23 октября 1917 года, Россия. Под руководством Ленина партия готовит вооружённое восстание.
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0Город Сибирь
In the year 1916, before the revolution, Город Сибирь is a bustling yet somber city, reflecting the remnants of imperial grandeur amidst encroaching uncertainty. Horse-drawn carriages clatter down the cobblestone streets, where traditional wooden houses stand alongside newer structures adorned with opulent facades. The cold air is filled with the distant sounds of laborers and the faint rustle of winter winds, creating an atmosphere of hard work and anticipation.
В Первую мировую войну (1914—1918) территория Белоруссии стала ареной активных боевых действий. С начала войны в Барановичах, а с 8 (21) августа 1915 года — в Могилёве располагалась Ставка Верховного главнокомандующего. В 1915 году германскими войсками были оккупированы западные территории современной Белоруссии, с которых русскими властями были демонтированы или вывезены в другие губернии России 432 промышленных объекта, ряд учебных заведений[24]. Также из прифронтовых Минской, Могилёвской и Витебской губерний вывезли 29 предприятий, а летом 1915 года в местностях, находящихся под угрозой оккупации провели уничтожение посевов и запасов сельскохозяйственной продукции с выплатой крестьянам компенсации по государственным расценкам[24]. Из Белоруссии был также эвакуирован в Россию и на Украину ряд учебных заведений[24]. На оккупированной немцами территории был организован Белорусский народный комитет.

Город Брест in 1916 is a bustling hub at the border of Poland and Belarus, filled with the hustle and bustle of traders, soldiers, and citizens going about their daily lives on the brink of significant historical change. The streets are alive with conversation in several languages, and the air is thick with the scent of freshly baked bread and spices from market stalls.

Ekaterynburg, a vibrant industrial city on the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains, is bustling with activity and innovation in the year 1916. Amidst the charm of its pre-revolutionary architecture, echoes of progress and social change reverberate through the streets. The districts are alive with whispers of revolution and the vibrant energy of a city on the cusp of transformation.

Город Гомель in 1916 hums with the pulse of pre-revolution life. Streets bustle with merchants hawking their wares, ladies in elegant dresses stroll with parasols, and men donning hats engage in animated discussions on the politics of the day, all while the scent of fresh bread wafts from nearby bakeries. The architecture is a blend of neoclassical and baroque styles, reflecting the city's rich heritage.

Nestled along the banks of the Dnieper River, the city of Mogilev in 1916 is a bustling hub of cultural and commercial activity. Streets are lined with ornate, pre-revolutionary architecture, and the vibrant marketplace is alive with the chatter of townsfolk and merchants. The air is filled with the scent of freshly baked bread and the echo of horse-drawn carriages on cobblestone streets.

In the year 1916, before the turmoil of revolution, Moscow stands as a vibrant hub of culture and politics. The streets are alive with the hustle of citizens, horse-drawn carriages clatter over cobblestones, and the scent of fresh pastries wafts from nearby bakeries. Traditional Russian architecture graces the skyline with onion domes and sturdy brick buildings, while grand avenues are lined with trees, bustling shops, and lively cafes where artists and intellectuals gather.

Nizhny Novgorod
In the year 1916, Nizhny Novgorod is a vibrant city marked by a blend of modernity and rich historical ambiance. Cobblestone streets bustle with horse-drawn carriages and elegantly dressed citizens, while vendors line the squares with their colorful wares. The trade fair is in full swing, attracting merchants and buyers from afar.

Novgorod is a bustling city thriving in the year 1916, before the tides of revolution sweep across the nation. Its cobbled streets are lined with grand stone buildings featuring ornate facades. Merchants peddle their goods in open-air markets, while citizens bustle about, dressed in the fashion of the time, reflecting an air of both elegance and anxiety as the world begins to change around them.

В сердце России, в 1916 году, Петроград предстает как величественная столица, наполненная активностью и надеждой, но также и напряженностью предреволюционного времени. Грандиозные архитектурные сооружения, густые улицы и культурные заведения создают атмосферу, в которой происходит множество исторических событий.

In the year 1916, Сыктыквар is a bustling metropolis steeped in the traditions and culture of pre-revolutionary Russia. The cobblestone streets are adorned with wooden Doma, each telling a story of the past, while locals in authentic dresses go about their daily routines, carrying the spirit of the old world even as whispers of change linger in the air. The echoes of horse-drawn carriages and the fragrance of fresh baked goods waft from the open doorways of markets punctuate the scene, hinting at both a vibrant community and an impending transformation.

Set in the year 1916, Voronezh is a vibrant hub of pre-revolutionary Russia, where ornate architecture meets bustling streets filled with townsfolk going about their daily lives. The air is thick with the sounds of horse-drawn carriages and the lively chatter of citizens, as the aroma of baked goods wafts from local bakeries. The eerie premonition of change is palpable, casting a shadow over the lively atmosphere that otherwise seems so idyllic.

Город Витебск
In the year 1916, Город Витебск stands as a bustling hub of culture and commerce, thriving before the waves of revolution sweep through the land. Cobblestone streets are lined with charming shops and cafés, where locals gather to discuss the unfolding events, while the majestic architecture from a bygone era looms over the vibrant city life. Horse-drawn carriages clatter down the streets, and the scent of fresh bread fills the air, creating an atmosphere of both excitement and uncertainty.

Гродно 0
Гродно, a bustling city at the crossroads of Poland and Lithuania, in the year 1916, is teeming with life and diverse cultures. The streets are alive with horse-drawn carriages, merchants hawking their goods, and the distant sound of church bells ringing. The city is a vibrant mix of architectural styles, reflecting its rich history and cultural significance.

Минск, столица Белоруссии
Минск is a vibrant city where the echoes of history and a bustling modernity intertwine. The streets are lined with a mix of Soviet-era architecture and contemporary buildings, with lively markets and cafés populating the squares. Colorful murals adorn the walls, showcasing the artistic spirit of the inhabitants while the aroma of traditional Belarusian dishes wafts through the air.

Начало XX века стало для Российской империи временем грандиозных потрясений. Две войны, одна разрушительнее другой, и три революции оказались неразрывно связаны друг с другом. Эти грандиозные события привели к гибели старой монархической России и рождению на её обломках совершенно нового государства. Ниже приведена хронология основных дат этого периода отечественной истории. После смерти императора Александра III 20.10(1.11).1894 на престол вступил его сын – 26-летний Николай II. В рос. обществе зародилась надежда на перемены. Земские собрания принимали обращения к государю, в которых указывали на необходимость введения в России представительного правления. 17(29).1.1895 в речи перед делегациями от земств Николай II назвал эти ожидания «бессмысленными мечтаниями», заявил о намерении неуклонно «охранять начала самодержавия». Образованное общество было разочаровано.