Varnathar world illustration - Fantasy theme



A desolate world of barren wastes and rock formations, where ruins tell of a lost civilization.

Author's Note: Varnathar is a world ravaged by millennia of neglect and destruction. Once a vibrant land teeming with life, it now lies in a state of perpetual desolation. The sky is often choked with swirling, ashen clouds, casting a dull, sickly light over the barren landscape. Jagged rock formations pierce the earth like the bones of a long-dead titan, and vast stretches of cracked earth are interspersed with deep canyons and dried riverbeds. The wind howls through the ruins of ancient cities, carrying with it the echoes of a forgotten civilization. Only the hardiest of creatures survive here, thriving in the shadows of the once-glorious peaks and crumbled monuments that dot the land. Few dare to venture into the wastes, for those who do are often lost to the endless, unforgiving expanse. The world’s fractured history is told through the scattered remnants of its past—ruined temples, crumbling libraries, and broken statues that hint at a time of power and prosperity, long since lost. There is a constant undercurrent of decay, with the very earth itself seeming to mourn the passing of its glory days. Only the desperate or the foolhardy seek refuge in Varnathar’s heart, believing that among the ruins lie the answers to a greater mystery, or perhaps the key to reversing the devastation that has marred the world for centuries.
Played3 times
Cloned0 times
23 days ago
Last Updated
21 days ago
Gargantuan Monstrosity - CR 30
Armor Class25
HP Range363 - 990 (Avg: 677)
Damage VulnerabilitiesNone
Damage ResistancesNone
Damage Immunities, ,
Condition Immunities, , ,















Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 36 (4d12 + 10) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it is grappled (escape DC 20). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the tarrasque can't bite another target.


Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d8 + 10) slashing damage.

Frightful Presence

Each creature of the tarrasque's choice within 120 feet of it and aware of it must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, with disadvantage if the tarrasque is within line of sight, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the tarrasque's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.


Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 32 (4d10 + 10) piercing damage.


The tarrasque can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes five attacks: one with its bite, two with its claws, one with its horns, and one with its tail. It can use its Swallow instead of its bite.


The tarrasque makes one bite attack against a Large or smaller creature it is grappling. If the attack hits, the target takes the bite's damage, the target is swallowed, and the grapple ends. While swallowed, the creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the tarrasque, and it takes 56 (16d6) acid damage at the start of each of the tarrasque's turns. If the tarrasque takes 60 damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, the tarrasque must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space within 10 feet of the tarrasque. If the tarrasque dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse by using 30 feet of movement, exiting prone.


Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (4d6 + 10) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC . The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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