The Elder Scrolls - Skyrim world illustration - Fantasy theme

The Elder Scrolls - Skyrim


Um vasto e épico mundo medieval onde dragões, magia e aventureiros se encontram em uma guerra civil.

Author's Note: Bem-vindos a Skyrim! Este mundo foi meticulosamente elaborado para proporcionar uma experiência de jogo imersiva e rica em história. Quer você seja um guerreiro corajoso, um mago sábio ou um ladrão ardiloso, há algo aqui para todos. Prepare-se para desbravar as montanhas geladas, explorar masmorras perigosas e descobrir os segredos que este antigo território tem a oferecer. Que os deuses nórdicos guiem suas aventuras!
Played24 times
Cloned6 times
129 days ago
Last Updated
38 days ago
Legend Lore
Legend Lore

Name or describe a person, place, or object. The spell brings to your mind a brief summary of the significant lore about the thing you named. The lore might consist of current tales, forgotten stories, or even secret lore that has never been widely known. If the thing you named isn't of legendary importance, you gain no information. The more information you already have about the thing, the more precise and detailed the information you receive is. The information you learn is accurate but might be couched in figurative language. For example, if you have a mysterious magic axe on hand, the spell might yield this information: "Woe to the evildoer whose hand touches the axe, for even the haft slices the hand of the evil ones. Only a true Child of Stone, lover and beloved of Moradin, may awaken the true powers of the axe, and only with the sacred word Rudnogg on the lips."

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC . The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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