Tamriel is set in The Elder Scrolls universe. Start Date: 17th of Last Seed in the year 4E 201
Author's Note: The map is massive and is very laggy when fullscreened. So naturally I only have a city and a village pretty fleshed out.
Other than that it's a blank canvas with ALL the major cities and villages placed in their canonical locations.
All game-playable races and spells have been added by hand.
As the beastfolk say,
"May your road lead you to warm sands"
Played | 95 times |
Cloned | 23 times |
Created | 47 days ago |
Last Updated | Yesterday |
Visibility | Public |
Orcs, or Orsimer, are a race of formidable warriors and master blacksmiths, originating from the mountainous region of Wrothgar and the city of Orsinium. Known for their physical strength, endurance, and martial prowess, Orcs have long been regarded as fearsome fighters. Their society is structured around strongholds and is deeply rooted in honor, loyalty, and the code of Malacath, their Daedric patron, who embodies endurance and defiance.