The world of Elden Ring, a hauntingly beautiful yet desolate land of gold that is scarred from war.
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Incantation of the Two Fingers' faithful. Produces a shockwave that knocks back nearby foes. Charging increases the size of the shockwave. Hark, Tarnished! If you truly walk in faith, you must be prepared to reject all else.
Shadow Bait
Incantation of the Two Fingers' servants, who once served as the assassins of the Roundtable Hold. Creates a pale gold shadow before the caster, luring foes and attracting their aggression. This incantation can be cast while in motion or crouching, and will still affect foes that are already in a combat state. It is said that those beguiled by the shadow see within it a hated foe.
Incantation of the Two Fingers' servants, who once served as the assassins of the Roundtable Hold. Creates a veil of darkness that conceals the caster. This incantation can be cast while in motion or crouching. The assassins were themselves once Tarnished who had strayed from guidance, and they pursued their duty in the darkness that is without grace.
Lord's Aid
Incantation bestowed by the Two Fingers upon the Tarnished deemed worthy of becoming a lord. Alleviates buildup of poison, blood loss, and sleep for the caster and nearby allies. Additionally, cures poison.
Lord's Divine Fortification
Incantation taught to Gideon the All-Knowing by the Two Fingers. Greatly increases holy damage negation for the caster and nearby allies by reducing radiant damage to 1/4. Gideon gained true knowledge after his long exchange with the Two Fingers - discovering all had been broken long ago; that the trembling fingers, bent with age, and the Erdtree itself, were no exception.
Magic Fortification
Incantation of the Two Fingers' faithful. Increases magic damage negation by granting resistance to magic. Follow the path that has been set for you, and you will make enemies of all others: the monks, the sorcerers, the ancient dragon knights, and the scions of gold. Heed me – the Lands Between offers no welcome to the Tarnished.
Lightning Fortification
Incantation of the Two Fingers' faithful. Increases lightning damage negation by granting resistance to lightning. Follow the path that has been set for you, and you will make enemies of all others: the monks, the sorcerers, the ancient dragon knights, and the scions of gold. Heed me – the Lands Between offers no welcome to the Tarnished.
Fire Fortification
Incantation of the Two Fingers' faithful. Increases fire damage negation by granting resistance to fire damage. Follow the path that has been set for you, and you will make enemies of all others: the monks, the sorcerers, the ancient dragon knights, and the scions of gold. Heed me – the Lands Between offers no welcome to the Tarnished.
Divine Fortification
Incantation of the Two Fingers' faithful. Increases holy damage negation, grants resistance to radiant damage. Follow the path that has been set for you, and you will make enemies of all others: the monks, the sorcerers, the ancient dragon knights and the scions of gold. Heed me — the Lands Between offers no welcome to the Tarnished.
Scarlet Aeonia
Technique of Malenia, the Goddess of Rot. Creates a gigantic flower that blooms into an explosion of scarlet rot on the next turn; that then explodes and spreads deadly scarlet rot in a 60 foot radius. Creatures that fail the saving throw are afflicted with powerful and deadly scarlet rot. The area that the explosion occurs permanently turns the 60 foot radius into a rot infested wasteland. Each time the scarlet flower blooms, Malenia's rot advances. It has bloomed twice already. With the third bloom, she will become a true goddess.
Poison Mist
Incantation of the servants of rot. Releases a poisonous mist before the caster. Creatures in the mist that fail the constitution throw or become poisoned. Those who dwell within poison know rot all too well. The death that begets life, that comes to all equally. That is to say: it is the cycle of rebirth put into practice.
Poison Armament
Incantation of the servants of rot. Enchants armament held in the right hand with poison. Weapon deals an additional 1d6 poison damage, target must succeed a constitution saving throw or become poisoned. Those who dwell within poison know rot all too well. The death that begets life, that comes to all equally. That is to say: it is the cycle of rebirth put into practice.
Pest Threads
Incantation of the servants of rot. Secretes countless sticky threads, launching them forwards. A technique of the pale pests who crawl through the lands afflicted by scarlet rot; the abandoned children of the goddess. "Do you have an interest in rot incantations?"
Fire's Deadly Sin
Incantation originating from a deeply ominous prophecy. Sets both the caster and the surrounding area ablaze with raging flames. The caster's body will remain engulfed in flame for a while, burning them and any who draw near. Charging enhances potency. Does half damage to caster. Area and caster continue to burn for one minute, causing an additional 6d6 fire damage each turn to all creatures in 30 feet, it causes massive destruction. The prophet despaired, looking up at the Erdtree, for soon the kindling would burst into flame, bringing ruin. "The burning of the Erdtree is the first cardinal sin. That is not the domain of mere men."
Flame Sling
Incantiation originating from a sinister prophecy. Throws a ball of raging fire. Charging enhances potency and causes the ball of fire to explode. The flame of ruin is anathema to the Erdtree. But prophets sometimes glimpse it within the faith all the same. Sadly when this occurs their sole reward is banishment.
Catch Flame
Incantation originating from a sinister prophecy. Momentarily sparks flame from the caster's hand. This incantation can be cast without delay after performing another action. (Bonus action) The flame of ruin is anathema to the Erdtree. But prophets sometimes glimpse it within the faith all the same. Sadly when this occurs their sole reward is banishment.
Whirl, O Flame
Superior Incantation of the Fire Monks. Creates a spiraling stream of fire that burns the area before the caster. Charging enhances potency and reach. Fire beguiles those who gaze into it. And so the guardians of the flame are also its worshippers.
Surge, O Flame
Superior incantation of the Fire Monks. Creates a stream of fire to burn the area before the caster. This incantation can be cast while in motion. Caster may use an action on subsequent turns to maintain the effect. The Giants' Flame is the flame of ruin, capable of burning the Erdtree. And so, following the War against the Giants, its ruinous blaze was sealed, and guardians were appointed to watch over it.
Oh, Flame
Incantation of the Fire Monks. Momentarily sparks roaring flame from the caster's hand. Charging enhances potency. The Giants' Flame still smolders upon the distant northern mountaintop, and the Fire Monks are its guardians.
Giantsflame Take Thee
One of the incantations that draws directly from the power of the Fire Giants. Hurls a massive ball of raging fire. Charging enhances potency and causes the ball of fire to explode. There is no record of this incantation in common prayerbooks. Only a select few prelates know of its existence.
Flame, Protect Me
The most ancient of the Fire Monks' incantations. Creates a fire within that greatly increases fire damage negation. Reduce damage from fire to 1/4. It is said that this incantation was used during the War against the Giants long ago, during which it protected the champions of the Erdtree.
