An island nation built on the ruins of past civilizations is threatened by foes within and out.
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Created | 384 days ago |
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Ancient Bridge Network
These old, cracked, and crumbling stone bridges connect to small islands of rock with small ancient outposts across a gorge. Beneath the gorge, the treacherous Inlenor river runs cold and swift. This network of bridges connects the baronies of Inlenor and Machlashalne and allows east and west passage over the nearly mile-wide Inlenor River. Looking over the bridge, we see a massive collapsed, vine-covered tower, partially submerged in the river.
Apelmous's Way
A smaller city district to the north of Ithanora. It houses the main government buildings. Above them, massive trees spill out over the surrounding blocks and act as tall towers of sorts as walkways and platforms have been built up into their branches.
This city district makes up the bulk of Ithanorana city and is comprised of many city neighborhoods within the city's center. A huge ash tree with a trunk easily a hundred meters in circumference arches up from the center of the city, massive branches overlooking much of the city. This central tree as a keep of sorts due to its platforms and ladders and walkways built up into its branches.
Castle Ward
Miliary and public buildings, as well as buildings used during the construction of the castle are in this region. Farm produce and produce from the arable region to the east is often seen entering the town through the Eastway road.
Cherry Pass
This city district is best known for its cherry crop. Dozens of cherry trees interspersed with the buildings creates a cloud of refreshing pink blossoms in the spring.
Eastroad Wetlands
These wetlands are from a boggy region of fresh water that had no outlet. The trees are covered in stringy wet moss, and the land is little more than sucking mire. Criminals are known to flee here to find sanctuary from the law. It is rumored that a town of complete criminals exists in the heart of the bog. But there are also rumors of worse things dwelling in this mud-sucking region. The smaller Eastroad runs east-west just south of this bog.
Enobethsese City
The capital city of Enobethsese Lands has a castle that overlooks the Enobethsese River, an east-to-west flowing river from the highlands around the city down into the South Bay. This also holds a sizeable military garrison to keep an eye on the Kaselelthei Lands to the south.
Enobethsese Lands
These lands are on the eastern side of the island. Typical highlands with mist-shrouded hills and mountains, copses of trees, rugged terrain and the east-to-west flowing Enobethsese River that dumps into the South Bay in a series of massive waterfalls.
Enobethsese River
An east-to-west flowing river about fifty feet wide. It flows down into the Southern Bay and provides a natural barrier with a single stone bridge crossing towards the Enobethsese City.
Enobethsese-Kaselelthei Border
A line of tall dark trees rimmed in mist leads deeper into a dark forest. This marks the natural border between the Unase county and the the fierce tribal people who dwell in the Kaselelthei Lands in this southern peninsula. Due to frequent violence between the two peoples, mounted warriors from Enobethsese patrol the northern side of this border and in the tree shadows to the south, tribal warriors with bows are hidden among the trees.
Fertile Plains
The word "plains" is a misnomer, as these rolling grasslands on the north west of the isle weave between small forests. Even so, it makes an ideal spot for farming and grazing. Nominally part of the holdings belonging to Jafa, it has been a point of dispute and contention between Jafla, Ryterara, Ollmlar, Velfafeth and Ithanorana for over three centuries, and not a few people have lost their lives over this favored border region.
Forest Garden
This district has many homes with balconies or windows, each with some kind greenery, a small garden or tree or shrub or flowers, growing atop them, giving this district its name.
Hidden Lane
A quiet neighborhood of sturdy stone mercantile buildings on the south-western outskirts of town. Wainwrights, tailors, glass blowers, lantern makers, and other form of industry compete for business here. Up a cobble-stone street to the east, you can find the Military District and the Keep.
Inlenor City
This city, in the heart of Inlenor Lands, is a small mining city rich in minerals and stone. It is surrounded by farms to the west and forest on the east. It has no fortress or keep, though one is under construction near the north-east edge of the city. The city and its lands are protected by roving patrols of mounted warriors. It is home to the famed Twilight Rock and the faithful of the Hlyuer Faith see the black spire as a sign from their god.
