Crownlands of Solaris world illustration - Fantasy theme

Crownlands of Solaris


Solaris shines with greatness, but the greed of a tyrannical king is dimming its light.

Author's Note: The story starts with your past shaping your present. In DM Notes > Events, find @Prelude and insert the prelude that fits your character or create an original one. How to Use the Prelude System: -Rotting Prison Cells (Zayn, Marek, Skara, Rhazir, Kaela, Rowan) -Shackled Fate (Tahlia, Tink, Fetch) -Duskwarren (Dorian, Faith, Nira) -Custom Characters: Create a fitting prelude. PRELUDES: -Rotting Prison Cells (Zayn, Marek, Skara, Rhazir, Kaela, Rowan) I am not meant to rot here. None of us are. The chains may hold my wrists, but they do not break my resolve. Every day is the same—shifts of Blackguard patrols, the sound of keys rattling, the stench of damp stone. They take one of us at a time. Interrogation. Torture. Forced labor in Dreadspire Keep. They think they can wear us down, that we will surrender to our fate. But they are wrong. -Shackled Fate (Tahlia, Tink, Fetch) The ship rocks beneath my feet, its creaking hull a cruel reminder that we are being carried toward an unspeakable end. We were taken, marked as criminals for crimes we never committed. A lie was all it took. Alistair’s rituals spare no one. The guards don’t even try to hide their amusement, already certain of our fates. But they underestimate us. Time is slipping away, but I refuse to let it run out before I fight back. -Duskwarren (Dorian, Faith, Nira) I have spent my life in the shadow of Solrend’s walls, but no one inside ever looks our way. Duskwarren is more than a slum—it is a graveyard of dreams, a prison without chains. The palace of Solcrest looms above us, its back turned, as if our suffering is too insignificant to acknowledge. But I see the truth. I hear the murmurs in the alleys, the quiet rage in weary voices. The city will never lift us up. We have to rise ourselves. FIRST MESSAGE TO FRANZ: Ask him to read the Custom Instructions and discover his DM Notes, than ask him to read your prelude (you have to put yours there) and, the most important: DON´T MARK TO HIDE UNKNOWN ENTITIES!!!
Played135 times
Cloned31 times
96 days ago
Last Updated

Wish is the mightiest spell a mortal creature can cast. By simply speaking aloud, you can alter the very foundations of reality in accord with your desires. The basic use of this spell is to duplicate any other spell of 8th level or lower. You don't need to meet any requirements in that spell, including costly components. The spell simply takes effect. Alternatively, you can create one of the following effects of your choice: - You create one object of up to 25,000 gp in value that isn't a magic item. The object can be no more than 300 feet in any dimension, and it appears in an unoccupied space you can see on the ground. - You allow up to twenty creatures that you can see to regain all hit points, and you end all effects on them described in the greater restoration spell. - You grant up to ten creatures you can see resistance to a damage type you choose. - You grant up to ten creatures you can see immunity to a single spell or other magical effect for 8 hours. For instance, you could make yourself and all your companions immune to a lich's life drain attack. - You undo a single recent event by forcing a reroll of any roll made within the last round (including your last turn). Reality reshapes itself to accommodate the new result. For example, a wish spell could undo an opponent's successful save, a foe's critical hit, or a friend's failed save. You can force the reroll to be made with advantage or disadvantage, and you can choose whether to use the reroll or the original roll. You might be able to achieve something beyond the scope of the above examples. State your wish to the DM as precisely as possible. The DM has great latitude in ruling what occurs in such an instance; the greater the wish, the greater the likelihood that something goes wrong. This spell might simply fail, the effect you desire might only be partly achieved, or you might suffer some unforeseen consequence as a result of how you worded the wish. For example, wishing that a villain were dead might propel you forward in time to a period when that villain is no longer alive, effectively removing you from the game. Similarly, wishing for a legendary magic item or artifact might instantly transport you to the presence of the item's current owner. The stress of casting this spell to produce any effect other than duplicating another spell weakens you. After enduring that stress, each time you cast a spell until you finish a long rest, you take 1d10 necrotic damage per level of that spell. This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way. In addition, your Strength drops to 3, if it isn't 3 or lower already, for 2d4 days. For each of those days that you spend resting and doing nothing more than light activity, your remaining recovery time decreases by 2 days. Finally, there is a 33 percent chance that you are unable to cast wish ever again if you suffer this stress.

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC . The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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