Flame, Grant Me Strength
Superior incantation of the Fire Monks. Creates an invigorating fire within that enhances physical and fire-affinity attack power. Add your proficiency bonus to fire and physical attacks. If an attack does both types of damage apply the bonus to both damage rolls. Lasts one minute. This incantation does not burn the caster, and so it is considered forbidden by the guardians of the Flame.
Flame, Fall Upon Them
One of the incantations that draws directly from the power of the Fire Giants. Hurls several balls of fire at once. Charging enhances potency and causes the balls offire to explode. There is no record of this incantation in common prayerbooks. Only a select few prelates know of its existence.
Flame, Cleanse Me
One of the incantations of the Fire Monks. Creates a fire within that burns away toxins. Alleviates poison and scarlet rot buildup and cures these ailments. This incantation leaves the caster with subtle burns - a reminder that they must fear the flame.
Unendurable Frenzy
Incantation originating from the maddening Three Fingers. Causes the yellow flame of frenzy to violently burst forth from the caster's eyes in a 15 foot cone. Caster can use an action to continue channeling the flame on their turn. This incantation can be used while in motion. It is the maddening pain and unstoppable tears of those afflicted with the flame of frenzy brought into being.
The Flame of Frenzy
Incantation originating from the maddening Three Fingers. Causes the yellow flame of frenzy to burst forth from the caster's eyes in a 15 foot cone. Charging increases the potency. The flame of frenzy deals damage and causes buildup of madness. This incantation also causes buildup of madness in the caster.
Inescapable Frenzy
Incantation originating from the maddening Three Fingers. Causes the yellow flame of frenzy to blaze from the caster's eyes. The target must succeed on a strength saving throw on a fail, the caster then latches onto foes, spreading the madness by burning the victim's eyes and mind with the flames of frenzy. This incantation also causes buildup of madness in the caster. To gaze into one another's eyes is truly the most intimate form of human contact.
Howl of Shabribri
Incantation originating from the maddening Three Fingers. Releases a maddening shriek that causes madness buildup in foes nearby. This incantation also causes madness buildup in the caster and makes enemies more likely to target them. It is said that the sickness of the flame of frenzy began with Shabriri, the most reviled man in all history.
Placidusax's Ruin
Power gleaned form the remembrance of Dragonlord Placidusax. Transforms caster into the Dragonlord to spew golden breath from above. Dealing massive lightning damage in a 30 foot radius around caster. These are the dying wails of the Dragonlord who once dwelled eternal beyond time.
Borealis's Mist
Superior incantation of Dragon Communion. hannels the power of Borealis, the Freezing Fog. Requires character to eat the heart of Borealis to learn this incantation. Transforms caster into a dragon to spew icy breath from above in a 90 foot cone. Creatures that fail the constitution saving throw are frozen. Charging increases potency. The ice dragons were once lords of the mountaintops long ago, until they were defeated by the Fire Giants and chased from the peak.
One of the incantations of Dragon Communion. Transforms caster into a dragon to spew icy breath in a 30 foot cone, creatures that fail a constitution saving are frozen. Charging increases power and DC. Those extraordinary individuals who perpetuate Dragon Communion are called the dragon-hearted.
Ekzykes's Decay
Superior incantation of Dragon Communion. Channels the power of Ekzykes, the Decaying. Character must eat Ekzykes's heart to learn this spell. Transforms caster into a dragon to spew scarlet rot breath from above in a 99 foot cone. Charging increases potency. On a failed constitution save target is inflicted with scarlet rot and take 2d10 scarlet rot damage at the start of each turn. Ekzykes, Dragon Communion Revenger, did not forget his hatred even as he succumbed to the scarlet rot.
Rotten Breath
One of the incantations of Dragon Communion. Transforms caster into a dragon to spew scarlet rot breath in a 30 foot cone. Charging increases potency. On a failed constitution throw creature is inflicted with scarlet rot, taking 2d6 poison damage at the start of each turn. Those extraordinary individuals who perpetuate Dragon Communion are called the dragon-hearted.
Smarag's Glintstone Breath
Superior incantation of Dragon Communion. Channels the power of Smarag, the Glintstone Dragon. Must consume Smarag's heart to learn this incantation. Transforms caster into a dragon to spew magic breath from above. Charging increases potency. Smarag was a devourer of sorcerers, and over time, his body became corrupted by their glintstones.
Glintstone Breath
One of the incantations of Dragon Communion. Transforms caster into a dragon to spew magic breath. Charging increases power. Those extraordinary individuals who perpetuate Dragon Communion are called the dragon-hearted.
Theodorix's Magma
Superior incantation of Dragon Communion. Channels the power of the great wyrm Theodorix. In order to learn this incantation, character must eat the heart of Theodorix. Transforms caster into a great wyrm to spew a large volume of magma breath. Allows one follow-up attack. Launch a large ball of magma that covers a 30 foot area in magma. Creatures that start their turn in the magma take 1d10 fire damage. Magma persists for one minute. The name of the ancient troll warrior Theodorix lives on — as a hero of the War against the Giants.
Magma Breath
One of the incantations of Dragon Communion. Transforms caster into a wyrm to spew magma breath. Allows one follow-up attack. Fires a glob of magma, that covers a 15 foot area in magma. Creatures that start their turn in the magma take 1d6 fire damage. The magma lasts 1 minute. Those who have performed the Dragon Communion will find their humanity slowly slipping away. Once they fully succumb to their fate, they are left no more than wyrms that crawl the earth.
Agheel's Flame
Superior incantation of Dragon Communion. Channels the power of the flying dragon Agheel. Character must eat Agheel's heart to learn this. Transforms caster into a dragon to spew flaming breath from above. Charging extends increases potency. The dead gazed at the skies over the lakes of Limgrave, praying that the dragons' flames would burn them to ash.
One of the incantations of Dragon Communion. Transforms caster into a dragon to spew flaming breath. In a 30 foot cone. Charging increases power. Incantation of those who have hunted dragons and feasted upon their hearts. Theirs is a pure and overwhelming power.
Greyoll's Roar
Superior incantation of Dragon Communion. Channels the power of Greyoll, the Elder Dragon. An incantation of legendary status. Transforms caster into a dragon to emit a terrible roar, reducing the attack power and defense of nearby enemies. Greyoll was the mother of all dragons, dwarfing all who stood before her like a looming mountain.
One of the incantations of Dragon Communion. Transforms caster into a dragon to bite enemies before them in a 15 foot cone. Incantations of those who have hunted dragons and feasted upon their hearts. Theirs is a pure and overwhelming power.
One of the incantations of Dragon Communion. Transforms caster's arm into full sized dragon arm to tear through foes with dragon claws. Allows one follow-up attack. Incantation of those who have hunted dragons and feasted upon their hearts. This is a pure and overwhelming power.
