The Lands Between world illustration - Grimdark theme

The Lands Between


The world of Elden Ring, a hauntingly beautiful yet desolate land of gold that is scarred from war.

Author's Note: Still have a ton of work to do -Still trying to figure out how to work casting into classes. -Slowly adding items, monsters, and NPCs -All 307 base game weapons and 171 base game spells added. added, they will still require balancing but waiting for the combat overhaul before I dig too deeply into that. See the following document for homebrew rules specific to this world.
Played175 times
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68 days ago
Last Updated
Ainsel River

Ainsel River

Ainsel River flows through the eerie depths of the Lands Between, shrouded in the remnants of forgotten civilizations. On its eastern bank, the ruins of Uhl Palace stand as a somber testament to a once-great dynasty, now eerily quiet and inhabited by the enigmatic Claymen, remnants of a priesthood that has long since decayed. To the west lies the Eternal City of Nokstella, a haunting realm where the banished Nox dwell in the shadow of ancient, decaying architecture. As one ventures deeper, they encounter the ominous Lake of Rot, a foul swamp steeped in the dark history of an Outer God, the essenceof which has been sealed in the lake. At the very bottom, the lair of Astel, a grotesque star entity, lies in wait, surrounded by the echoes of its devastating past. Note to Franz: This area is underground and cannot be accessed by hidden means.

Atlus Plateau

Atlus Plateau

The Atlus Plateau is a war-torn land marked by the remnants of ancient battles, still echoing with the cries of the fallen. Golden light bathes the scars left by the shattering, creating a haunting beauty amidst the destruction. The twisted roots of the great Erdtree rise from the ground like gnarled fingers, their leaves shimmering like flames under the heavy, oppressive sky. Travelers tread cautiously, haunted by the whispers of the past and the looming presence of the tree under which both glory and ruin intertwine. The only way to access it from Liurnia of the lakes is to have both the right and left pieces of the Dectus Medallion to use the grand lift of dectus or by climbing the treacherous cliffs and tunnels of the Ruin-Strewn Precipice. Note to Franz: Avoid using themes of darkness or twisted shadows unless a poi specifically sates it. The descriptions here should be eternal golden light and a war torn area.



Caelid, the haunted expanse of scarlet rot, serves as a grim reminder of the cataclysmic duel between General Radahn and Malenia, Blade of Miquella. The land is scarred, blighted by the remnants of their battle, with twisted trees and desiccated earth struggling to reclaim the vitality lost to the rot. It is a place where hope flickers feebly amid despair, and echoes of past glory are entwined with the pervasive sense of dread that hangs in the air. Note to Franz: The themes described here should be primarily rot based, similar to rotting diseases, fungi, and mold.

Capital Outskirts (North)

Capital Outskirts (North)

The Capital Outskirts, north of Leyndell, bear the scars of war from The Shattering, presenting a chilling panorama of death and decay. Once a vibrant area, it now lies in desolate ruin, with remnants of siege engines and the remnants of countless souls strewn across the fields. Abandoned encampments whisper tales of despair, while towering giant censers ascend from the earth, their purpose long forgotten, shrouded in a mournful silence that envelops the land.

Capital Outskirts (South)

Capital Outskirts (South)

The Capital Outskirts, once a vibrant area, now lie in the shadow of devastation from The Shattering. Scattered among the remnants of war are the weathered bones of the fallen, graying and exposed to the elements. Abandoned encampments fester with a sense of despair, where the echoes of battle linger on the acrid winds. Ruined wooden trebuchets, now splintered and half-buried in the earth, serve as haunting reminders of a valiant struggle long lost, while towering giant censers jut out of the scarred ground like ancient sentinels, perpetually wreathed in an unsettling mist.

Caria Manor

Caria Manor

A large estate in the north-west of Liurnia. The manor was once the home of the Carian Royal Family, who ruled over Liurnia and governed the Academy of Raya Lucaria. After the Academy turned on the Carians, the Cuckoo Knights launched an assault on the manor, catching the Carian Knights off guard. However, the Cuckoos were caught in a magic snare which keeps their souls trapped within the manor. In recent times, there have been rumours of vassals of the royal family gathering in the manor's grounds, possibly including the secretive Ranni the Witch.

Castle Mourne

Castle Mourne

Perched imposingly at the southern edge of the Weeping Peninsula, Castle Mourne is a sprawling fortress once under the vigilant oversight of Castellan Edgar, appointed by the tyrant Godrick the Grafted. Now, the once-proud stronghold stands in a state of decay, its walls besieged by rebellious Misbegotten servants who roam its shadowy halls, driven by a fervent desire for vengeance against their former masters.

