The Elder Scrolls: Tamriel world illustration - Fantasy theme

The Elder Scrolls: Tamriel


Tamriel is set in The Elder Scrolls universe. Start Date: 17th of Last Seed in the year 4E 201

Author's Note: The map is massive and is very laggy when fullscreened. So naturally I only have a city and a village pretty fleshed out. Other than that it's a blank canvas with ALL the major cities and villages placed in their canonical locations. All game-playable races and spells have been added by hand. As the beastfolk say, "May your road lead you to warm sands"
Played94 times
Cloned23 times
47 days ago
Last Updated
1 days ago
Eltheric Ocean
Eltheric Ocean
Coordinates(-5824, -7983) to (-1659, -5903)

The Eltheric Ocean is a vast and tumultuous body of water that forms a crucial part of the southern boundary of Tamriel. This ocean serves as a significant maritime passage for vessels journeying between the Summerset Isles, Valenwood, and southern Hammerfell, with its profound depths often stirring in a tempestuous dance. Renowned for its role in international trade and exploration, it connects to the Abecean Sea to the west and the Padomaic Ocean to the southeast, marking a vital route for seafarers.

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC . The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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