11 new races, 7 new classes, 181 POIs 33 areas CUSTOM map art. Lore in author's notes.
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Created | 65 days ago |
Last Updated | 9 days ago |
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Ogres are large humanoid creatures, much like trolls or giants. They are shorter than giants but much wider than trolls.
Undead can take many forms, for example zombies, skeletons, spectres and liches.
Rajarasha are tiger-like humanoids from the southern continent of Rajana. They were cursed centuries ago by demons are many fell prey to these evil ways. It is possible, however, for them to avert their demonic roots and be steadfast against the darkness.
Goblins are small greenskinned creatures. Mischievous and often cruel, they sometimes have a fun side to them.
Trolls are monstrous blue creatures that live in the wilds of Latys
Dark Elf
Dark Elves are originally from Elfhame. They began to worship the old one of rebirth, Anagenissi. This caused a civil war in Elfhame, with the dark elves fleeing through portals to Latys, alongside their gnome allies. Due to their pact with Anagenissi, the gnomes' and elves' skin turned a greyish-blue hue and they generally have white or grey hair, mirroring Anagenissi's appearance.
Dryads are feminine humanoids, often have bark-like skin or leaves and twig-like formations on their bodies. They have a great capacity for magic. They live in the Panna Realm alongside satyrs, centaurs and minotaurs.
Satyrs are humanoids mixed with goats. With furred and hooved legs, and horns. They are merry and jovial. They often live in the Panna realm alongside dryads, minotaurs and centaurs.
Centaurs are half human and half horse. They generally reside in the Panna Realm, alongside minotaurs, dryads and satyrs. Centaurs pride themselves on military strategy.
Vampires in Latys are like most vampires in settings. They were originally mortals, who were 'gifted' the curse of vampirism by the first vampire, the black dragon Raucanthire. Raucanthire was cursed by the sun god, Rexen, for destroying one of his monasteries. Vampires can have a bite attack of 1d6+STR that heals them the damage dealt.
They are at home on the battlefield, willing to fight for their various causes. They combine a burning fury in battle with keen tactics that make them excellent commanders as well as valuable shock troops. Minotaurs are barrel-chested humanoids with heads resembling those of bulls. Their horns range in size from about 1 foot long to great, curling weapons easily three times that length. They often ornament their horns with metal rings or sheathe them in metal to protect them from damage.
Brute strength combined with human adaptability.
Small, nimble and resourceful, able to easily evade danger.
Sharing characteristics of both humans and elves, versatile and adaptable.
Small, curious, and inventive, skilled in arcane arts.
Graceful and wise, with an affinity for nature and magic.
Stout and strong, skilled in metalwork and masonry.
Infernal heritage with a natural affinity for dark magics.
Born of dragons, these creatures are large and in charge, with a breath weapon.
The most versatile and varied of races, without specific strengths or weaknesses.