Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Legends
Where the world of Greek mythology meets modern-day society through the eyes of demigods.
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While the centaur descendants of Centaurus also love to roam the land and feel the wind whipping through their coat, some are much more raucous than their counterparts in Ravnica or Theros. The "Party Ponies," groups of rowdy centaurs scattered across the world, are known for attaching boxing gloves to the tips of their arrows and fighting with paintball guns with celestial bronze mixed in.
Cyclopes are the offspring of gods, nymphs, or other cyclopes. Unlike demigods, they are often viewed as "mistakes," and are abandoned by their parents when they are born to learn how to fend for themselves. They are so strong, however, that this is not as dangerous for cyclopes as it would be for most other races.
Demigods, also known as half-bloods, are a race that are half-mortal and half-god. They are the direct result of a god and a mortal having a child together; the mortal is usually a human, but they can be of any race. Many influential figures throughout history are demigods, as they tend to be destined for greatness - or to cause great suffering.
The appearance of giants varied according to the type of giant but they were generally humanoid in appearance, just much larger. Their bone structure was more dense than that of humans, giving them extra toughness but slowing them down a little. Most giants had superior senses to humans. In general, they could see and hear twice as well. Cloud giants, hill giants, and stone giants had a particularly good sense of smell. Some had the capacity to see well in low light or total darkness as well.
Harpies are winged spirits of sharp wind. They are known as the hounds of Zeus. Sudden, mysterious disappearances are often attributed to harpies. Harpies can control and manipulate the air. They create sudden, sharp gusts of wind, capable to snatch away people and things from the earth. Harpies are able to fly with their wings. Like Cyclops, harpies are immune to lava and fire.
The most versatile and varied of races, without specific strengths or weaknesses.
Nymphs are minor spirits that embody a specific aspect of nature. Like nature, they are ever-changing and able to adapt to their environment. They are also beautiful creatures, and can be as awe-inspiring as an idyllic landscape. Mess with their homes, however, and their fury rivals that of a powerful torrent.
Olympian God
The Olympian Gods are a race of immortal beings who control the forces of nature and human endeavors. The majority are the descendants and relatives of the Elder Titans, their chief enemies. There are currently twelve major gods, the Olympians, who rule over the universe, all of whom are under the rule of Zeus. There are many other minor gods who serve smaller but necessary purposes in the world.
Pegasi are winged horses. They have been known to come in a variety of colors from white, black, brown and even mixed colors (ex: brown and white). They are named after the original Pegasus and are his offspring. Pegasi are strong, winged horses from the Greece and Roman Empire. They are brave, loyal creatures. Their wings are large and feathered, and the color of their coat is varied.
The Primordials (also known as Protogenoi and Protogenos are the first race of immortals to come into existence and were born directly from the void of Chaos. Unlike the Titans and the gods, they are essentially sentient aspects of the universe itself and have absolute and total control over it, so therefore they cannot truly be killed. They can be banished from manifesting in the world physically, but their consciousness can never be destroyed.
The satyrs in the Percy Jackson series are empaths to a limited extent, and use their abilities to discover demigods that are unaware of their parentage. Later in life, many dream of becoming Searchers, venturing off to find their long-lost god, Pan. Either way, these satyrs have a soft spot for protecting nature, helping those in need, and for the alluring wiles of nymphs.
The Titans were the second generation of Greek Gods who ruled over Greece before the Olympians and after the Primordials. It appears that out of spite for the rest of the race given his deep hatred towards Kronos, their king and his own father, Zeus had stripped them of their roles, thus denying all of their rights towards mortals, scornfully viewing them as nothing more uncivilized brutes not much superior than dumb beasts.