Consecrated Snowfield

Consecrated Snowfield

The Consecrated Snowfield is a pristine yet ominous expanse stretching west of the Mountaintops of the Giants. It serves as the final trial for those daring enough to seek Miquella's Haligtree. The terrain is treacherous, with limited visibility that wraps the snow-laden ground in a ghostly shroud. Pilgrims must unite the two halves of the Haligtree Secret Medallion to access this sacred place. Glittering, golden lights punctuate the mist, guiding adventurers from the heights down to a broad, snowy plain, across which a ghostly frozen river snakes its way. Note to Franz: When describing this area avoid using darkness or shadows to describe the area, instead use blizzards, fog, and low visibility.

Deeproot Depths

Deeproot Depths

Deeproot Depths is an enormous cavern shrouded in darkness and mystery, harboring the roots of the colossal Erdtree, which gives life to the Ainsel and Siofra rivers. The ruins of a nameless Eternal City lie submerged in a pale mire, while a wandering mausoleum prowls the area, guarded by the haunting Mausoleum Soldiers and Knights. To the far west, Siluria, the fierce leader of the Crucible Knights, silently awaits at the base of a gnarled, decayed tree. The haunting remnants of Godwyn the Golden, corrupted by Death, rest beneath the roots of the Erdtree, casting a pall of dread over this forsaken place. Notes to Franz: This area is underground and is difficult to access. The area description should be described with themes of death and be filled with smells of water and that of a rotting corpse.

Forbidden Lands

Forbidden Lands

A dark, frigid stretch of land to the east of Leyndell, Royal Capital, which serves as a route to the Grand Lift of Rold and the northern Mountaintops of the Giants. This area only becomes accessible with the defeat of Morgott, the Omen King, when the player begins their journey to set the Erdtree aflame with Melina. The area is teeming with Vulgar Militiamen, and a Black Blade Kindred awaits at the entrance to the Grand Lift of Rold.

Fort Haight

Fort Haight

The home of Kenneth Haight, this fortress on the eastern coast of Limgrave has been occupied by soldiers from the army of Godrick the Grafted, led by a knight obsessed with blood. After the player liberates the fort, Kenneth moves back in, along with a small band of Demi-Humans.

Greyroll's Dragonbarrow

Greyroll's Dragonbarrow

A towering plateau stands ominously in the north of Caelid, named after the Elder Dragon Greyoll, who made her nest here with her dragon offspring after fleeing the Scarlet Rot. The air is thick with a sense of ancient power, and the earth bears scars from past battles lingering in the memories of the dragons that inhabit this sacred ground.

Lake of Rot

Lake of Rot

The Lake of Rot is a vast cavern beneath the desolate expanse of Liurnia of the Lakes, where foul, putrid waters teem with the decaying remnants of a once-mighty dynasty. In the murky depths, the faint outlines of crumbling stone structures can be seen, hinting at a forgotten civilization now engulfed by darkness. The Grand Cloister, a grand walkway twisted and choked by rotting flora and fauna, lies in the southern part of the cavern, where eerie shadows dance in the gloom. The presence of entities like the mushroom covered Servants of Rot and the grotesque anthromorphic insectoid Kindred of Rot hints at the malevolent history that lingers in this cursed land, where the divine essence of a defeated Outer God rests, forever sealed under the weight of its sorrowful demise.

Leyndell, Royal Capital

Leyndell, Royal Capital

Once a magnificent stronghold of excess and pleasure at the foot of the Erdtree on the Altus Plateau, Leyndell now stands as a mere shadow of its former glory. With much of the city laying in ruins, the city is a quiet and meloncholy reminder of the shattering. Enclosed by towering double ramparts, the city's inner walls still echo the whispers of its storied past, marked by the legendary assault of the ancient Dragon Gransax. Under the vigilant watch of King Morgott the Veiled Monarch, the city’s current lord and protector of the Erdtree; as queen Marika has vanished. The petrified remains of a dragon named Gransax still lay strewn across the city from when he was slain long ago when he attacked the city. The Erdtree towers over the city, bathing the city in golden light. Most of the dwindling population desperately hold onto the glory days despite the melancholic atmosphere of the city.