Swarm of Flies
A Blood Oath incantation, shared from the Lord of Blood's power. Releases a swarm of bloodflies before the caster to assault foes it is a five foot square, each turn the player may use a bonus action to move the swarm up to 30 feet. The vile swarm deals damage and builds up onset of blood loss. Any creature that starts its turn in the flies must make a constitution throw or hemorrhage, for every turn the creature spends in the flies the DC increases by +2. The new palace of the Lord of Blood lies in a swamp of festering blood, and these flies are said to spawn from excrement in that land.
Bloodflame Talons
A Blood Oath incantation, granted by the Lord of Blood. Creates bloodflame lacerations before the caster, which explode in an instant. This incantation can be cast repeatedly. After dealing damage, bloodflame continues to build up onset of blood loss for a very short time. At the start of the creature's next turn it must make a constitution saving throw or suffer 1d6 bleed damage.
Bloodflame Blade
A Blood Oath incantation, granted by the Lord of Blood. Engulfs armament held in the right hand with bloodflame. Deals an additional 1d6 fire damage on hit. After dealing damage, bloodflame continues to build up onset of blood loss for a very short time. At the start of the creature's next turn the target must make a constitution saving throw or take an additional 1d8 bleed damage.
Sacred incantation of Mohg, Lord of Blood. Thrust arm into the body of the Formless Mother, then scatter in a 15 foot cone the bloodflame to set the area ablaze. Creatures hit by this must make a constitution saving throw or suffer 1d8 bleed damage. Creatures that start their turn in the area take 1d4 fire damage and must make a constitution saving throw or take another 1d8 bleed damage. The mother of truth craves wounds. When Mohg stood before her, deep underground, his accursed blood erupted with fire, and besotted with the defilement that he was born into.
Stone of Gurranq
Superior incantation taught by Gurranq, the Beast Clergyman. Hurls a boulder before the caster. This incantation can be cast repeatedly. Long ago, Gurranq was a beast of such terrifying ferocity that his former name meant "Death of the Demigods."
Gurranq's Beast Claw
Superior incantation taught by Gurranq, the Beast Clergyman. Creates beast claws that rend surroundings with shockwaves. Long ago, Gurranq was a beast of such terrifying ferocity that his former name meant "Death of the Demigods."
Bestial Vitality
Incantation taught by Gurranq, the Beast Clergyman. Fills the body with bestial vigor, restoring HP over a period of time. 1d4+constitution modifier at the start of every turn for 1 minute. Having gained intelligence, the beasts must have felt how their wildness slipped away as civilization took hold.
Bestial Constitution
Incantation taught by Gurranq, the Beast Clergyman. Fills the body with bestial vigor, alleviating buildup of frost and blood loss. Having gained intelligence, the beasts must have felt how their wildness slipped away as civilization took hold.
Beast Claw
Incantation taught by Gurranq, the Beast Clergyman. Creates beast claws that rend the land with shockwaves in a 15 foot cone. Charging enhances potency. This incantation represents the fury of Gurranq, his bestial nature returned, as much as it does his restless agitation.
Scouring Black Flame
A black flame incantation of the Godskin Apostles. Sweeps a wide area before the caster with black flame (15 foot cone). Charging enhances range. Deals an additional 1d4 nectrotic damage automatically to anything hit by this at the start of their turn for 1 minute. The black flame could once slay gods. But when Maliketh sealed Destined Death, the true power of the black flame was lost.
Noble Presence
Ancient power of the Godskin Nobles. Thrust out belly with gusto to produce a shockwave that knocks back nearby foes. Charging enhances potency, knocking enemies into the air. Deals additional 1d4 fire damage at the start of the turn of any creature that was knocked back for 1 minute (10 rounds). Once a sign of the gods' wrath, this incantation became a trophy of the Nobles' god hunt.
Black Flame's Protection
A black flame incantation of the Godskin Apostles. Summons black fire within, increasing damage negation (1/4). However, sacred flasks and other such forms of HP restoration are impaired. Lasts 1 minute (10 rounds of combat). The Apostles were all embraced by the Gloam-Eyed Queen, and the black flame was their armor within.
Black Flame Ritual
Superior black flame incantation of the Godskin Apostles. Summons a circle of black flame pillars around the caster in a 15 foot radius. Charging increases the size of the circle. Deals 6d6 damage on a failed saving throw as well as an additional 1d6 necrotic damage at the start of each of the target's turns for 1 minute. The Gloam-Eyed Queen led the apostles. It is said that she was an Empyrean chosen by the Fingers.
Black Flame Blade
A black flame incantation of the Godskin Apostles. Engulfs armament held in the right hand with black flame. This incantation can be cast without delay after performing another action (Bonus Action). Causes weapon to deal an additional 1d6 fire damage. Black flame is weighty. After dealing damage it continues to sap foes' HP for a very short time. (Deals an additional automatic 1d4 necrotic damage at the start the target's next turn after being struck.)
Unseen Form
One of the night sorceries of Sellia, Town of Sorcery. Makes the caster semi-invisible. While on horseback, effect extends to cover the mount. Grants invisibility for 5 minutes. The Sellian assassins considered every option that aided their dirty work.
Unseen Weapon
One of the night sorceries of Sellia, Town of Sorcery. Enchants armament held in right hand, making it completely invisible. Grants advantage on all weapon attacks for 1 minute (10 rounds of combat.) Used by Sellian assassins to present themselves as unarmed sorcerers.
Night Shard
One of the night sorceries of Sellia, Town of Sorcery. Swiftly fires a semi-invisible projectile. This sorcery can be used without delay after performing another action. This attack is always made at advantage. The Sellian sorcerers were assassins, and it is said that they often hunted their fellows.
Night Maiden's Mist
One of the night sorceries of Sellia, Town of Sorcery. Releases a life-sapping silver mist before the caster in a 15 foot cone, dealing damage to all caught within, including the caster. The mist persists for one minute (10 rounds of combat), any creature that starts its turn inside the mist takes 2d6 acid damage at the start of their turn. Below Sellia, the Eternal City of Nokron sleeps. This sorcery originates from the maiden of that place.
Night Comet (Requires level 5)
One of the night sorceries of Sellia, Town of Sorcery. Fires a semi-invisible magic comet. This attack is always made with advantage. This sorcery can be cast repeatedly and while in motion. Charging enhances potency. The Sellian sorcerers were assassins, and it is said that they often hunted their fellows.
Eternal Darkness
Forbidden sorcery of Sellia, Town of Sorcery. Creates a space of darkness that draws in sorceries and incantations. Any spell that travels through a 30 foot radius is drawn to the center and absorbed into the orb. Originally a lost sorcery of the Eternal City; the despair that brought about its ruin made manifest.
