Warcraft Story Third War [Warcraft III] world illustration - Fantasy theme

Warcraft Story Third War [Warcraft III]


The history of Warcraft 3 ROC is now in your hands, repeat the events of the past or change it!

Author's Note: Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos timeline. We did not believe in prophecies, so evil forces arrived in Azroth. The Burning Legion has retured! === CUSTOM INSTRUCTIONS -The events take place in the world of Azeroth in the Warcraft 3 universe, from the beginning. Franz should try not to spoiler anything and run campaigns of Alliance, Horde, Undead or Night Elves (depending on character choice) as in the game (Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos). (ONLY FOR RUSSIA PLAYERS) -Полный русский язык и связь с русским Warcraft 3(персонажи говорят знакомые фразы из игры, а диалоги полностью скопированы. Тот же "Проклятье, Утер! Как будущий король я приказываю тебе очистить этот город от солдат тьмы!")
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192 days ago
Last Updated
7 days ago
Alterac Mountains

Alterac Mountains

The Alterac Mountains rise majestically, their jagged peaks capped with eternal snow, creating a natural fortress that is both awe-inspiring and foreboding. Towering cliffs and deep ravines crisscross the landscape, hiding ancient secrets and powerful magical creatures within their depths. Travelers tread cautiously here, as the winds howl through narrow passes and the air grows thinner with elevation.

Andorhal Village

Andorhal Village

Andorhal Village is a quaint settlement often besieged by brigands seeking to plunder its meager treasures. Recently, the villagers have discovered a peculiar grain that promises to hold unknown qualities, sparking intrigue and potentially dangerous interest. As the village grapples with both external threats and the alluring mystery of this grain, the urgency to uncover its secrets grows before calamity strikes.

Brill Village

Brill Village

Nestled within the whispering woods of Lordaeron, Brill Village is a quaint haven boasting cobblestone streets flanked by charming cottages with thatched roofs. The air is filled with the scent of freshly baked bread and blooming wildflowers, inviting travelers to rest. As twilight descends, warm lanterns illuminate the village square, revealing a bustling market where local artisans showcase their crafts and produce. KelThuzad was seen here with signs of plague.

Central Kalimdor

Central Kalimdor

Central Kalimdor[3][4] is the central region of Kalimdor between northern and southern Kalimdor. Central Kalimdor is the new home of the New Horde, but controlling the regions they have claimed proves a daunting task. The Horde's numbers have thinned since their exodus from Azeroth;[4] and while the orcs have found new allies in the trolls, the tauren and the Forsaken, they continue to be pressed by threats from all sides, as well as internal conflicts. The Alliance's power here has waned since the Third War, and a handful of new dwarven excavation sites and night elven camps are the best refuge an Alliance member can hope for outside the city of Theramore. Theramore was once the Alliance's ray of hope in Kalimdor, but its brightness has diminished since the death of Admiral Daelin Proudmoore. The weight of his fall still hangs heavy over the people of Theramore, and the coming of the massive black dragon Onyxia places the Alliance's settlements in mortal danger.

Continent of Azeroth

Continent of Azeroth

Though Azeroth was held for some time by the Horde during the Second War, it was mostly freed by the Alliance. It contains both the region of Stormwind and Stormwind City (capital of the region[]), as well as the several surrounding territories.

Hearthglen City

Hearthglen City

Hearthglen City is a vibrant urban center known for its warm hospitality and rich cultural history. Its streets are lined with colorful market stalls, where traders from distant lands offer exotic goods and delicious delicacies. The city is a melting pot of different races and backgrounds, fostering a spirit of cooperation and unity among its inhabitants. Poisoned grain arrived here, it seems all the villages around here were already contaminated. The village will have to be defended.



Kalimdor one of the main continents of Azeroth. It is located to the west of the Eastern Kingdoms. Kalimdor is home to the night elves, orcs, tauren, trolls, and draenei. Other races present include the ogres, centaur, naga, demons, and other, more minor races. Kalimdor can be further divided into three major regions (western continents)[2] known as North Kalimdor, Central Kalimdor, and South Kalimdor. Other sources vary on how it is divided. The World of Warcraft Manual divides it into the Northern Kalimdor and Southern Kalimdor regions. The various editions of the World of Warcraft Guide breaks it into Northern Kalimdor, Central Kalimdor, Southern Kalimdor, and Teldrassil regions. At least one map has divided it into the three regions of Durotar, Mulgore, and Kalimdor (shown through largest font size and caps),[3] although the Durotar and Mulgore emphasis could just be the fact that the book talks about the Tauren and Orcs' new homelands throughout the book.

Khaz Modan

Khaz Modan

The mountainous subcontinent of Khaz Modan is found on the Eastern Kingdoms, between Stormwind and Lordaeron. It is the home of the dwarves, led by the Council of Three Hammers. It means "Mountain of Khaz" in Dwarven, in honor of the titan shaper Khaz'goroth



Lordaeron is the northernmost continent[n 1] of the Eastern Kingdoms. It was named after Lordain, a general of Arathor who sacrificed himself in the Troll Wars.[1] Separated from Khaz Modan by a narrow strait, the continent of Lordaeron stretches from the Arathi Highlands in the south to the Eversong Woods in the far north. Historically, the continent has been populated by humans in the northern, western and southern regions, trolls in the eastern regions; the Hinterlands and Zul'Aman and high elves in the far-northern Quel'Thalas. After the recent events of the Third War and the War against the Lich King, however, the vast majority of the human population has turned undead, and the high elves are now mostly known as blood elves. The climate of Lordaeron is moderate, although the land is rugged and largely mountainous in and around the Hinterlands, Alterac and Arathi Highlands.