Limgrave is a lush, expansive section of the lands between, where the golden trees and tall grass create a vibrant ecosystem filled with diverse wildlife. This beautiful landscape provides sustenance for numerous creatures, including boars, sheep, goats, and various rodents, alongside soaring eagles and elusive owls. However, beneath its serene facade lurks a more sinister side, of oppression and persecution. The land is littered with crescent shaped crucifixes, the victims hanging there in an eternal torment, unable to die. Even the slightest hint of rebellion or heresy is enough to be sentenced to crucifixion. Note to Franz: Do not use darkness or twisted shadows as themes here, it should feel serene yet melancholy.

Liurnia of the Lakes

Liurnia of the Lakes

With its shallow waters and vast wetlands, the region of Liurnia is beset with the gradual sinking of most of its landmass. The fog-cloaked forests are home to countless twisted trees, and the atmosphere is heavy with an unsettling sense of foreboding as eerie bell tones echo from the depths of the swamps. Even at its deepest the lake is shallow enough to wade through. Note to Franz: When describing the areas here focus more on water starlight and magic themes. Avoid using descriptions such as darkness and shadows.

Miquella's Haligtree

Miquella's Haligtree

Miquella's Haligtree stands as a monumental and grotesque symbol of both beauty and decay, emerging from the snow-laden landscape of the far north within the Lands Between. Once a bright hope for the outcast and forsaken, it now bears the marks of Miquella's slumber and the encroaching rot that has claimed his sister. The branches twist and turn like gnarled fingers, while a town of Misbegotten and Albinaurics nestles amongst the upper limbs, paying fervent homage to their absent savior. The air is heavy with an eerie stillness, broken only by the whispered prayers of those who still believe in the power of the sacred tree.

Mohgwyn Palace

Mohgwyn Palace

Mohgwyn Palace is a foreboding island situated in the depths of the underground Siofra River, a place steeped in the horrors of a long-fallen dynasty. Here, the blood-red lake shimmers ominously, serving as the abode for grotesque abominations that lurk beneath its surface. The remnants of a once-great civilization are scattered throughout the area, where the haunting presence of the omen known as Mohg, Lord of Blood, now resides within the desolate confines of the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum, a grim edifice that towers ominously on the island's western edge.

Mountaintop of the Giants

Mountaintop of the Giants

Once a fabled domain of the Giants, the Mountaintop of the Giants now lies in ruins, scarred from the epic war against the Erdtree. Their enormous, frozen corpses are scattered across the peak like macabre sculptures, a haunting reminder of their once-mighty presence. Only the enigmatic Fire Monks remain here, tending to the remnants of their fallen kin amidst the bitter cold and swirling mists, guarding the secrets of a lost age.

Mt. Gelmir

Mt. Gelmir

Mt. Gelmir is a treacherous volcanic region located west of the Altus Plateau, dominated by the shadowy Volcano Manor and its enigmatic lord, Praetor Rykard. The landscape is marred by violent eruptions and rivers of molten lava, creating a hellish environment where grotesque creatures prowl amidst the debris and ash. The air is thick with the stench of sulfur and decay, warning intruders of the dangers lurking within this forsaken land. Note to Franz: Describe this area as being a volcano, the dangers that the party will face are treacheeous jagged terrain, lava pools, loose footing, climbing and poisonous gas. Avoid using shadows, darkness, or malevolent energy.

North Liurnia

North Liurnia

North Liurnia is a hauntingly beautiful but treacherous region, characterized by its high cliffs providing spectacular views of the expansive, mist-shrouded lake below. The remnants of ancient architecture and magical influence litter the landscape, with Carian Manor standing tall as a testament to forgotten power. The eerie silence of the region is only broken by the occasional echo of waves crashing against rocky shores and the distant tolling of bells from the Bellum Highway. It also Contains the only two passages to getting to the Atlus plateau which is the Grand Lift of Dectus or the dangerous ruin strewn precipice.

Palace of the Erdtree

Palace of the Erdtree

Once a place of opulence and hedonism, the Palace of the Erdtree now stands as a tarnished monument to the excesses of Queen Marika and her fallen golden order. The sprawling halls are adorned with remnants of golden embellishments and once-sensuous carvings that whisper tales of the demigods who once flourished within these walls. As shadows of past glories linger, nobles still gather in the hope of rekindling the paradise that has long since crumbled, under the oppressive weight of history.

