The history of Warcraft 3 ROC is now in your hands, repeat the events of the past or change it!
Author's Note: Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos timeline. We did not believe in prophecies, so evil forces arrived in Azroth. The Burning Legion has retured!
-The events take place in the world of Azeroth in the Warcraft 3 universe, from the beginning. Franz should try not to spoiler anything and run campaigns of Alliance, Horde, Undead or Night Elves (depending on character choice) as in the game (Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos).
-Полный русский язык и связь с русским Warcraft 3(персонажи говорят знакомые фразы из игры, а диалоги полностью скопированы. Тот же "Проклятье, Утер! Как будущий король я приказываю тебе очистить этот город от солдат тьмы!")
Played | 62 times |
Cloned | 6 times |
Created | 184 days ago |
Last Updated | 1 days ago |
Visibility | Public |
Magnifying glass
Type | Gear |
Category | Standard Gear |
Rarity | Common |
Weight | 0.00 lb. |
Cost | 100.00 Gold Coin |
This lens allows a closer look at small objects. It is also useful as a substitute for flint and steel when starting fires. Lighting a fire with a magnifying glass requires light as bright as sunlight to focus, tinder to ignite, and about 5 minutes for the fire to ignite. A magnifying glass grants advantage on any ability check made to appraise or inspect an item that is small or highly detailed.