Ambush Shard
One of the night sorceries of Sellia, Town of Sorcery. Launches a projectile from a distance removed from the caster, so as to strike the enemy from behind. This sorcery can be cast repeatedly. The Sellian sorcerers were assassins, and it is said that they often hunted their fellows.
Ranni's Dark Moon
Legendary sorcery associated with the Carian queen. Uses the caster as a vessel to incarnate a cold, dark moon, then sends it floating toward foes. The dark moon dispels all sorcery that touches it, and temporarily reduces magic damage negation for those it strikes. This moon was encountered by a young Ranni, led by the hand of her mother, Rennala. What she beheld was cold, dark and veiled in occult mystery.
Oracle Bubbles
Sorcery of the claymen who served as priests in the ancient dynasty. Produces several small magical bubbles that drift towards foes before they naturally pop. Charging increases the delay before the bubbles pop. Starts with three bubbles, add two more bubbles for each turn it has been charged. The claymen search for lost oracles within their bubbles.
Great Oracular Bubble
Sorcery of the claymen who served as priests in the ancient dynasty. Produces a gigantic magical bubble that drifts towards foes before it naturally ruptures. Charging increases the delay and damage before the bubble pops. The claymen search for lost oracles within their bubbles.
Tibia's Summons
Sorcery of the servants of Death. Summons a group of Those Lost in Death. Three skeletons will appear some distance from the caster and attack foes before disappearing. (Attack 3 times). The dead have long been left to wander; what they need is leadership.
Fia's Mist
Sorcery of Fia, the Deathbed Companion. Creates a deathly 10 foot radius of mist, which inflicts Death blight upon those who enter. This sorcery can be cast while in motion. Charging enhances range of the mist by 2x for each turn charged. Tarnished must make a constitution saving throw or be pierced through the chest by thorns and be killed instantly. This spell is silent and does not break stealth or alert enemies. This sorcery was developed to oppose the Roundtable Hold, and is effective only against the Tarnished.
Rykard's Rancor
The terrible power of Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy. Summons searing spirits that leave a trail of delayed explosions in their wake. These spirits manifest from the rancor of heroes who met a violent end. The lord granted them an audience, whereupon they were welcomed by the maw of the great serpent -- and within the serpent's bowels, they became the lord's kin.
Roiling Magma
One of the sorceries developed from the magma of Mt. Gelmir. Fires a lump of condensed magma that explodes a short delay after hitting the target. Charging enhances potency and further delays the explosion. The explosion is a 30 foot radius and after the explosion magma remains in the area for 1 minute (10 rounds of combat). Creatures that start their turn in the area take 1d4 fire damage. After discovering the ancient hexes of Gelmir, Rykard, son of Queen Rennala, brought them back into practical use as new forms of sorcery.
Gelmir's Fury
One of the sorceries developed from the magma of Mt. Gelmir. Conjures a surge of magma from the earth, covering the area. Creatures inside a 15 foot radius must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d6 fire damage. Additionally the area is covered in magma, creatures that start their turn in the affected area take 1d4 fire damage at the start of their turns. The magma lasts for 1 minute (10 turns). Charging extends the surge of magma. Each turn that you held the spell will cause another surge and increase the area covered in magma to increase by 5 feet in radius. This sorcery is held to represent the fury of the volcano, but the arrogance of attempting to harness it is solely that of men and serpents.
Magic Glintblade
An old sorcery of the Carian Royal Family. Creates a sigil overhead, from which an enemy-seeking glintblade appears after a brief delay. This sorcery can be used while in motion. Charging increases the damage. At the end of the targets next turn the projectile fires. Said to be the prototype of the sword-phalanx sorceries wielded by royal enchanted knights.
Magic Downpour
One of the sorceries of the Carian royal family. Summons a mass of magic that fires projectiles over a 15 foot radius for 3 turns. Creatures that start their turn in the area must make a dexterity saving throw. This sorcery can be cast while in motion. Charging extends duration. Said to have been taught by the Crystalians to mark the swearing of the old concord.
One of the sorceries of the Carian royal family. Alleviates buildup of sleep, charms, fear and madness. This sorcery can be cast while in motion. The Carian knights never waver.
Loretta's Mastery
Sorcery used by Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree. Creates a magic greatbow and fires four great arrows simultaneously. Choose four target locations area may be the same. Creatures within 5 feet of target location must make a Dexterity save for each explosion they are caught in. Charging enhances potency. Developed by Loretta after her long, bloody journey to seek out a place where the Albinaurics could live in peace.
Lorreta's Greatbow
Sorcery used by Royal Knight Loretta. Creates a magic greatbow and fires a great arrow. Charging enhances potency. Launches an arrow that requires all enemies within five feet of target location to make a Dexterity save. It is said that the bow was Loretta's favored weapon.
Carian Slicer
One of the sorceries of the Carian royal family. Conjures a magic sword and delivers a swift sweeping slash. This sorcery can be used without delay after performing another action (bonus action). Even among the Carian sword sorceries, this is a notably effective technique.
Carian Retaliation
One of the sorceries of the Carian royal family. Swing your staff to dispel incoming sorceries and incantations, using their power to retaliate with glintblades. Automatically deals 1d4+1 damage 3 times. This was the Carian royal family's secret means to prepare against the disloyalty of the academy. The moon and stars would one day go their separate ways.
Carian Piercer
One of the sorceries of the Carian royal family. Conjures a magic greatsword to impale foes in a straight line. Charging lengthens the initial step in. (Can be used as a bonus action after carian greatsword.) This sorcery forms a counterpart to Carian Greatsword. Highly lethal when used against single foes riding alone.
Carian Greatsword
One of the sorceries of the Carian royal family. Conjures a magic greatsword and then delivers a sweeping blow. This sorcery can be cast repeatedly. Armed with this spell, sorcerers gain the strength of knights, their loyalty sworn to the moon.
Adula's Moonblade
Sorcery of Adula, the Glintstone Dragon. Conjures a cold magic greatsword, then delivers a sweeping blow that launches a blade-like projectile of frost damage out an additional 30 feet that deals frost damage. (Only the frost portion of the damage.) This sorcery can be cast as a bonus action. Adula, a devourer of sorcerers, was bested by Ranni and subsequently swore a knightly oath to her Dark Moon.
Zamor Ice Storm
Ice sorcery of the Town of Zamor. Strike the ground with the staff to create a freezing tornado. Creates a storm that follows the caster in a 15 foot radius. Creatures that begin their turn in the storm must make a constitution saving throw. Charging enhances potency. Cloaked in icy tempests, the knights of Zamor have challenged the Fire Giants since ancient times.
Glintstone Icecrag
Sorcery said to have been used by the old snow witch. The glintstone serves as a conduit, launching a mass of cold magic. On a hit the target has its speed reduced by 10 feet. The snowy crone taught the young Ranni to fear the dark moon as she imparted her cold sorcery.
