Join the SCP Foundation, a secretive organization containing anomalies that defy reality.
Author's Note: "Choose from one of four classes: Agent, Researcher, D-Class, or Anomaly. If you select Agent, Researcher, or D-Class, your race must be Human. However, if you wish to play as an Anomaly, you may choose any race and select the Anomaly class."
Played | 50 times |
Cloned | 2 times |
Created | 78 days ago |
Last Updated | 1 days ago |
Visibility | Public |
Horseshoes of a Zephyr
Type | Gear |
Category | Wondrous Items |
Rarity | Very Rare |
Weight | 12.00 lb. |
Cost | 0 Dollors |
These iron horseshoes come in a set of four. While all four shoes are affixed to the hooves of a horse or similar creature, they allow the creature to move normally while floating 4 inches above the ground. This effect means the creature can cross or stand above nonsolid or unstable surfaces, such as water or lava. The creature leaves no tracks and ignores difficult terrain. In addition, the creature can move at normal speed for up to 12 hours a day without suffering exhaustion from a forced march.