Japanese Mythology
A fantastical world heavily inspired by japanese mythology and the edo time period.
Author's Note: Complete custom world without any 5e Defaults. This is NOT a Dungeons and Dragons World.
Atm there are:
12 custom races
9 custom classes (all are able to cast spells, physical classes as well as magical ones)
over 100 playable characters
over 200 custom cantrips and spells
114 custom items
Known issues:
-"I can not start a campaign with a character I created myself." Possible workaround: Clone Yamato and add the character you want to play as in your workshop tab. Then start a campaign from there and select the character.
I do not know what causes this issue. But this is a non-d&d world with selfmade classes and selfmade races. If you try to play my world with a custom character from your own workshop with a class and race that is not present in Yamato, it might cause problems. There can also problems occure, when you starting a campaign NOT at a POI with a starting location (the star before the POI name signals where you should start without a problem), but just an area.
- "In Fights Franz tells me that I can not eat any of the healing items like Onigiri.": should he complain, anwer him that the item is a Potion and should be treated like one and he will let you drink it. At least it worked for me this way when testing. A bit odd, but atm the only workaround.
All graphics were made with Nightcafé. You are free to use my graphics, spell descriptions, races, items etc. in your own build worlds and campaigns.
Played | 799 times |
Cloned | 65 times |
Created | 192 days ago |
Last Updated | 2 days ago |
Visibility | Public |
Healing Wave
Level | 7 |
Range | 30 |
Evocation Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet (30-foot radius) Components: V, S, M (a vial of sacred water) Duration: Instantaneous You call forth a surge of healing waters that envelops all allies within a 30-foot radius. Each affected creature regains 8d8 + 10 hit points and is cleansed of any poison or disease. Additionally, any curses or magical effects reducing hit points are lifted. This powerful spell rejuvenates and fortifies your group, preparing them for the battles ahead. You and your allies in the radius also regain 8 used up Spell slots.