Play as any kind of character you want and go on epic adventures with DC comics characters.
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Created | 80 days ago |
Last Updated | 8 days ago |
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Rapid Recovery
While taking short or long rests and during any active healing or recovery the character rolls advantage on all HP regained.
Second Wind
The character has enhanced stamina and can fight or perform strenuous activities for extended periods without tiring.
Enhanced Durability
Resistant to conventional weapons, blunt force, and environmental hazards. The character gets a bonus 50HP and a +5 added to their AC. This is a passive ability that is always active.
The character's presence can strike fear into foes or command respect from underlings and allies. They get a +6 to all intimidation rolls.
Master of Martial Arts
The character has spent most of their life training and conditioning their body to be a weapon. When they make a melee attack with no weapons equipped they get a +5 to hit and they add their Strength and Dexterity modifiers to their damage rolls. This can be applied to any natural weapons also, such as claws, fangs, tails... They can choose to use a defensive stance instead of attacking and they get a +5 AC against an enemies next attack.
Ultrasonic Waves
A powerful ultrasonic attack capable of shattering glass, incapacitating foes, and causing massive structural damage.
Upon death the character is reborn, retaining fragmented memories of past lives. This gives them centuries of experience and wisdom over time. They roll with advantage on all Wisdom checks.
Size Manipulation
The character can shrink to subatomic sizes or grow to several times their original size. They can even exist in the quantum realm. Different sizes can be useful for espionage, combat, and exploration. When they shrink they keep their physical stats making them quite powerful for their size. They get a +3 to hit larger targets. When they increase their size to large or huge they get a bonus to strength and damage but enemies have advantage to hit with attacks.
Enhanced Hearing
The character can pick up the faintest sounds from miles away. The downside to this power is sonic and thunder based attacks roll damage with advantage against you.
Enhanced Strength
The character is able to lift and additional 100lbs per character level up to a max of an additional 2,000lbs. This is added to any other weight they are already capable of lifting. They also deal an additional +1 physical melee damage per character level up to a max of +20 damage.
Liquid Form
The character has no bone structure or exoskeleton. They are able to maintain a solid form only by sheer force of will. Since their body is fluid and flexible it makes them very hard to destroy. The are immune to critical hits from physical melee attacks. They can also move through any obstacles with holes or openings. The weakness to this ability is that extreme dry conditions will cause them to dry out and cold based attacks will force them to remain in a solid state until they are thawed, they can also be easily shattered into multiple pieces while frozen. It's a good idea to pair the (Reformation Spell) with Liquid Form.
Flurry of Blows
The character is so fast they can make multiple attacks in a single turn. They deal a bonus +1 damage per character level up to a max of +20.
Hyper Metabolism
The character produces and burns through energy at an incredible rate. Almost every process in their body is accelerated. Fortunately they are able to rapidly recover from injuries due to accelerated cellular regeneration. This enables them to still age normally and they recover 1HP per turn until their body is fully healed. The limitation to this is their body requires more energy to function. For every HP they regain they require 100 calories.
Lightening Reflexes
The character's reaction time is so fast it's almost as if other people are standing still. They roll with advantage on all dexterity checks. They also get a +3 to hit and have a +6 added to their AC in combat.
Enhanced Speed
The character can run an extra 100 feet x their character level per turn. They can also run up or down vertical surfaces and across the surface of water. This power is accumulative with any other speed attributes the character may possess. For example a level 15 speedster with a 30 speed and this ability could move 1,530 feet per turn. A limitation of such speed is that the character will become tired and fatigued within an hour. The increased speed requires friction and heat which leaves the character vulnerable to cold based attacks. Cold damage against you is rolled with advantage. Ice or other slick terrain requires a dexterity check.
From the Depths
The character can telepathically communicate with sea creatures and summon them to their aid. They must be within 300 feet of the ocean to do so. They can summon up to 50HP worth of sea creatures per level up to a max of 1,000HP. Note not all creatures can function on land.
The character can control 1 ton of water per character level up to a max of 20 tons.
A passive ability that is always active. Immortality ensures the character will never die from old age or natural diseases. They have eternal youth and always remain in their physical prime at peak vitality.
Create Constructs
Using a charged power ring the character can forge anything they can imagine, from weapons to tools, as long as their willpower and concentration are strong. The construct is made out of a solid glowing energy that can be various colors depending on the type of power ring used.
