O império Marew world illustration - Fantasy theme

O império Marew


Um mundo onde o rei Marew comanda, onde tem 3 classes de magia, Espadachins, soldados, magos

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60 days ago
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38 days ago
Bronze Griffon Figurine of Wondrous Power
Bronze Griffon Figurine of Wondrous Power
CategoryWondrous Items
Weight1.00 lb.
Cost0.00 Ouro

A figurine of wondrous power is a statuette of a beast small enough to fit in a pocket. If you use an action to speak the command word and throw the figurine to a point on the ground within 60 feet of you, the figurine becomes a living creature. If the space where the creature would appear is occupied by other creatures or objects, or if there isn't enough space for the creature, the figurine doesn't become a creature. The creature is friendly to you and your companions. It understands your languages and obeys your spoken commands. If you issue no commands, the creature defends itself but takes no other actions. The creature exists for a duration specific to each figurine. At the end of the duration, the creature reverts to its figurine form. It reverts to a figurine early if it drops to 0 hit points or if you use an action to speak the command word again while touching it. When the creature becomes a figurine again, its property can't be used again until a certain amount of time has passed, as specified in the figurine's description. ***Bronze Griffon.*** This bronze statuette is of a griffon rampant. It can become a griffon for up to 6 hours. Once it has been used, it can't be used again until 5 days have passed.

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC . The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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