Waterdeep, also known as the City of Splendors or the Crown of the North.
Author's Note: I plan to include every single location I can find in any sourcebook in the city.
After that is done, I will try to incorporate the Dragon Heist campaign. We will see whether it works.
I know that images are missing. I will deal with them at a later point.
Played | 13 times |
Cloned | 3 times |
Created | 50 days ago |
Last Updated | 21 days ago |
Visibility | Public |
Type | Gear |
Category | Standard Gear |
Rarity | Common |
Weight | 2.00 lb. |
Cost | 5.00 Gold Pieces |
As an action, you can spread a bag of caltrops to cover a square area that is 5 feet on a side. Any creature that enters the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or stop moving this turn and take 1 piercing damage. Taking this damage reduces the creature's walking speed by 10 feet until the creature regains at least 1 hit point. A creature moving through the area at half speed doesn't need to make the save.