Years after the HGWells Martian invasion. The world has merged with alien tech. WW2 is in full swing
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Created | 155 days ago |
Last Updated | 38 days ago |
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When Copy is cast, the alien absorbs the target, including memories, traits, and personality of the target. The target is unable to prevent it. They are overwhelmed with the power of the spell. The target instantly vanishes without a trace. The user can then shapeshift into the target at anytime, adding them to their personas. The GM should activate the spell without alerting other players, especially Player2. The spell must remain discreet. After use the targeted NPC no longer exists in the game beyond an option for the user to shapeshift into later in order to pose as them. GM Instructions: Ensure no visible cues when cast. Discreetly log success and inform the users player without obviously alerting other players, the other players may not agree with this spells use. Maintain seamless integration of the new persona without immediately revealing the disappearance.
The caster manipulates the mind of a target, causing them to momentarily lose focus on the caster and forget their interaction. The spell can be used to bypass checkpoints, avoid questions, or simply escape unwanted attention. The target becomes momentarily disoriented, and their attention shifts to an unrelated task or concern, giving the caster a window to slip away unnoticed. The target forgets any immediate involvement with the caster. Level: 1 Range: 30 feet Requires Spell Save: No, spell unavoidable Special Effect: Instantly shifts the target’s attention, allowing the caster to evade detection, interaction, or questioning.
The caster shifts their form, seamlessly adopting the appearance, clothing, and accessories of another specified persona. When casting, the player states the new identity by name (e.g., "I cast Shift on Mary"). For all intents and purposes, the caster is now that character, with their physical features, clothes, and carried items altered to match. The transformation is flawless, and even advanced detection methods are ineffective at seeing through the disguise unless specifically designed to detect shape-shifting. The results are perfect and instant
Energy Shield
Duration: 1 minute • Effect: Project an energy shield around yourself or a willing creature, granting +2 AC and resistance to all damage types except force for the duration. • Description: Using advanced tech, the Inventor creates an energy barrier that protects against incoming attacks. The shield is strong enough to absorb most damage, keeping allies safe during intense battles.
Explosive Charge
Duration: Instantaneous • Effect: Detonate an explosive charge at a location within range. All creatures in a 20-foot radius must make a Dex save or take 3d8 fire damage. • Description: A high-explosive charge that deals significant damage to all creatures in the blast radius. Ideal for clearing out enemies or blowing through obstacles.
Magnetic Field
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes • Effect: Create a magnetic field around a metal object or creature, pulling metal weapons and armor within 30 feet toward it (Str save negates). Grants disadvantage on attacks made with metal weapons. • Description: The Inventor generates a magnetic field, disrupting metal-based weapons and armor. Enemies with metal equipment have difficulty fighting, providing a defensive advantage to the Inventor and allies.
Repair Drone
Range: Touch • Duration: 1 hour • Effect: Deploy a small repair drone that can restore 1d8 hit points to a construct or machine, or repair minor damage to objects within an hour. • Description: A small, mechanical drone that can fix machinery and heal damaged constructs. It hovers over damaged areas, restoring hit points to mechanical or technological creatures or fixing broken items.
Shockwave Grenade
Effect: Throw a grenade that emits a concussive shockwave, dealing 1d8 thunder damage in a 10-foot radius and pushing creatures 5 feet away (Str save negates push). • Description: A small explosive device designed to emit a concussive blast, knocking enemies off their feet. Perfect for crowd control or disrupting enemy formations.
Psionic Nullify
Cancels all mind control, coercion, or physical restraints within a 30-foot radius. It frees affected creatures from mental or physical domination, allowing them to act freely.
Psionic Warp
Instantly teleports you and a willing ally to a visible or previously seen location within 60 feet. The movement is almost undetectable, allowing for a swift, unnoticed escape from danger or coercion
Psychic Defense
The Mystic has hardened their mind against intrusion. They gain advantage on saving throws against mind-altering effects, and any attempt to read or influence their thoughts automatically fails unless the caster is of a higher level.
Empathic Projection
The Mystic can project powerful emotions into the minds of others, influencing their behavior. The target must make a Charisma saving throw or be affected by the Mystic’s chosen emotion (fear, trust, anger, calm) for 1 minute.
Memory Alteration
The Mystic can alter or erase the memories of a target, implanting suggestions or causing them to forget recent events. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or have their memory altered for the last 10 minutes. The effect lasts indefinitely unless
Thought Shield
The Mystic shields their mind or an ally’s mind from psychic intrusion. The target gains resistance to psychic damage and advantage on saving throws against mind control for 1 minute.
Psionic Surge
The Mystic can unleash a surge of psionic energy, granting them and their allies a temporary boost in physical and mental power. The Mystic and their allies gain advantage on all ability checks and saving throws for 1 minute. The ability can only be used once per long rest
Mind over Matter
The Mystic can use telekinetic abilities to move objects or small creatures. The Mystic can manipulate an object weighing up to 50 pounds, such as opening doors, moving tools, or creating distractions. The target must make a Strength saving throw if it’s a creature, or be moved up to 30 feet.
Mental Cloak
The Mystic can mask their presence from the minds of others, making it harder to notice them. For 1 minute, the Mystic gains advantage on Stealth checks, and creatures must make a Wisdom saving throw to perceive them. If the Mystic attacks or interacts with an object, the cloak is broken.
