11 new races, 7 new classes, 181 POIs 33 areas CUSTOM map art. Lore in author's notes.
Author's Note: Link to a brief (although not expansive as it is not published) lore primer of the pantheon and historical events:
Apologies for new race portraits, the ai seems to struggle to create dark elf, satyr, dryad, minotaur and centaur portraits.
Played | 19 times |
Cloned | 1 times |
Created | 55 days ago |
Last Updated | 2 days ago |
Visibility | Public |
Demon Armor
Type | Armor |
Category | Armor |
Rarity | Very Rare |
Weight | 65.00 lb. |
Cost | 0.00 Gold Pieces |
While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, and you can understand and speak Abyssal. In addition, the armor's clawed gauntlets turn unarmed strikes with your hands into magic weapons that deal slashing damage, with a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls and a damage die of 1d8. ***Curse.*** Once you don this cursed armor, you can't doff it unless you are targeted by the remove curse spell or similar magic. While wearing the armor, you have disadvantage on attack rolls against demons and on saving throws against their spells and special abilities.