Frozen Armament
Sorcery said to have been used by the old snow witch. Enchants armament held in the right hand with frost. Weapons deal an additional 1d6+intelligence modifier, cold damage. The snowy crone taught the young Ranni to fear the dark moon as she imparted her cold sorcery.
Freezing Mist
Sorcery said to have been used by the old snow witch. Releases a cold mist before the caster. This sorcery can be cast while in motion. Charging enhances range of the mist. Creatures beginning their turn in the 15 foot radius must make a constitution saving throw or take damage. The snowy crone taught the young Ranni to fear the dark moon as she imparted her cold sorcery.
Shattering Crystal
Sorcery of the mysterious Crystalians. Creates a mass of crystal, then shatters it in a forward burst. 30 foot cone. Charging enhances potency. Charging requires you to use your action to increase the damage. Each turn you spend charging doubles the damage of the attack. If you lose concentration while charging you lose the spell. The Crystalians are inorganic beings, yet they live. They cleave close to the ideals of the primeval current, and as such, they are revered guests of the sorcerers.
Crystal Torrent
Sorcery of the mysterious Crystalians. Creates a mass of crystal, then fires off shards in rapid succession. As long as you remain in the same spot and have concentration you may use your action to continue channeling the attack without expending an additional spell slot. The wrath of the Crystalians encapsulated in sorcery. Each shard is of substantial size, making even a stray blow capable of inflicting a severe wound.
Crystal Release
Sorcery of the mysterious Crystalians. Creates a mass of crystal, then shatters it to scour a wide area with a violent rain of crystal shards. When a creature starts its turn inside the 30 foot radius it must make a Dexterity saving throw. Lasts 1 minute (10 turns) or until concentration is broken. You may use your action to move the radius. This sorcery is used by high-ranking adepts among the Crystalians. Some also call this sorcery "the Crystal Sun."
Terra Magica
One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Draws an academy sigil upon the ground, raising the magic strength of those within. Add your proficiency bonus to sorcieries. Once, the sigil would be cast from the highest belfry of the academy, covering the entire institution's grounds. This spell allows such vivid experience of spell—casting success, it turns many a fledgling into a true sorcerer in a flash of newfound understanding.
Scholar's Shield
One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Enchants shield held in the left hand with additional damage negation. (Double the AC bonus granted by shield) This sorcery can be cast as a bonus action. Taught to the Knights of the Cuckoo by the academy as payment for their contract.
Scholar's Armanent
One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Enchants armaments held in the right hand with magic-affinity attacks. This sorcery can be cast as a bonus action. Imbues weapon to deal additional force damage equal to your intelligence modifier. Taught to the Knights of the Cuckoo by the academy as payment for their contract.
Shatter Earth
One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Imbues the ferrule of the caster's staff with magic, then thrusts it into the ground to create a magical shockwave in a radius 5 feet around caster. Allows one follow-up attack. A Stonedigger sorcery used by the glintstone miners of the crystal tunnel. At the academy, use of this sorcery was a stigma that marked out failed scholars.
Rock Blaster (Requires level 5)
*Stone Digger Sorcery* One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Imbues the ferrule of the caster's staff with magic, then thrusts it into the ground to create a massive magical shockwave in a radius 5 feet around caster. Targets must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. An enhanced version of the glintstone miners' Stonedigger sorcery.
Star Shower
*Glintstone Sorcery* One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Fires six magic shooting stars that pursue the target. Automatically does 1d6+1 force damage per star to target of your choice. Each roll may target a different target. The most difficult to master of the Olivinus Conspectus sorceries.
Swift Glintstone
*Glintstone Sorcery* One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. The glintstone serves as a conduit, launching swift magical projectiles at foes. This sorcery can be used without delay after performing another action. (Bonus Action) Those unworthy of the stone crown typically end their brief journey into sorcery here.
Shard Spiral (Requires level 17)
One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Fires twin projectiles that form a spiral as they travel. A sorcery of the Karolos Conspectus, the most venerable of the academy. This was the product of a failed attempt to create a new comet.
Glintstone Stars
*Glintstone Sorcery* One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Fires three magic shooting stars that pursue the target. Automatically damages targets for 1d4+1 force damage. A sorcery of the Olivinus Conspectus, which attracts sorcerers from Sellia, Town of Sorcery.
Glintstone Cometshard (Requires Level 11)
*Glintstone Sorcery* One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Fires a magical comet with a trailing tail. A sorcery of the Karolos Conspectus, the most venerable of the academy.
Glintstone Arc
*Glintstone Sorcery* One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Fires a horizontal arc of magic that spreads outward in a 15 foot cone. Granted to sorcererers who depart from the academy to embark on journeys, in order to fend off large groups of would-be adversaries. Fools often roam in packs.
Crystal Burst
Glintstone sorcery One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Fires a burst of glintstone crystal shards in a cone 15 feet in front of you. *Concentration* You may cast this as an action on subsequent turns without consuming a spell slot.. A sorcery of the Crystal Cadre, a group of sorcerers who pursued the wisdom of stone - the secrets locked in the faint cogitation of the Crystalians.
Glintstone sorcery One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Fires a great magical comet. The greatest of the Karolos Conspectus's sorceries, that only a very few sorcerers have ever mastered.
Cannon of Haima
Glintstone Sorcery One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Lobs an explosive magic projectile that flies in an arc. Damaging targets in a 15 foot sphere at the location of your choosing. Target must make a constitution saving throw, on a fail targets are knocked prone. Drawn from the conspectus of Haima, the adjudicator of the academy, this sorcery employs might as a means to quell conflict.
Electrify Armament
Dragon Cult Incantation One of the incantations of the capital's ancient dragon cult. Enchants armament held in the right hand with lightning-affinity attacks. (Add your proficiency bonus to weapon attacks as lightning damage.) Long ago, Godwyn the Golden defeated the ancient dragon Fortissax, and befriended his fallen foe — an event that gave rise to the ancient dragon cult in the capital.
Vyke's Dragonbolt
Dragon Cult Incantation Incantation of Vyke, knight of the Roundtable Hold. Summons red lightning to bolster both the caster's body and their armament held in the right hand. Enchants armaments with lightning-affinity attacks and increases maximum equipment load. However, lightning damage negation will be reduced. (Double your equipment load, and weapon attacks allow you to add your proficiency bonus as lightning damage to attack rolls. Gain vulnerability to lightning damage.) Of all the knights, Vyke the Dragonspear was the one Lansseax loved the most.
