F&F 2024 Year in Review and 2025 Preview
2024 was a huge year for Friends & Fables, at the beginning of the year we were still just a Discord bot, and now we have what we think is the most advanced AI TTRPG platform on the market. We’re super proud of how far we’ve come this year, and if you were someone who played Friends & Fables, I hope you’re proud too because you helped make it what it is today.
It can be easy to forget what things were like before, so we took a trip down memory lane and compiled a list of all of the big updates we made this year. At the end of this post, we also give you a look of what’s coming in 2025!
As of Dec 30th, this is what the UI looks like today. We’ve come such a long way!
Looking forward to 2025
This might change quite a bit as we go, but here’s our rough plan & priorities for the first half of 2025.
To start, we’re going to spend January building out the combat + quest systems, and then really polishing up the app and adding QoL updates. By the end of January, the app should feel a lot more polished and have very minimal bugs.
We’re aiming to launch our Free tier shortly after that. We originally slated it for the end of 2023, but there have just been a lot of upgrades we’ve felt are important to get in before we go free to play. Thank you for your patience and understanding! In February, we’ll also try to spend some time on marketing and growing the F&F community.
In March and April, we’re aiming to build a native mobile app for iOS and Android, so your mobile experience becomes much better than it is now.
In May, we’ll really focus on fleshing out the world building tools. Our goal here is to make it really easy and fun to build worlds, much more so than it is today.
In Jun, we’ll start tackling the fun stuff, like adding sound effects, music, and TTS. We’ll also spend some time building out more of the social features, such as adding comment systems on worlds, discover pages for characters, items, spells, etc.
There’s a lot more that we’re thinking about, but this is plenty to chew on for now! If there’s something you want us to prioritize, make sure to go to our feedback board and upvote it. The more upvotes a post gets, the more likely we are to bump it up.
Thank you!
Lastly, we just want to say thank you so much for playing and being apart of Friends & Fables. 2024 has been a ton of fun. It’s been a year of experimentation and testing for us, and it’s built a great foundation for all of the fun stuff we’ll be shipping in 2025. Thank you for making all of this possible, and we’ll see you in the new year!