The Lands Between world illustration - Grimdark theme

The Lands Between


The world of Elden Ring, a hauntingly beautiful yet desolate land of gold that is scarred from war.

Author's Note: Still have a ton of work to do -Still trying to figure out how to work casting into classes. -Slowly adding items, monsters, and NPCs -All 307 base game weapons and 171 base game spells added. added, they will still require balancing but waiting for the combat overhaul before I dig too deeply into that. See the following document for homebrew rules specific to this world.
Played167 times
Cloned7 times
60 days ago
Last Updated
1 days ago
Cathedral of Dragon Communion
Cathedral of Dragon Communion
Point of Interest
Coordinates(1106, 445)

Once an awe-inspiring edifice dedicated to the worship of powerful draconic entities, the Cathedral of Dragon Communion now lies in ruins, swallowed by dark vines and a creeping mist. Those brave enough to traverse the remnants of this sacred space can still feel the lingering essence of draconic power, beckoning to those who dare to communion with it amid the shadows and crumbling stone. By eating a dragon heart in front of the dead dragon will be granted a dragon Communion incantation. Eating hearts has a grave risk, the power is addictive and slowly twists the individual to gain draconic features as they slowly lose their humanity, until eventually they transform into a magma wyrm.


Aerial view of the ruined cathedral, with shattered stained glass windows, gnarled trees entwined with crumbling stone, and flickering lanterns illuminating the fog that swirls around its foundations, under a foreboding sky.

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC . The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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