This is a dark age, an age of daemons and of sorcery.
Author's Note: Cloned and adapted from Sigma_Wolf/Warhammer Fantasy. Added many of the classic dnd spells, and dozens more spells from warhammer fantasy lore and some from the warhammer games, dividing them between different magic lores of Warhammer Fantasy. Currently working to implement the spells into classes (added a few) and add many more spells.
Played | 12 times |
Cloned | 1 times |
Created | 100 days ago |
Last Updated | 28 days ago |
Visibility | Public |
[Fire] Withering Heat
Unknown School
Level | 1 |
Range | N/A |
With a triumphant gesture, the wizard sets a curse of desiccation upon his foes' flesh, forcing them to make a constitution saving throw, or suffer 1d6 fire damage. If failed, the creature must perform the save again, or suffer the same damage until concentration breaks, or the spell ends. Using higher level spell slot. The damage per turn is increased by 1d6 fir damage for every slot level higher than 1.