The Verdant Abyss world illustration - Fantasy theme

The Verdant Abyss


A sprawling jungle realm of unparalleled beauty and creeping menace.

Author's Note: Despite its vibrant beauty, the Verdant Abyss is haunted by a malignant force known as the Creeping Death. This dark, shadowy corruption emanates from an ancient, long-forgotten ruin buried deep within the jungle. Its influence spreads like a malignancy through the land, turning once-lush foliage into twisted, grotesque mockeries of their former selves. The Creeping Death manifests as a creeping darkness that consumes light and life, leaving behind a blighted wasteland.
Played4 times
Cloned2 times
158 days ago
Last Updated
90 days ago
Candle of Invocation
Candle of Invocation
CategoryWondrous Items
RarityVery Rare
Weight0.50 lb.
Cost0.00 Gold Pieces

This slender taper is dedicated to a deity and shares that deity's alignment. The candle's alignment can be detected with the detect evil and good spell. The GM chooses the god and associated alignment or determines the alignment randomly. | d20 | Alignment | |---|---| | 1-2 | Chaotic evil | | 3-4 | Chaotic neutral | | 5-7 | Chaotic good | | 8-9 | Neutral evil | | 10-11 | Neutral | | 12-13 | Neutral good | | 14-15 | Lawful evil | | 16-17 | Lawful neutral | | 18-20 | Lawful good | The candle's magic is activated when the candle is lit, which requires an action. After burning for 4 hours, the candle is destroyed. You can snuff it out early for use at a later time. Deduct the time it burned in increments of 1 minute from the candle's total burn time. While lit, the candle sheds dim light in a 30-foot radius. Any creature within that light whose alignment matches that of the candle makes attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks with advantage. In addition, a cleric or druid in the light whose alignment matches the candle's can cast 1stlevel spells he or she has prepared without expending spell slots, though the spell's effect is as if cast with a 1st-level slot. Alternatively, when you light the candle for the first time, you can cast the gate spell with it. Doing so destroys the candle.

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