Star Wars New Saga world illustration - Sci-fi Fantasy  theme
Sci-fi Fantasy

Star Wars New Saga


"A Galaxy 5 Years after the first order-Resistance war."

Author's Note: This era explores the galaxy in a time of transition and turmoil. After the First Order-Resistance War, centralized power is gone, and chaos reigns. Factions of all kinds—feudal warlords, corporate dominions, and independent coalitions—struggle for control. Technology has regressed, and the once-great galactic order is now a shadow of its former self.
Played47 times
Cloned3 times
44 days ago
Last Updated
27 days ago
The Sarong Dune
The Sarong Dune
Point of Interest
Coordinates(414, 0)

The PC's smuggling ship, blockade runner, modified Corellian XS Freighter, known for its rugged exterior and advanced hyperdrive systems. When PC sits in the ship's cockpit, offer them access to the holo-net for a mission: - Roll 2d20 for cargo and destination, 1d6 for difficulty. Cargo (2d20): 2-5: Spice, 6-9: Weapons, 10-13: Rare Artifacts, 14-17: Illegal Tech, 18-21: Exotic Creatures, 22-25: Medical Supplies, 26-29: Contraband Data, 30-33: Lux Goods, 34-37: Banned Lit, 38-40: Jedi Items. Destination (2d20): 2-5: Core Worlds, 6-9: Mid Rim, 10-13: Outer Rim, 14-17: Unknown Regions, 18-21: Hutt Space, 22-25: Corporate Sector, 26-29: Wild Space, 30-33: Colonies, 34-37: Expansion Region, 38-40: Deep Core. Difficulty (1d6): 1-2: Easy (5,000 cred), 3-4: Medium (10,000 cred), 5-6: Hard (20,000 cred). Easy- minimal security, medium- standard patrols, hard- blockades or rivals. Generate complications: Odd- space hazards, even- world obstacles. Tailor narrative to smuggler's capabilities.


Aerial view of the Starlight Hunter soaring through the nebulous expanse of space, with its sleek hull glistening under the light of distant stars, surrounded by the swirling colors of a vibrant nebula

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