Psionic Manipulation
The Martian Mystic can subtly manipulate small objects, read surface thoughts, or influence the emotions of creatures within range. These effects are covert and do not draw attention. The Mystic can unlock simple doors, make small objects float, or influence a target’s emotions (calm, agitation, etc.) for 1 minute.
Illusory Lands
The Mystic can create an illusion that alters the appearance of an entire room, building, or small outdoor area (up to a 60-foot cube). The illusion can make the environment appear as something completely different—transforming a mechanical factory into a lavish mansion, or disguising a battlefield as a peaceful forest. While the illusion is active, creatures within the area must make an Investigation check against the Mystic’s spell save DC to see through the false appearance. The illusion affects all senses, including sight, sound, and smell, making it highly convincing. Physical interactions with illusory objects (like walking into a fake wall) reveal their intangible nature, but the overall illusion remains intact unless dispelled or disrupted.
Hall of Mirrors
The Mystic creates a shifting field of illusory reflections of themselves, confusing enemies and making it difficult for them to determine the Mystic’s true location. For the spell's duration, up to three illusory copies of the Mystic appear in random positions around them, constantly moving and mimicking the Mystic’s actions. Any attack made against the Mystic has a 50% chance of hitting an illusion instead. When an illusion is struck, it disappears, leaving fewer copies to protect the Mystic. The illusions last for 1 minute or until destroyed.
Astral Projection
The Mystic can separate their mind from their body, entering the astral plane while leaving their physical form behind. In this state, they can move freely through solid objects, spy on enemies, and even communicate telepathically across great distances. However, they cannot physically interact with the world or cast spells. The projection lasts up to 1 hour or until the Mystic chooses to return to their body.
Psychic Drain
The Mystic can drain the mental energy of a target, sapping their strength and transferring it to themselves. The target must make a Constitution saving throw or take 4d6 psychic damage, and the Mystic regains hit points equal to half the damage dealt. On a successful save, the target takes half damage, and the Mystic regains no hit points.
Overwhelming Presence
Description: The Mystic radiates an aura of sheer mental dominance, forcing nearby enemies to either bow in submission or flee in terror. All enemies within 20 feet must make a Charisma saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. Creatures that fail the save cannot take hostile actions against the Mystic until the effect ends
Telekinetic Pull
Description: The Mystic uses telekinetic force to pull a creature or object within range toward them. If used on a creature, the target must make a Strength saving throw or be pulled up to 30 feet closer to the Mystic. If used on an object, the Mystic can pull it toward themselves without a save.
Psionic Shield
The Mystic can create an invisible shield of mental energy around themselves or an ally. This shield grants temporary hit points equal to the Mystic’s Wisdom modifier + 5 and absorbs psychic or force damage. The shield lasts for 1 minute or until broken.
Illusory Doppelganger
The Mystic can project a near-perfect illusory double of themselves or an ally, allowing them to distract or confuse enemies. The illusion can move and speak but cannot attack. Enemies must make an Intelligence saving throw to see through the illusion, or they may waste attacks on it. The doppelganger lasts for up to 10 minutes or until dispelled.
Psychic Whispers
The Mystic can send terrifying, disjointed whispers into the minds of up to three enemies within range. The targets must make Wisdom saving throws or suffer 3d6 psychic damage and become frightened for 1 minute. On a successful save, they take half damage and are not frightened
Mind Wipe
The Mystic can erase a target’s memory of the last 10 minutes. The target must have no recollection of events that occurred within that timeframe. This spell is useful for hiding sensitive information or erasing the Mystic’s presence from an enemy’s mind.
Cognitive Blur
The Mystic creates a mental fog around an enemy, causing them to forget what they were about to do. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw or lose their next action as they struggle to remember what they intended. This confusion leaves them vulnerable for one round.
Mind Link
The Mystic can establish a telepathic link with one willing creature within 60 feet, allowing silent, instant communication. This connection lasts for 1 hour, and the target can also respond telepathically. The connection remains as long as both parties are on the same plane.
Psionic Burst
Description: The Mystic releases a surge of psionic energy in all directions, damaging the minds of nearby enemies. Each creature within 30 feet of the Mystic must make a Wisdom saving throw or take 2d6 psychic damage and become stunned until the end of their next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and is not stunned. The Mystic can only use this ability once per long rest.
Telepathic Bond
Description: The Martian Mystic creates a telepathic link between themselves and up to three willing allies. The bond allows for silent communication over any distance, as long as the Mystic and their allies remain on the same plane of existence. The link lasts for 1 hour and can be used to coordinate plans, relay information, or silently warn of danger. The communication is mental and cannot be overheard by others.
Mental Overload
Description: The Mystic floods the target’s mind with an overload of images, sounds, and sensations, making it impossible for them to focus. The target must make a Constitution saving throw or become incapacitated for 1 round, unable to act as their senses are overwhelmed. This ability is especially effective for disrupting enemies about to attack or cast a spell.
Psychic Reflection
Description: The Mystic creates a brief mental illusion that projects an image of themselves in a different location within range. The attacker becomes confused and may shoot at the illusion instead of the Mystic. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or be distracted, causing their next attack to automatically miss. The illusion disappears after 1 round.
Mind Disruption
Description: The Martian Mystic releases a burst of psionic energy aimed directly at the mind of an enemy, disrupting their ability to think clearly. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or become stunned for 1 round, dropping anything they are holding. The attacker loses their next action, and their mind is clouded with disorienting thoughts, giving the Mystic a momentary advantage to escape or retaliate.