Waterdeep world illustration - Fantasy theme



Waterdeep, also known as the City of Splendors or the Crown of the North.

Author's Note: I plan to include every single location I can find in any sourcebook in the city. After that is done, I will try to incorporate the Dragon Heist campaign. We will see whether it works. I know that images are missing. I will deal with them at a later point.
Played13 times
Cloned3 times
50 days ago
Last Updated
21 days ago
Sultlue Villa
Sultlue Villa
Point of Interest
Coordinates(19, 53)

Sultlue Villa was the family estate of the Waterdhavian noble house Sultlue. Each of the four buildings of Sultlue Villa were arranged in one corner of the compound. All four buildings stood four stories tall. The Sultlue clan's primary legitimate interests were in horse breeding, mercenary work, and trading. The ostensible patriarch of the family was Lord Asbrior Sultlue (nicknamed "The Serpent"). There were two factions inside the family—one that maintained a willful ignorance of the shady deeds and depravities of the other. The Sultlues did not merely traffic in slaves, they also experimented on them with poisons, drugs, and scents to develop more potent wares to sell in their trading business. Sylsinssath Sultlue and a number of tainted ones resided in the Sultlue family crypt, located in the City of the Dead. The Sultlues are expecting the shipment from Lushpool of a matched pair of bejeweled daggers of venom via a merchant from Calimshan.

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