Waterdeep, also known as the City of Splendors or the Crown of the North.
Author's Note: I plan to include every single location I can find in any sourcebook in the city.
After that is done, I will try to incorporate the Dragon Heist campaign. We will see whether it works.
I know that images are missing. I will deal with them at a later point.
Played | 13 times |
Cloned | 3 times |
Created | 50 days ago |
Last Updated | 21 days ago |
Visibility | Public |
Boots of Elvenkind
Type | Gear |
Category | Wondrous Items |
Rarity | Uncommon |
Weight | 1.00 lb. |
Cost | 0.00 Gold Pieces |
While you wear these boots, your steps make no sound, regardless of the surface you are moving across. You also have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on moving silently.