Bresmir  world illustration - Fantasy theme



Bresmir a world haunted by monster waves that come from ether storms in the wild.

Author's Note: The ether storms which seem to only form inland on continents, where the old "ways" used to be located, have forced many races (both with ties of friendship and emnity) to come together in the largest trade city's with access to waterways or the ocean. Only through trade and islands that have been turned into giant farms do the people's get by.
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100 days ago
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100 days ago
Calm Emotions
Calm Emotions
Casting Time1 action
DurationUp to 1 minute

You attempt to suppress strong emotions in a group of people. Each humanoid in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within range must make a charisma saving throw; a creature can choose to fail this saving throw if it wishes. If a creature fails its saving throw, choose one of the following two effects. You can suppress any effect causing a target to be charmed or frightened. When this spell ends, any suppressed effect resumes, provided that its duration has not expired in the meantime. Alternatively, you can make a target indifferent about creatures of your choice that it is hostile toward. This indifference ends if the target is attacked or harmed by a spell or if it witnesses any of its friends being harmed. When the spell ends, the creature becomes hostile again, unless the DM rules otherwise.

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC . The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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