This is a dark age, an age of daemons and of sorcery. An age of war and death, the world is ending!
Author's Note: This is my crude attempt to bring Warhammer Fantasy to Friends & Fables, as such not every thing will be entirely accurate, I will do my best to keep it all as close to the lore as possible. It is still rough around the edges and requires a lot of work. But if you like grimdark or Warhammer Fantasy this will make a great world for your next campaign.
Played | 15 times |
Cloned | 2 times |
Created | 84 days ago |
Last Updated | 11 days ago |
Visibility | Public |
Hit Die | d8 |
Spellcasting | Yes |
Cultists are followers of chaos. They spread corruption and darkness where ever they go. They keep their agenda hidden but it is always about empowering the chaos gods. They roll with advantage on all deception and charisma rolls. Every 5 levels they get a new mutation or ability granted by the chaos gods.