cyberpunk 2077 world illustration - Cyberpunk theme

cyberpunk 2077


futuristic technologica, such as cyberware, societal collapse, dystopia, corruption and lies

Author's Note: based on the game cyberpunk 2077 added 95% of all cybeware, locations and characters only need to give some characters theyr gear, and touch some classes
Played518 times
Cloned26 times
148 days ago
Last Updated
22 days ago
6th Street party

6th Street party

its a party of 6th Street menbers

Aldecaldo Camp

Aldecaldo Camp

a temporary place were aldecaldos live, some are war veterans

All Foods Factory & North Industrial location

All Foods Factory & North Industrial location

meat distribution factory run by maelstrom, also a place were iligal business is conducted

Animals group 1

Animals group 1

a group of animals just vibing

Arasaka Industrial Park

Arasaka Industrial Park

the biggest lab in the industrial zone, the place were arasaka does theyr experiments for war and science, there are so many guards fixers avoid taking jobs that involve this place, only the bravest ever tried taking it down

Chram Denya Jinja shrine

Chram Denya Jinja shrine

controled by tiger claws, a shrine for turists, in the middle of the shire Gwynbleidd can be found

DaKota car mechanic

DaKota car mechanic

a place were dakota fixes cars and prepares jobs for mercs



place for ships

Electric Orgasm bar

Electric Orgasm bar

dino's bar

Hnako's mansion

Hnako's mansion

a place with extreme security and all kinds of staff to protect and serve hanako

Jig-Jig Street

Jig-Jig Street

where not only can you buy love by the hour, but also encounter suspect dealers offering exotic, rare and very illegal wares. Jig-Jig Street doesn't have a reputation for being safe, but you can find wakako and get some jobs

Kang Tao offices

Kang Tao offices

a big office with corpo kang tao executives

Militech Offices

Militech Offices

just a office with militech workers

Militech lab

Militech lab

a lab to develop war tech, fixers often hire mercs to steal merchendise

North Oak Casino

North Oak Casino

a bar casino outside of the night city border were the ultra rich can just have fun without fans taking pictures

Pacifica Serenity Bible Church

Pacifica Serenity Bible Church

a local churche, also as a underground laboratory were the netrunners poke the blackwall

The Badlands Dam

The Badlands Dam

once a dam to protect the buildings, but the river is dry now, so its a wall

Tyger Claws hidehout

Tyger Claws hidehout

a hideout were tiger claws take care of contraband and prepare to collect debts from people who boroed from them

Valentinos group

Valentinos group

a latin group

Viktor's Clinic

Viktor's Clinic

come here to buy cyberware

Yaiba Tower

Yaiba Tower

reginas office, can get jobs from her



its bar were you find fixers (people who plan and hire mercs for jobs like stealling or rescuing people from gangs in exchange for eurodollars, also known as eddies)

animals group 2

animals group 2

a group of animals just chilling

arasaka tower

arasaka tower

its a giant building filled with labs and offices were the most powerfull corporation named arasaka does theyr business the most powerfull corporation in the world

coyote cojo

coyote cojo

valentinos bar, sometimes buseiness is conducted there, lots of valentinos fill the bar

grand impiral mal

grand impiral mal

a unfinished mall, the animal gang decided to make a baser there

kang tao lab

kang tao lab

a lab with high tec, some fixers ask mercs to steal that tech, so its heavely guarded

lizzie's bar

lizzie's bar

a braindance bar, braindances are VR expirences, often sexual

safe house

safe house

a place to rest and plan jobs

scav hideout 1

scav hideout 1

a place were scavs take peoples organs and cyberware to sell on the black market

scav hideout 2

scav hideout 2

a place were scavs take peoples organs and cyberware to sell on the black Market

scav hideout 3

scav hideout 3

a place were scavs take peoples organs and cyberware to sell on the black Market

scav hideout 4

scav hideout 4

a place were scavs take peoples organs and cyberware to sell on the black Market

scav hideout 5

scav hideout 5

a place were scavs take peoples organs and cyberware to sell on the black Market

scav hideout 6

scav hideout 6

a place were scavs take peoples organs and cyberware to sell on the black Market

scav hideout 7

scav hideout 7

a place were scavs take peoples organs and cyberware to sell on the black Market

scav hideout 8

scav hideout 8

a place were scavs take peoples organs and cyberware to sell on the black Market

top pf arasaka tower

top pf arasaka tower

final boos room, enter trough arasaka tower

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC . The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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