High Fantasy
A remote peninsula densely covered in jungles, mountains, dinosaurs, diseases, and a death curse.
Author's Note: This world is based off of the D&D 5th edition campaign book "Tomb of Annihilation" which takes place in the Forgotten Realms.
Played | 100 times |
Cloned | 5 times |
Created | 40 days ago |
Last Updated | Yesterday |
Visibility | Public |
Tome of Leadership and Influence
Type | Gear |
Category | Wondrous Items |
Rarity | Very Rare |
Weight | 3.00 lb. |
Cost | 0 Gold Pieces |
This book contains guidelines for influencing and charming others, and its words are charged with magic. If you spend 48 hours over a period of 6 days or fewer studying the book's contents and practicing its guidelines, your Charisma score increases by 2, as does your maximum for that score. The manual then loses its magic, but regains it in a century.