Energy Projection
The character can project blasts of colorful energy beams. The character gets +1 bonus to hit per every 2 levels. They deal +1 bonus force damage per level up to a max of +20.
Force Field Projection
Character can generate protective barriers to shield them self and others. The force field has 10HP per character level. The force field is a 10 foot sphere that can be extended outward 5ft per character level. Individuals inside the sphere can levitate and are granted life support.
Understand and speak nearly any language.
Life Support Sheath
A energy sheath that allows space travel by operating in the vacuum of space without needing oxygen or external life support. Requires a charged power ring. The sheath covers the characters body in a energetic glow and has 6HP per character level up to a max of 120HP. Any damage taken will lower it's HP when it reaches 0 it is no longer active.
The character can render their body intangible to normal matter. This enables them to pass harmlessly through any object. They also lose the ability to interact with any physical matter their body becoming ethereal in appearance. They can remained phased for 1 turn per their character level.
The Character can communicate on a direct mind-to-mind basis. They must first create a mental link with a target they get a +1 per level to a roll of 1d20. They hear another characters thoughts, and can send audio and visual information. They can also perform minor psychic attacks. If the target is willing no rolls are required and no psychic damage is dealt. If the target resists they get a 1d20 roll with a wisdom bonus.
Characters with this ability are able to remain undetectable to the visual spectrum. Even camera's photo and video will not be able to detect them. They will still show up on thermal camera's unless they can mask their body heat. Other senses such has hearing and smell can still detect invisible characters also. Invisible characters who wish to remain undetected must be careful how they physically interact with their environment or they will create clues to their presence such as foot prints. Any gear equipped to the characters also becomes invisible. If the character takes any damage from any source they become visible once again.
Uses ultrasonic screams to navigate darkness or locate hidden foes. Works like True sight by emitting high pitched sound waves.
Weapon Morphing
By solidifying parts of their body, they can form slashing, piercing, or blunt weapons for combat or other tools for various situations.
Damage to the characters form is quickly healed as they can reabsorb lost material and reshape their body. The character regains 1d6 lost HP +1 per character level.
The character can drastically alter all of their physical parameters (dimensions, appearance, physiology) to achieve any desired shape. Despite appearances, the character retains their basic chemical composition.
Mass Increase
The character can increase their body’s mass. Their weight is multiplied by their current level. 1.5 times at level 1. Their increased mass adds bonus damage to physical attacks +1 point of damage per character level. They also become more resistant to blunt damage, -1 Blunt damage per character level. So a level 5 character that weighs 100lbs could become a massive 500lbs and get +5 to physical damage rolls and take -5 from blunt damage attacks. The increase or decrease in mass takes 1 full turn.
Cryo Biology
The character is immune to cold based attacks and damage. The character requires a cold environment to function normally. Any temperature warmer than 32 degrees starts to cause damage at a rate of 1HP per turn. Heat and fire based attack get advantage on all damage rolls.
The character has the ability to travel twice their normal movement speed while submerged in water.
Underwater Breathing
The character can stay underwater for extended periods of time with out having to surface for air.
Plant Control
The Character can impart limited movement and self-awareness to normally unintelligent plants. The plants obey simple commands, and possess rudimentary communication and senses. The character can accelerate the plants' growth somewhat, but cannot make it exceed normal limits on size or shape. Character level determines the number of plants affected and the duration of the control. Controlled plants have their own HP and stats that are increased based on the character's level.
The character has plant like cells. As long as they have abundant sunlight and water their body can use photosynthesis to recover and heal. When this power is used they regain 5HP per turn for 1 turn per character level.
Frost Breath
The character can inhale huge amounts of air and expel it as a cold attack. It can be used to freeze liquids and douse flames. It also has the added effects of slowing or encasing targets in ice.
Heat Vision
The character blasts red hot laser beams from their eyes at a single target. They can continue to focus the beams on a target each turn making a new attack roll. But they leave themselves vulnerable to attack that turn (-10AC).
X-Ray Vision
For the next hour the character can see through any object up to a distance of 100 meters as long as that object is not composed of lead.
Flight (Travel)
Allows the character to fly at a movement speed of 100ft x their level per turn for the next 24 hours. They can also make melee attacks from the air with a +2 to hit and a bonus 1d6+2 damage. They can take flight instantly but it takes 3 full turns to reach their max speed.