The Elder Scrolls: Tamriel world illustration - Fantasy theme

The Elder Scrolls: Tamriel


Tamriel is set in The Elder Scrolls universe. Start Date: 17th of Last Seed in the year 4E 201

Author's Note: The map is massive and is very laggy when fullscreened. So naturally I only have a city and a village pretty fleshed out. Other than that it's a blank canvas with ALL the major cities and villages placed in their canonical locations. All game-playable races and spells have been added by hand. As the beastfolk say, "May your road lead you to warm sands"
Played94 times
Cloned23 times
47 days ago
Last Updated
1 days ago
Coordinates(5586, -1862) to (5746, -1733)

Stormhold is a major city in the northeastern region of Black Marsh, near Morrowind. It serves as both a political and economic hub for the Argonians, characterized by dense swamps and ancient ruins that add an air of mystery. With a history as a prison colony under Imperial control, the city showcases a blend of practical fortifications and organic designs that harmonize with the surrounding marshland. Despite its troubled past, Stormhold thrives with a bustling Argonian population and acts as a key center for trade between Black Marsh and neighboring provinces, all while navigating the dangers posed by wildlife and treacherous terrain.

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC . The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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