What is Friends & Fables?

Friends & Fables is the world's first generative tabletop roleplaying game (GTTRPG) inspired by DnD 5e. It has tools so you can build a world full of custom homebrew NPCs, monsters, items, and spells and then play through the world in a 5e campaign with an AI game master, solo or with your friends. The AI campaign engine makes the TTRPG experience super easy - it tracks your stats, takes notes, and creates new content automatically so you can focus on the roleplaying.

(We are not affiliated with Dungeons & Dragons or Wizards of the Coast)

Why are we building Friends & Fables?

Unless you already have a group of friends to play with every week, TTRPGs can be pretty inaccessible: You need to find a group to play with, have someone step up to be the dungeon master, learn a bunch of rules, schedule long weekly sessions, and more. These barriers to entry are just too high, so most people who are curious about TTRPGs never play because there's too much friction to start their first campaign.

Even for those who do have a weekly session, things like new jobs, moving across the country, and other scheduling issues can get in the way. So we thought to ourselves, why can't TTRPGs be as easy to play as other games? Previously they couldn't because it wasn't possible to interact with computers just through natural language, and every interaction with a virtual dungeon master would have to be pre-programmed making it impossible to account for all the choices and shenanigans that happen while you play. This is why TTRPG applications so far have been mostly virtual table tops (VTTs) and note taking apps.

But now with generative AI, we've created something that can understand the decisions you make purely through natural language and that can adapt to your worlds and decisions, bringing a TTRPG experience right to your phone.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make TTRPGs more accessible to all, help people create and share more of their creativity, and give friends a fun and convenient way to connect with each other.

How we'll get there

Make a TTRPG that is as easy to play as any video game

Anyone should be able to pick up their phone and start a campaign in seconds. You shouldn't need to know all the intricate rules or wait forever for your next session to happen. We're using generative AI to make TTRPGs more convenient and accessible, letting more people experience and enjoy the magic of TTRPGs than ever before.

Unlock your creativity and share it with the world

Everyone has imagined worlds they long to create or explore. But most people don't have the time or resources to bring those ideas to life. We're building the tools you need to quickly and easily create these worlds, and giving you a platform to share them with others.

Make it easy to keep playing with your friends

Nothing will beat the experience of an in-person game, but life gets in the way. Friends move to different cities, their responsibilities grow and it becomes harder and harder to schedule your next session. We're building a TTRPG where you can play campaigns asynchronously and in bite sized moments so that it's easy to always keep your campaigns going and stay in touch with your friends.

Our Team

We're a small indie game studio called Side Quest Labs, cofounded by Will Liu & David Melnychuk. We're both long time gamers and software developers making the games and experiences that we wish we had. Currently our sole focus is Friends & Fables.

What's next for Friends & Fables?

We've come a long way but we're far from done. We've only begun to scratch the surface of what's possible and the current state of Friends & Fables will always be the worst it'll ever be. We're constantly improving the platform and its capabilities, and as AI generally improves, so will Friends & Fables. Our sole focus is to create the best and most valuable experience possible for players. To see what's upcoming next, view our roadmap here.

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC . The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
We are not affiliated with Dungeons & Dragons or Wizards of The Coast in any way.
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