Elemental Plane of Water world illustration - Fantasy, Underwater, Otherworldly theme
Fantasy, Underwater, Otherworldly

Elemental Plane of Water


It is an ocean without a surface. It is domain of current and wave. It is a bottomless depth.

Author's Note: hope you can Swim and breathe!
Played35 times
Cloned9 times
236 days ago
Last Updated
32 days ago


One of the oldest brewhouses in the city, Element-Ale runs a tavern onsite. Merchants purchasing ale in bulk and thirsty souls looking for a pint are equally welcome here. The owner and operator is a cheerful old dwarf named Hilly Crystaller. Hilly hears all sorts of rumors and gossip about events around town. He's one of the first to know when there's trouble and is happy to repeat idle chatter he hears about unnatural phenomena. Lately Hilly's been experimenting with live music in the tavern to increase attendance and consumption. It's having the desired effect; however, the proprietors of Reverie's entertainment establishments are less than pleased. They have a nasty tendency to send in hired muscle to disrupt things, which is the cause of many scraps with the Hatchets.

Berg Watch station

Berg Watch station

A Watch station for the Merfolk of the berg. A mere cutout in the eternal ice with hammocks strung across. The merfolk have little reason to fear intruders in their ice caves no one ever goes there, and they don't own anything of worth. Their watch does, however, have a very important job. They act as the border patrol for the City of Glass, intercepting strangers and ascertaining their business. It's dangerous work, especially the deep patrols that are sometimes gone as long as a week. Still, serving in the watch is a popular choice among merfolk it's certainly more glamorous than hauling garbage. One patrol is always circling the city, on guard against the constant threat of plane shifting intruders. Others cover tunnel entrances in the ice, both those leading to the Berg and those dug out by inhabitants such as the ormyrr. These access points represent weakness in the city's defense and are never left unguarded, though legitimate users (even sahuagin) aren't molested.

House Elsinore

House Elsinore

The only family of merfolk that has gained any respectability is that of the chief, now called House Elsinore. Chief Malefon is head of the house and on ofthe few who lives in the city. He leases the basement of a fortified manor from a lesser marid noble. While the manor serves as a library for both the shah and the courthouse, Chief Malefon has filled the basement with water. Located on the outskirts of Alcazar, this residence is staffed with genies in the service of the marid landlord. Malefon infrequently allows the rest of his family to visit him, but these calls are short and scheduled so as not to interfere with business. Rumor has it that the chief hasn't even been outside the dome in five years. Chief Malefon makes most of his money by trading fresh seafood harvested by his people. He also collects 15 percent of the fees garnered from dome cleaning and waste disposal. He invests much of his takings in fine works of art, which he protects jealously.

Rutger's Outfitters

Rutger's Outfitters

Rutger's Outfitters is the place to find dwarf-made equipment. Because so many travelers come to the City of Glass on their way to other elemental planes, Rutger's specializes in gear tailored to such expeditions. Some of these items, such as potions of water breathing, are both magical and expensive. If you really need that certain something, however, there's no better place to visit.

Shah's Palace

Shah's Palace

Shah's Palace The palace of the shah is visible from every part of the city, partly to remind the populace of his power and partly because marids are up to 22 feet tall. Its scalloped walls are a triumph of artistry and design, and its spacious halls are filled with objects of beauty from across the planes. With such power and opulence already at his command, the shah has never needed to build a tower like so many of the district heads. One whole wing of the palace is said to be full of water, so the shah can relax in his element without leaving the privacy of his palace. It's also rumored that the wing is filled with powerful aquatic creatures who loyally serve and protect the noble marid.

Shrine of Eadro

Shrine of Eadro

The Shrine of Eadro is a large cave on the underside of the iceberg, lined with coral and seashells that form a converging spiral pattern. Despite the disappearance of their deity, the merfolk still pack the shrine daily. They fervently pray for Eadro's return and their own salvation. Eadro is the god of the merfolk and their creator. Until recently, Eadro lived on the Elemental Plane of Water with his followers. A little over a decade ago, though, he left his domain to attend to "an important matter" and hasn't been seen since. Of late his shamans have begun to lose their granted powers, a cause of great concern among the faithful

Silverpick Tower

Silverpick Tower

No one builds fortifications like the dwarves, and Silverpick Tower proves it. The ancestral home of the Silverpick family is a study in defensive engineering. Made entirely of an unusual stone imported from the Plane of Mineral, its thick walls are full of cunning traps, and a small number of defenders can hold it against an army. One detachment of the watch is always on duty here. Beneath the tower there are extensive works cut into the eternal ice, including a treasure vault and sizeable warehouse, as well as secret escape routes.

The Bloody Fist hidout

The Bloody Fist hidout

This gang isn't under the control of House Elsinore; Chief Malefon is too caught up in his private world to notice the struggles of his own people. The angry young mermen (for there are no mermaids among them), tired of waiting for Malefon to address their needs, have taken matters into their own hands by organizing the Bloody Fist. They survive by plundering caravans traveling to the City of Glass, especially those hired by races traditionally regarded as enemies. Through contacts with other disgruntled merfolk still in the city, they learn of trading expeditions from all across the plane, allowing them to make unpredictable at- tacks in any number of locations. Recognizing the pattern of the caravan raids would require far more coordination than the city's squabbling merchant houses can muster. So each suffers in silence, unaware that it shares a common bond in victimhood.

The Tavern of Shimmering Tides

The Tavern of Shimmering Tides

The tavern is a large, open space with glass walls offering a panoramic view of the underwater cityscape. The interior is illuminated by floating orbs of light, and the air is filled with the sounds of laughter, music, and clinking glasses.

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