An erotic and dark adventure during a lavish orgy in the thermes of Gareth...
Author's Note: This Adventure is based on the german fantasy RPG "Das schwarze Auge".
I tried to implement the adventure in this format. Have a go and find out.
Played | 16 times |
Cloned | 1 times |
Created | 62 days ago |
Last Updated | 1 days ago |
Visibility | Public |
Mass Cure Wounds
School | Conjuration |
Level | 5 |
Casting Time | 1 action |
Range | 60 |
Duration | Instantaneous |
A wave of healing energy washes out from a point of your choice within range. Choose up to six creatures in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on that point. Each target regains hit points equal to 3d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.