Starbreeze City world illustration - Noir, Gritty, Crime, Dark, murder mystery theme
Noir, Gritty, Crime, Dark, murder mystery

Starbreeze City


A dark and seedy city where everything and everyone carries an ulterior motive.

Author's Note: Don your fedora and wade into the murky streets of Starbreeze City. A mob infested sprawl where there's always a grudge being held, always a palm to grease, and always a mystery needing solved. Set up to be a gritty noir world with the twists of d&d classes and magic available for a little extra fun.
Played55 times
Cloned3 times
270 days ago
Last Updated
15 days ago
Chime of Opening
Chime of Opening
CategoryWondrous Items
Weight1.00 lb.
Cost100.00 Dollars

This hollow metal tube measures about 1 foot long and weighs 1 pound. You can strike it as an action, pointing it at an object within 120 feet of you that can be opened, such as a door, lid, or lock. The chime issues a clear tone, and one lock or latch on the object opens unless the sound can't reach the object. If no locks or latches remain, the object itself opens. The chime can be used ten times. After the tenth time, it cracks and becomes useless.

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC . The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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