Lightning Bolt
Dragon Cult Incantation One of the incantations of the capital's ancient dragon cult. Summons a bolt of lightning that scatters and spreads around the surrounding area. Ancestors of the modern dragons, the ancient dragons had scales of Gravel Stone and wielded lightning as their weapon. It is said that they once attacked Leyndell, the Royal Capital.
Fortissax's Lightning Spear
Dragon Cult Incantation Incantation that channels the power of the ancient dragon Fortissax. Creates two spears of red lightning and stabs them into the ground from above, one after another. On impact, each spear will burst into trails of lightning covering the area. (Make two spell attacks; each covering a 30 foot cone in the direction of your choosing.) During the War of the Anicent Dragons, these twin red lightning stakes were the hallmark of the ancient dragon who was once called the mightiest boulderstone.
Dragonbolt Blessing
Superior incantation of the capital's ancient dragon cult. Summons lightning to bolster the caster's body. Attacks become easier to deflect and resistance to all ailments is increased. However, lightning damage negation will be reduced. (Grants resistance to all damage except lightning. Gain vulnerability to lightning damage.) Only those loved by dragons can survive the ordeal of cladding their bodies in lightning.
Frozen Lightning Spear
Dragon Cult Incantation Incantation that channels the power of the Dragonkin Soldiers. Creates a spear of ice lightning and stabs it into the ground from above. On impact, the spear will burst into trails of lightning advancing forwards. The Dragonkin were born in the Eternal City, where they knew no true sky, nor true lightning. Instead, ice lightning was their weapon.
Lightning Spear
Dragon Cult Incantation One of the incantations of the capital's ancient dragon cult. Summons a lightning spear and hurls it before the caster. Charging causes a lightning bolt to strike the point of impact. Long ago, Godwyn the Golden defeated the ancient dragon Fortissax, and befriended his fallen foe — an event that gave rise to the ancient dragon cult in the capital.
Lansseax's Glaive
Dragon Cult Incantation Incantation that channels the power of the ancient dragon Lansseax. Creates a red-lightning glaive and sweeps the area from above. In a cone 30 feet in front of you. This attack unleashes trails of lightning. Lansseax was the sister of Fortissax. It is said that she took the form of a human to commune with the knights as a priestess of the ancient dragon cult.
Law of Regression
Incantation of the Golden Order fundamentalists. One of the key fundamentals. Heals all negative statuses, dispels special effects, and reveals mimicry, invisibility and automatically reveals any malevolent beings in the shadows in all its forms. In the area around the caster. The fundamentalists describe the Golden Order through the powers of regression and causality. Regression is the pull of meaning; that all things yearn eternally to converge.
Law of Casualty
One of the incantations of the Golden Order fundamentalists. One of the key fundamentals. Manifests a small ring of causality within that allows the caster to automatically cause 1d12+5 for each enemy that hit them during their last turn to any enemy that hit them. Multiple hits from a single enemy recieves this damage multiple times. The fundamentalists describe the Golden Order through the powers of regression and causality. Causality is the pull between meanings; that which links all things in a chain of relation.
Immutable Shield
One of the incantations of the Golden Order fundamentalists. Enchants the shield held in the left hand with the light of regression, increasing all forms of non-Physical damage negation and ailment resistance. Caster gains +2 to AC and saving throws. Two concepts form the basis for Golden Order fundamentalism. One is the law of regression, to which this incantation relates.
Order's Blade
One of the incantations of the Golden Order fundamentalists. Used by hunters of Those Who Live in Death. Enchants armament held in the right hand with holy-affinity attacks. This incantation is especially damaging to Those Who Live in Death. Any felled by this incantation cannot be revived. Weapons enchanted by this deal an additional +2 radiant damage. The role of the hunters is to stamp out defiled reason - all for the perfection of the Golden Order.
Order Healing
One of the incantations of the Golden Order fundamentalists. Used by hunters of Those Who Live in Death. Removes all curses or magical effects from target. The noble Goldmask lamented what had become of the hunters. How easy it is for learning and learnedness to be reduced to the ravings of fanatics; all the good and the great wanted, in their foolishness, was an absolute evil to contend with. Does such a notion exist in the fundamentals of Order?
Litany of Proper Death
One of the incantations of the Golden Order fundamentalists. Used by hunters of Those Who Live in Death. Creates an image of Order, dealing holy damage to nearby foes in a cone. This incantation is especially damaging to Those Who Live in Death. Does twice the amount of damage to undead. The role of the hunters is to stamp out defiled reason – all for the perfection of the Golden Order.
Radagon's Ring of Light
One of the incantations of the Golden Order fundamentalists. A gift of gratitude to the young Miquella from his father, Radagon. Produces a golden ring of light and fires it in a 5 foot line in front of caster. And yet, the young Miquella abandoned fundamentalism, for it could do nothing to treat Malenia's accursed rot. This was the beginning of unalloyed gold.
Triple Rings of Light
One of the incantations of the Golden Order fundamentalists. Produces three rings of light and fires them forwards. The rings of light return to a position close to the caster before disappearing. Targets three enemies of your choice. A gift from the young Miquella to his father, Radagon. (Requires level 5)
Black Blade
Power gleaned from the remembrance of Maliketh. Caster creates an illusory black blade, then leaps forward to deliver a spinning slash that emits a wave of light. This can be followed up with one additional attack. This blade was once imbued with Destined Death. On a hit target takes damage equal to your spell casting modifier each turn.
Elden Stars
This legendary incantation is the most ancient of those that derive from the Erdtree. Creates a stream of golden shooting stars that assail the area and strike all enemies. It is said that long ago, the Greater Will sent a golden star bearing a beast into the Lands Between, which would later become the Elden Ring.
Aspects of the Crucible: Horns
One of the ancient Erdtree incantations. Creates a mighty horn on the caster's shoulder to gore foes from a low stance. Charging allows the caster to barrel into foes before delivering the final attack. Knocking target back 15 feet. Can be used to break through doors and walls. This is a manifestation of the Erdtree's primal vital energies—an aspect of the primordial crucible, where all life was once blended together.
Aspects of the Crucible: Breath
One of the ancient Erdtree incantations. Creates a throat pouch on the caster's neck, allowing them to spew fiery breath while walking. As an action player deals 3d6 fire damage on their turn in a cone in front of them. This is a manifestation of the Erdtree's primal vital energies—an aspect of the primordial crucible, where all life was once blended together.
Wrath of Gold
Superior Erdtree Worship incantation. Produces a golden shockwave that knocks back nearby foes 15 feet. This incantation was discovered when the Elden Ring was shattered, and it was feared as a sign of the Erdtree's wrath.
Blessing's Boon
One of the ancient Erdtree incantations. Grants a blessing to the caster and nearby allies, gradually restoring HP. At the start of each character's turn, heals an amount equal to the caster's proficiency bonus. Blessings once fell like tears from the Erdtree, and this incantation is but a lingering remnant of their power.
