Faerun - Northern Sword Coast - DnD world illustration - Fantasy theme

Faerun - Northern Sword Coast - DnD


In Faerun, Massive continent on world of Toril.

Author's Note: This is an extremely WIP map of the sword coast. I am aiming for as much lore accuracy as possible within the limits of this engine. This does NOT even come close to any semblance of accuracy at this point. The current starting point is Market Square in Waterdeep, but any location should work fine. Upcoming plans: add in the artificer class and some other cool classes like eldritch knight.
Played79 times
Cloned19 times
83 days ago
Last Updated
39 days ago
Temple of Lathander Neverwinter
Temple of Lathander Neverwinter
Point of Interest
Coordinates(-3, 4829)

Situated near Riverwalk in Neverwinter. Major Factions Worshipers of Lathander, Order of the Aster knights, Clerics of the Dawn. Governance led by Dawnmaster and senior clergy. Major Landmarks Dawnspire Tower, Hall of Radiance, Sunlit Garden, Healing Wing, Memorial of Light. Economy supported by donations, healing services, and agricultural blessings. Culture centered on renewal, hope, and light, with daily sunrise rituals and community outreach. Major Production holy water, blessed artifacts, healing potions, agricultural blessings. Unique Attributes renowned for miraculous healings, vibrant sunrise ceremonies, strong connection to local farmers and merchants, sanctuary for the injured and downtrodden, training ground for paladins and clerics, intricate sun-themed architecture, radiant aura blessing the grounds, hosts seasonal festivals celebrating renewal and growth.

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC . The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
We are not affiliated with Dungeons & Dragons or Wizards of The Coast in any way.
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