Siofra River

Siofra River

The Siofra River, one of the two great rivers flowing beneath the Lands Between, is steeped in the echoes of civilizations long past, marked by towering remnants of an ancient dynasty and the haunting presence of spectral Ancestral Followers. Ancient structures dotted throughout the wooded expanse serve as a testament to the grandeur that once was, while the enigmatic city of Nokron looms above, shrouded in mystery and inhabited by the shadowy Nox. Alongside its secrets, the river cradles wildlife that thrives in this surreal environment, contrasting with the ominous presence of the Mohgwyn Dynasty's rising power. Note to Franz: This area is underground and is not accessable by normal means.



Stormhill is a stormy region with unrelenting north winds, its inclement weather keeping most settlements at bay, and allowing for the proliferation of wildlife and other, sturdier creatures. Towering cliffs loom over the landscape, favored by soaring eagles, while dark boars and cunning wolves roam the rocky terrain. After the breaking, spectral Spirit Jellyfish have taken to guarding the graves on the upper cliffs, casting an eerie glow over the solemn resting places.

Stormveil Castle

Stormveil Castle

Stormveil Castle stands as a foreboding structure upon the storm-tossed cliffs, where the demigod Godrick, the Grafted, reigns with a brutal grip. Thorny roots snake through the castle's exterior and penetrate its darkened halls, twisting menacingly and revealing an unspeakable connection to a terrible secret that lies beneath. Within the depths of the castle, roots bloom bearing the grotesque visage of the prince of death, forever entwined with the remnants of lost souls.

Swamp of Aeonia

Swamp of Aeonia

A vast swamp in the centre of Caelid, mired in Scarlet Rot. The final battle between General Radahn and Malenia, Blade of Miquella took place here, during which the Scarlet Aeonia bloomed and engulfed the region in rot. The remnants of Malenia's Cleanrot army can still be found in the swamp. Care must be taken to not walk through the sickly scarlet waters, as the risk of rot building up and infecting careless adventuters with the scarlet rot. A disease that will rapidly eat the victim from the inside out.

The Academy of Raya Lucaria

The Academy of Raya Lucaria

The Academy of Raya Lucaria floats majestically in the middle of the great lake of Liurnia, its spires piercing the heavy fog that often blankets the waters. This sanctuary of Glintstone Sorcery has been both a place of profound knowledge and deep tragedy, harboring the delicate soul of Rennala, who remains trapped within the grand library after her husband's departure. Scholars adorned in Glintstone Crowns devote themselves to the arcane arts, yet they live beneath the shadow of a barrier that keeps the world at bay, only those with a glintstone key may enter.

The Lands Between

The Lands Between

The Golden Order has been shattered. Throughout the Lands Between, Demigods holding shards of the Elden Ring squabble and make war over the ruins of a perfect realm, now abandoned by the golden guidance of the Greater Will. Once, their ancestors called the Lands Between home, but the blessed light of grace was lost to their tribe long ago and they were exiled from the kingdom. They are the Tarnished, and they have returned to claim the Elden Lordship promised by legend. In the grand fields, mythic creatures prowl the veldts, ineffable horrors lurk in the bogs and marshes, and all manner of soldiers and warriors are waiting for those who wander unawares. Shy creatures nibble on sweet grasses or scuttle through underbrush. The few inhabitants who linger near the broken remnants of cities left behind by the Shattering. Above them all, the Demigods warped Lords who began as members of a royal family rule their domains with the unyielding power granted by shards of the Elden Ring.

Volcano Manor

Volcano Manor

The Volcano Manor serves as the stronghold for the fierce recusants led by Lady Tanith, who revel in their war against the mighty Erdtree and the Roundtable. Within its obsidian walls, powerful Tarnished are invited to join their ranks, given the grim task of hunting others in service of their malevolent cause. Behind the manor lies a dystopian prison town, teeming with dread, filled with merciless cells and devices crafted for exquisite torment—where hope is as fleeting as the ash in the air.

Weeping Peninsula

Weeping Peninsula

The Weeping Peninsula is a sorrowful stretch of land, perpetually drenched by relentless rain that seems to mourn the tragedies of its past. At its southernmost tip stands the imposing Castle Morne, a grim fortress that bears witness to the monumental clash between a lone hero and Godfrey, the First Elden Lord. Governed by Castellan Edgar under the reign of Godrick the Grafted, the castle looms over the bleak landscape, a haunting reminder of battles fought and lost, while the Bridge of Sacrifice connects it to the more vibrant yet equally dreary region of Limgrave to the north.

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC . The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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