A world teeaming with nature, magic and freedom.
Author's Note: I am new to dnd stuff, and this is my first world so I decided to make it a blank slate where you can use your own locations, characters and monsters for any campaign you had prepared, so all I ask is for you to use this world as much as possible so that I can get some credits from time to time.
Played | 0 times |
Cloned | 0 times |
Created | 61 days ago |
Last Updated | 35 days ago |
Visibility | Public |
Ring of Invisibility
Type | Gear |
Category | Ring |
Rarity | Legendary |
Weight | 0.10 lb. |
Cost | 0 Gold Pieces |
While wearing this ring, you can turn invisible as an action. Anything you are wearing or carrying is invisible with you. You remain invisible until the ring is removed, until you attack or cast a spell, or until you use a bonus action to become visible again.