Erdtree Heal
One of the ancient Erdtree incantations. Heals a vast amount of HP for the caster and nearby allies. Heals all all lost HP. The Erdtree once flourished with abundance—yet it was only for a fleeting moment. Such is the course of all life.
Golden Lightning Fortification
An incantation of Erdtree Worship. Greatly increases lightning damage negation for the caster and nearby allies. Causes damage taken from lightning to be half. This incantation was used by the knights of the Erdtree during the assault by the great ancient dragon Gransax, and the bitter War of the Ancient Dragons that followed.
Barrier of Gold
One of the incantations of Erdtree Worship. Greatly increases magic damage negation for the caster and nearby allies. Reduces the amount of damage taken from magical effects by the caster spell casting modifier plus their proficiency bonus. This incantation was used by the champions of the Erdtree in the First and the Second Liurnian Wars, during which the red-haired Radagon joined the heroes' ranks.
Protection of the Erdtree
A superior incantation of Erdtree Worship. Increase damage negation for all affinities except physical for both the caster and nearby allies. Grants a +3 bonus to AC and saving throws. In the beginning, everything was in opposition to the Erdtree. But through countless victories in war, it became the embodiment of Order.
Golden Vow
An incantation of Erdtree Worship. Increases attack power and defense for the caster and nearby allies. Grants +2 to AC and primary attack or spell casting stat. (Player may need to manually adjust the stats temporarily). This incantation has been taught to knights of the royal capital for generations, and knights sent on distant expeditions lean on it as a source of courage.
Burn, O Flame!
One of the incantations that draws directly from the power of the Fire Giants. Raises a series of flame pillars around the caster. Charging further increases the number of flame pillars. The Fire Giants borrowed from the power of a fell god, and still they were defeated. Yet their failure released them from their solitary curse: to serve as keepers of the Flame for eternity.
Flame of the Fell God
This legendary incantation is one of several that draws directly from the power of the Fire Giants. Releases a ball of raging fire said to be inhabited by a fell god. The fireball floats toward enemies and explodes, setting the area ablaze. Arghanthy, the chief guardian of the Flame, had kept this incantation a well-kept secret until it was stolen by Adan. The fell god still lurks within the Fire Giants.
Blessing of the Erdtree
One of the ancient Erdtree incantations. Grants a greater blessing to the caster and nearby allies, gradually restoring a large amount of HP. Restores 1d8+spell casting modifier for one minute at the beginning of each of the targets turns for 1 minute. The Erdtree once flourished with abundance—yet it was only for a fleeting moment. Such is the course of all life.
Aspect of the Crucible: Tail
One of the ancient Erdtree incantations. Creates a supple tail that sweeps through foes before the caster. Charging enhances potency. This is a manifestation of the Erdtree's primal vital energies - an aspect of the primordial crucible, where all life was once blended together.
Assassin's Approach
Incantation of the Two Fingers' servants, who once served as the assassins of the Roundtable Hold. Completely silences the footsteps of the caster. Additionally, reduces fall damage and the sound produced by falling. Grants the caster an automatic stealth check of 16+spell casting modifier. The assassins were charged with eliminating Tarnished who had strayed from guidance.
Lord's Heal
Incantation bestowed by the Two Fingers upon the Tarnished deemed worthy of becoming a lord. Heals a massive amount of HP for the caster and nearby allies for 8d12+spell casting modifier. Tarnished—O, Tarnished! Seek the Erdtree and stand before Marika, its Queen. Become the Elden Lord!
Great Heal
Superior incantation of the Two Fingers' faithful. Greatly heals HP for the caster and nearby allies for 4d6+spell casting modifier. The Two Fingers has high hopes for the Tarnished; that even if they should be wounded, even should they fall, they will continue to fight for their duty.
Renalla's Full Moon
Sorcery associated with the Carian queen. Uses the caster as a vessel to incarnate a full moon, then sends it floating toward foes. The full moon dispels all sorcery that touches it, and temporarily reduces magic damage negation for those it strikes. Queen Rennala encountered this enchanting moon when she was young, and later, it would bewitch the academy.
Magma Shot
One of the sorceries developed from the magma of Mt. Gelmir. Fires a lump of magma that explodes on contact. After discovering the ancient hexes of Gelmir, Rykard, son of Queen Rennala, brought them back into practical use as new forms of sorcery.
Collapsing Stars
*Gravity Sorcery* One of the glintstone sorceries that manipulates gravitational forces. Fires numerous gravitational projectiles. Any foes struck will be pulled toward the caster. A gravitational technique mastered by the young Radahn. "I thank you for your tutelage, for now I can challenge the stars."
Meteorite of Astel
*Gravity Sorcery* One of the glintstone sorceries that manipulates gravitational forces. Summons a void that emits a hail of meteorites. A manifestation of the power with which Astel leveled the Eternal City.
*Gravity Sorcery* One of the glintstone sorceries that manipulates gravitational forces. Summons a void that emits a rain of small meteorites. The sorcery originates from the Onyx Lords, who had skin of stone, and were called lords in reverential fear of their destructive power.
Gravity Well
*Gravity Sorcery* One of the glintstone sorceries that manipulates gravitational forces. Fires a projectile of condensed gravitational force. Those struck by it will be pulled toward the caster. A gravitational technique studied by the young Radahn. His master was an Alabaster Lord with skin of stone.
Briars of Punishment
An aberrant sorcery discovered by exiled criminals. Theirs are the sorceries most reviled by the academy. Wounds the caster with thorns of punishment, sending a trail of bloodthorns running over the ground to impale enemies from below. This sorcery can be cast repeatedly. Each time it is cast it inflicts 6 damage on the user. The guilty, their eyes gouged by thorns, lived in eternal darkness. There, they discovered the blood star.
Briars of Sin
An aberrant sorcery discovered by exiled criminals. Theirs are the sorceries most reviled by the academy. Wounds the caster with thorns of sin, creating a spiral of bloodthorns. This sorcery can be cast repeatedly, up to three times. Each time it is cast it causes 4 damage to the caster. The guilty, their eyes gouged by thorns, lived in eternal darkness. There, they discovered the blood star.
Ancient Rancor Call
Sorcery of the servants of Death. Summons a horde of vengeful spirits that chase down foes. They are cinders of the ancient death hex, raked from the fires of ghostflame by Deathbirds.
Rancor Call
Sorcery of the servants of Death. Summons vengeful spirits that chase down foes. Once though lost, this ancient death hex was rediscovered by the necromancer Garris.
