Strixhaven world illustration - Urban Fantasy theme
Urban Fantasy



Welcome to strixhaven- the magical university of dnd and mtg universe, with the five mythic colleges

Author's Note: Please wright in your background your year(first year student to fourth year student), and if your year is 2-4 or you already did the ornitetion test and you are first year, also wright in your background your college. If you are starting in a college, make its hall as a starting point for you, else, start at the hall of the oracles.
Played67 times
Cloned5 times
84 days ago
Last Updated
1 days ago
Dimensional Shackles
Dimensional Shackles
CategoryWondrous Items
Weight6.00 lb.
Cost0.00 Gold Pieces

You can use an action to place these shackles on an incapacitated creature. The shackles adjust to fit a creature of Small to Large size. In addition to serving as mundane manacles, the shackles prevent a creature bound by them from using any method of extradimensional movement, including teleportation or travel to a different plane of existence. They don't prevent the creature from passing through an interdimensional portal. You and any creature you designate when you use the shackles can use an action to remove them. Once every 30 days, the bound creature can make a DC 30 Strength (Athletics) check. On a success, the creature breaks free and destroys the shackles.

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC . The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
We are not affiliated with Dungeons & Dragons or Wizards of The Coast in any way.
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