant Echoes

An agricultural center of the city, reclaimed by nature. Once organized into orchards, vegetable fields, and herbal gardens, it now lies obscured beneath a dense canopy of overgrown trees and rampant undergrowth. The structures that once supported cultivation, like tool sheds and greenhouses, are barely recognizable, swallowed by vines and moss. Fruit trees intertwine, bearing a mix of familiar and mutated fruits, a wild tangle of exotic herbs, and vegetable patches sporadically sprout amidst aggressive plants. Navigating this labyrinthine district is arduous due to thick undergrowth and obscured paths, yet the air is rich with the scent of ripening fruits and fresh earth. The area is imbued with a subtle magic that influences plant behaviors, evident in plants that react to human presence with slight movements or intensified scents. Dangerous magical plants like Awakened Shrubs and Shambling Mounds add an element of risk to the lush, secluded environment

Winterbole Forest

Winterbole Forest

Winterbole Forest, a foreboding region in the southern part of the High Forest, edges towards the Delimbiyr Route. Characterized by its dense, mist-enshrouded trees and deep-seated wild energy. It's a diverse ecosystem where wolves and bears roam the forest floor, while the air above buzzes with the wings of giant bats and owls. The forest is a battleground for control among various groups. Gnoll tribes claim the southern and eastern territories, constantly skirmishing with encroaching human bandits and roving bands of orcs and goblins. The supernatural is ever-present with fey creatures such as blink dogs and satyrs occupying the enchanted clearings, often at odds with malevolent redcaps and selangs. Aberrations such as ettercaps and bagienniks haunt in darker, less frequented trails. Elementals and giants add to the complexity of the landscape. Despite its dangers, Winterbole Forest pulsates with ancient magic, it's every corner a testament to the untamed forces of nature.



The ruins of an underground complex. Xammux is entered through a stone door cut into a ravine’s side. The complex is likely Dwarven made and has stood abandoned and partially flooded for hundreds of years.

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