Lordaeron Capital City

Lordaeron Capital City

The heart of Lordaeron, this bustling capital city is a vibrant hub of trade, politics, and culture. Towering stone walls protect its inhabitants, while grand palaces and bustling marketplaces showcase the wealth of the realm. The streets are alive with the sounds of merchants hawking their wares and townsfolk going about their daily lives, creating a rich tapestry of life within the city's bounds.

Lordamere Lake

Lordamere Lake

Lordamere Lake is a tranquil expanse of water tucked away in a lush valley, surrounded by towering mountains and dense forests teeming with wildlife. The lake is known for its crystal-clear waters, which have an enchanting hue, shifting from deep blue to vibrant emerald as the sun sets. Legends speak of ancient spirits dwelling within its depths, guarding forgotten treasures and secrets from long ago.

Northern Kalimdor

Northern Kalimdor

In spite of all the brutal combat that has occurred in Kalimdor, the night elves are still dominant here and a wise and powerful priestess, Tyrande Whisperwind, leads them. Still, even with such a well-respected leader, many night elves seek change — a return to their immortality and idyllic lifestyle, potentially at great cost. Teldrassil, the new World Tree, was an attempt to recreate that past glory — and many fear that attempt has failed. Teldrassil grows more corrupt, and the source of the taint is unknown. The greatest of all druids, Malfurion Stormrage, lies sleeping and unable to help his race in their time of need. The priestesses of Elune and Sentinels seek willing allies to help them purge the remaining demons; but even with the Alliance's help, the fight proves long and deadly.



Northrend is the northern, icy continent of the world of Azeroth. Northrend is the source of the evil undead Scourge, with the former seat of the malevolent Lich King, the Frozen Throne at the top of Icecrown Citadel. The continent's mountains, tundras, and forests are rife with history, home to civilizations like the nerubians of Azjol-Nerub and the ice trolls of the Drakkari Empire, as well as ancient structures of the world-shaping titans and their servants.

Southern Kalimdor

Southern Kalimdor

Southern Kalimdor[1][2][3] (aka southern Kalimdor[4][5] or South Kalimdor)[6] is the southernmost region or continent of Kalimdor, south of central Kalimdor. Southern Kalimdor is by far the wildest area of the continent of Kalimdor. Much of its lands are uncharted, and there are few settlements larger than small towns. Ancient ruins dating back to the Great Sundering — and earlier — dot the landscape. The terrain varies from thick forests and jungles to vast desert wastelands or bleak salt flats. The creatures that dwell there are vicious and deadly. One should not venture forth into the south without plenty of supplies and good, strong weapons at his side. There are six major zones in southern Kalimdor: Feralas, Thousand Needles, Tanaris, Uldum, Un'Goro Crater, and Silithus. The last two are the hardest to reach, and are also uncivilized.[7]

Strahnbrad Village

Strahnbrad Village

Strahnbrad Village is a quaint and tranquil settlement nestled in a lush valley. Despite its calm demeanor, the village is often plagued by brigands looking to exploit its unsuspecting inhabitants. The looming threat of orc raiders from the neighboring mountains adds a layer of tension to the seemingly peaceful life of the villagers, who strive to coexist in a gentle harmony despite the external dangers.

Stratholme City

Stratholme City

Stratholme City is a bustling hub of trade and culture, surrounded by towering stone walls adorned with intricate carvings. The streets are alive with vendors selling exotic goods and performers captivating crowds with their displays of magic and skill. A grand castle looms above the city, a testament to the ruling kingdom's wealth and power. However, beneath the surface of prosperity lies a tension, as whispers of dissent and shadows of darker forces threaten the city's stability. Looks like the plague has already started here and a new enemy(MalGanus) may show up. The entire city must be destroyed.

The Eastern Kingdoms

The Eastern Kingdoms

the eastern continents on the world of Azeroth.[9] The Eastern Kingdoms is made up from a group of smaller continents (Azeroth, Khaz Modan and Lordaeron) formed from the original continent of Kalimdor following the Great Sundering. The Eastern Kingdoms lie to the east of the Great Sea and to the west of the Forbidding Sea. The central part of the Eastern Kingdoms is dominated by the mountains of Khaz Modan and the Redridge Mountains. Both cover several zones. The Eastern Kingdom's western counterpart is the continent of Kalimdor. The Eastern Kingdoms include the three continents of Lordaeron,[10] Khaz Modan,[11] and Azeroth.[12] After the Shattering, a large expanse of the underwater 'continent' was discovered, known as Vashj'ir. The Eastern Kingdoms are the homes of the undead, dwarves, gnomes, blood elves, humans, worgen, and the few remaining high elves.

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC . The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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