One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Creates a small, floating star light that illuminates surroundings. This sorcery can be cast while in motion. The star follows the caster and illuminates out 30 feet. Granted to sorcerers who depart from the academy to embark on journeys. Even during the blackest nights, sojourns underground, or imprisonment in gaol, the stars are never far from a sorcerer's side.
Founding Rain of Stars
The eldest primeval sorcery, said to have been discovered by an ancient astrologer. A sorcery of legendary status. Summons a dark cloud of stars overhead. Shortly after, the cloud will release a violent deluge of star rain. Thought to be the founding glintstone sorcery. The glimpse of the primeval current that the astrologer saw became real, and the stars' amber rained down on this land.
Stars of Ruin
Legendary sorcery devised by Lusat, primeval sorcerers. Fires twelve dark shooting stars that pursue the target. When Lusat glimpsed into the primeval current, he beheld the final moments of a great star cluster, and upon seeing it, he too was broken.
Comet Azur
Legendary sorcery devised by Azur, primeval sorcerer. Fires a tremendous comet in a torrent akin to the distant starry expanse, the place said to be the origin of glintstone. Hold to continue releasing the sorcery's power. When Azur glimpsed into the primeval current, he saw darkness. He was left both bewitched and fearful of the abyss.
Death Lightning
Dragon Cult Incantation Incantation that channels the power of the ancient dragon Fortissax, now corrupted by Death. Strikes surroundings with a storm of Death lightning. In a sphere centered on you. Inflicts Death blight upon foes. It is said that this golden lightning was wielded by Godwyn, who befriended Fortissax.
Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike
Dragon Cult Incantation A secret incantation of the capital's ancient dragon cult. Summons a red bolt of lightning that scatters and spreads around the surrounding area. Fires a bolt that strikes everything in front of you. Spoken of in legend, red lightning is the weapon wielded by the ancient dragons.
Ancient Dragon's Lightning Spear
Dragon Cult Incantation A secret incantation of the capital's ancient dragon cult. Creates a spear of red lightning and stabs it into the ground from above. On impact, the spear will burst into trails of lightning covering the area. Spoken of in legend, red lightning is the weapon wielded by the ancient dragons.
Honed Bolt
Dragon Cult Incantation One of the incantations of the capital's ancient dragon cult. Summons a bolt of lightning to strike foes from above. Long ago, Godwyn the Golden defeated the ancient dragon Fortissax, and befriended his fallen foe — an event that gave rise to the ancient dragon cult in the capital.
Fires Deadly Sin
Incantation originating from a deeply ominous prophecy. Sets both the caster and the surrounding area ablaze with raging flames. The caster's body will remain engulfed in flame for a while, burning them and any who draw near for 1d8 for one minute. Charging enhances potency. The prophet despaired, looking up at the Erdtree, for soon the kindling would burst into flame, bringing ruin. "The burning of the Erdtree is the first cardinal sin. That is not the domain of mere men."
Frenzied Burst
Incantations originating from the maddening Three Fingers. Releases concentrated blasts of the yellow flame of frenzy from the caster's eyes. Target must succeed on a wisdom saving throw or have disadvantage on their next attack. In times past, every single person who attempted to control the flame of frenzy succumbed to madness after a desperate internal struggle. This incantation is testament to a meager victory.
Rock Sling
*Gravity Sorcery* One of the glintstone sorceries that manipulates gravitational forces. Pulls a clump of rocks from the earth and sends them flying. This sorcery can be cast while in motion. A gravitational technique studied by the young Radahn. His master was an Alabaster Lord with skin of stone.
Gavel of Haima
*Glintstone Sorcery* One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Creates a magical greathammer and slams it down. Allows one follow-up attack. Drawn from the scholarly conspectus of Haima, the adjudicator of the academy, this sorcery employs might as a means to quell conflict. Target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
Carian Phalanx
One of the sorceries of the Carian royal family. Creates a defensive arch of numerous magic glintblades overhead, which automatically attack nearby foes at the end of their next turn. An enhanced version of the glintblade sorcery used by enchanted knights.
Glintblade Phalanx
One of the sorceries of the Carian royal family. Creates a defensive arch of magic glintblades overhead, which automatically attack nearby foes at the end of their next turn. Bestowed upon the enchanted Carian knights, who combined this art with their swordsmanship to maintain pressure upon their foes, striking in waves of steel and sorcery.
Greatblade Phalanx
One of the sorceries of the Carian royal family. Creates a defensive arch of larger magic glintblades overhead, which automatically attack nearby foes at the end of their next turn. Used by the enchanted troll knights. They were the comrades of the young Rennala, bound by oath.
Black Flame
Requires level 3 A black flame incantation of the Godskin Apostles. Throws a ball of raging black fire. Black flame is weighty.
Bestial Sling
Incantation taught by Gurranq, the Beast Clergyman. Swiftly flings a number of sharp rock shards. This incantation can be cast without delay after performing another action. It is said that in the time before the Erdtree, stones were the first weapons of the beasts who had gained intelligence.
Crystal Barage
Glintstone sorcery One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Fires a volley of glintstone crystal shards at a single target. A sorcery of the Crystal Cadre, a group of sorcerers who pursue the wisdom of stone - the secrets locked in the faint cogitation of the Crystalians.
Great Glintstone Shard (Requires level 5)
*Glintstone Sorcery* One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. The glintstone serves as a conduit, launching large magical projectiles at foes. This sorcery can be cast repeatedly and while in motion. Those unworthy of the stone crown typically end their brief journey into sorcery here.
Thop's Barrier
The lifelong pursuit of Thops the Bluntstone. Creates a magic forcefield that deflects sorceries and incantations. Future generations will learn. They will know the foolishness of the sneering sorcerers who ridiculed this theory, little realizing that it was in fact a discovery worthy of a new conspectus of the academy. The forcefully protects the user for the next three magical attacks, the player may need to simply change their hp back when magic damage is done to them.
Cure Poison
Incantation of the Two Fingers' faithful. Alleviates poison buildup and cures poison. This incantation can be cast while in motion. The Two Fingers has high hopes for the Tarnished; that even if they should be wounded, even should they fall, they will continue to fight for their duty.
Incantation of the Two Fingers' faithful. Heals HP for the caster and nearby allies for 1d4+spellcasting modifier. The Two Fingers has high hopes for the Tarnished; that even if they should be wounded, even should they fall, they will continue to fight for their duty.
Glintstone Pebble
*Glintstone Sorcery* The most basic glintstone sorcery of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. The glintstone serves as a conduit, launching magical projectiles at foes. This is a universal first step on the journey to true knowledge of sorcery.
Discus of Light
One of the incantations of the Golden Order fundamentalists. Produces a ring of light and fires it forwards. The ring of light returns to a position close to the caster before disappearing. This incantation can be cast repeatedly. A gift from the young Miquella to his father, Radagon.