Tamaria world illustration - High Fantasy theme
High Fantasy



The Old Gods lie dead, or slumbering even centuries past the Celestial War, will you replace them?

Author's Note: I will continue to update and flesh out the world, with hopefully mostly if not all original characters. Though i will likely make the Old Gods mostly the Forgotten Realms deities
Played28 times
Cloned1 times
53 days ago
Last Updated
8 days ago


The smallest continent on Tamaria and homeland of the Imperium and its Gods



The largest continent on Tamaria and the most impacted by the Celestial War, even to this day, with massive swathes of land completely uninhabitable by all but the most magical races or beasts. Many large and small kingdoms dot the continent.



The newly founded city of Aranator serves as the Imperiums center of power in Urgu, It is the largest city on the continent due to the savage nature of Urgus Natives.



A mostly mountainous continent with many verdant valleys and plateaus. Home primarily to Goliath, Giants, Dwarves, and a small handfull of other races suited for the mostly rocky environment.

Central Janor

Central Janor

Mostly desert except for the small piece connecting it to South Janor, which is tropical



Eurona is a varied continent with many forests, plains, mountains, and rivers. Perhaps the most suited of all of tamaria for human habitation



A small port city off the eastern coast of Altheria, built in the classic Gothic Victorian style of the Imperium and covered in vibrant plantlife

North Janor

North Janor

North Janor is fully of vast prairies, mountains, deserts, and tundras

South Janor

South Janor

A densely forested continent with many mountains, South Janor is a tropical hellscape with an immense amount of savage beasts and unforgiving terrain

The Imperial Capital

The Imperial Capital

A massive metropolis, The Imperial Capital is the capital city of the Imperium, resident to the God Emperor Haraldur and the other Imperial Gods. It is the heart of the Imperium, an extensive network of portals ensures that it is the main hub of trade across the continental empire known as the Imperium. Builds made of white marble, spires and palaces reaching into the sky, and vibrant plantlife making sure the city doesn't feel sterile or oppressive.

The Imperium

The Imperium

The Imperium was founded by God Emperor Haraldur 2500 years ago on the continent of Altheria. Imperial citizens worship the Imperial Pantheon, headed by Haraldur. The imperium is made up of a wide variety of races, united by their mutual worship of the Imperial Faith. The Imperium considers itself the sole Light and Order in a world of Darkness and Chaos. Violently racist towards evil aligned races and pagans. The Imperium can be considered magically and technologically advanced compared to every other nation it has ever encountered so far. Currently colonizing the continent of Urgu.

The Imperium(colony)

The Imperium(colony)

The Imperium was founded by God Emperor Haraldur 2500 years ago on the continent of Altheria. Imperial citizens worship the Imperial Pantheon, headed by Haraldur. The imperium is made up of a wide variety of races, united by their mutual worship of the Imperial Faith. The Imperium considers itself the sole Light and Order in a world of Darkness and Chaos. Violently racist towards evil aligned races and pagans. The Imperium can be considered magically and technologically advanced compared to every other nation it has ever encountered so far. Currently colonizing the continent of Urgu. This is the current Imperial Colony on Urgu



The continent of Tolo is vast with a sprawling desert in the North and a dense rainforest in the South



A rather large continent in Tamaria, it is home to the Sylvani and Satyr peoples, who all worship the Old God known as Primal Nature, or the Consumer of Civilizations. There are no kingdoms on the continent owing to that fact, though there are a few scattered city states within the various mountain ranges out of sight of the brutal Sylvani and their God.

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