Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Legends world illustration - Greek Mythology theme
Greek Mythology

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Legends


Where the world of Greek mythology meets modern-day society through the eyes of demigods.

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124 days ago
Last Updated
25 days ago
Coordinates(25, -289) to (195, -106)

Elysium is a paradise and a resting place for the dead located in the Underworld. Initially separate from the Underworld, Elysium was reserved for good mortals, heroes, and demigods who had died a hero's death or lived a good life. Chosen by the judges, the souls of mortals and demigods who have been good, righteous, and/or heroic, would remain after death to live a blessed and happy eternal death, and indulge whatever employment they had enjoyed in life. Elysium is a valley surrounded by walls, a gated community from which one could hear laughter and smell barbecue cooking. It has neighborhoods of beautiful houses from every time period in history such as Roman villas, medieval castles, and Victorian mansions. It also has flowers of silver and gold blooming on the lawns, and grass rippling in rainbow colors.

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC . The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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