Starbreeze City world illustration - Noir, Gritty, Crime, Dark, murder mystery theme
Noir, Gritty, Crime, Dark, murder mystery

Starbreeze City


A dark and seedy city where everything and everyone carries an ulterior motive.

Author's Note: Don your fedora and wade into the murky streets of Starbreeze City. A mob infested sprawl where there's always a grudge being held, always a palm to grease, and always a mystery needing solved. Set up to be a gritty noir world with the twists of d&d classes and magic available for a little extra fun.
Played55 times
Cloned3 times
270 days ago
Last Updated
15 days ago
Dice Set
Dice Set
CategoryGaming Sets
Weight0.00 lb.
Cost1.00 Dollars

This item encompasses a wide range of game pieces, including dice and decks of cards (for games such as Three-Dragon Ante). A few common examples appear on the Tools table, but other kinds of gaming sets exist. If you are proficient with a gaming set, you can add your proficiency bonus to ability checks you make to play a game with that set. Each type of gaming set requires a separate proficiency.

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC . The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
We are not affiliated with Dungeons & Dragons or Wizards of The Coast in any way.
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