Inlenor Lands
These lands are and its towns and villages are primarily comprised of forested regions which grow more mountainous towards the north. There is a gap of rolling hills in the highlands as one approaches Ithanorana. Most of the towns and villages in this holding are scattered along the Inelenor river on the west and the "South Bay" to the east. The coveted fertile farmland near the Inelenor river has been contested for generations by Machlashalne.
Inlenor River
A wide, slow moving, deep, north-south river that divides Inlenor from Machlashalne. It requires a ferry or some ford or bridge to cross as it is wide enough to tire horses.
Isle of Unase
The island nation and its surrounding waters is part of the Principality of Oshrionle, its parent nation across the ocean on the main continent to the south. The Isle of Unase is mostly comprised of a temperate rain forest coniferous and broadleaf forests in its upper altitudes, while lower elevations enjoy more grassy, rolling hills that lead to wetlands in the west. Highlands dominate the east. Various baronies, under the rule of the Duke Adrian Mordrel at Jalfa, vie for power.
Ithanorana City
This small city is home to nearly 6000 citizens. It has a full wooden palisade around its entire border. Of course in the years since the construction, numerous homes and buildings have since been constructed outside of the city walls. It has a large trade center due to the position between many lands and also the special attraction granted by the massive ash trees jutting up and out over its center and the old ruins near the city's north end.
Ithanorana Lands
These lands and holdings are in the central north of the Unase isle. It is comprised largely of tracts of coniferous and broadleaf forests, and the much sought after arable lands of the Fertile Plains lays to the west. It's primary industry is hunting. The huge ash trees of Ithanorana City in the land's center can be seen for miles away and attract many a traveler.
Jalfa City
Jalfa City is a massive city and is home to 30,000 inhabitants. It is the capital of the Island nation of Unase, and is the seat of the Duke Adrian Mordrel's power. It is a naval city and boasts a deep harbor so that even ships of the line can weather storms and resupply there. It has 1200 professional full-time soldiers and thousands more can be levied from the populace if needed. It is home to the 3rd fleet and the Unase Regiment.
Jalfa Lands
This populated wilderness area holds a patchwork quilt of farms and villages amidst scattered copses. Two main roads cut through this tract of land, the North Road running north from Jalfa to Ollmar, and the East Road running east towards Ithanorana. Jalfa soldiers bearing the coat of arms of House Mordel, five lions upon a field of royal indigo bordered in white, patrol these lands to keep the city and travelers safe.
Kaselelthei City
This large town is home to about 1800 people and is the traditional home of the tribal chief. It has no wall or keep. Most buildings are constructed from wood, thatch, and skins of animals. This largest gathering of permanent dwellings among the Kaselelthei proves why they have remained, as yet, unconquered by the Duke's forces. They are all skilled hunters skilled in bow and spear and stealth, and know how to live off the land.
Kaselelthei Lands
The Kaselelthei tribal people who dwell in these lands are fiercely independent and protective of these forested lands. Violence between the tribal lands of this southern peninsula and the rest of the province or Isle of Unase that is owned by the Duke is frequent and fierce. The Kaselelthei people know how to use the bow and terrain to deadly effect. They shoot first in deadly ambush and ask questions later if their lands are crossed by others.
Machlashalne City
This populated region is more a town than a city, but its inhabitants, proud of their proper castle, call it a city.
Machlashalne Lands
Comprised largely of wetlands to the south west, and a large forest in the south, this region does not have much arable land. The noteable exception are the rolling hills, farms, and pastures around the River Inlenor to the east, a much sought after region by both Machlashalne and Inlenor. Machlashalne's primary industries are fish and fowl from the marshes and lumber from its forested regions.
Main Continent (Principality of Oshrionle)
A huge landmass made up of many dukedoms and baronies that comprise the parent kingdom of the Isle, the Principality of Oshrionle. The neighboring Principality of Shaulume to its east and slightly north, share similar cultural foundations.
Main Continent (Principality of Shaulume)
This is a small piece of the Principality of Shaulume which neighbors the Principality of Oshrionle to its west. It is made up of dukedoms and baronies that comprise the Principality of Shaulume. Shaulume and Oshrionle share similar cultural foundations.
Military District
Shops and businesses dedicated to serving the keep and its soldiers.
Milk Town
This wealthy district in Jalfa takes its name from the creamy-white stone the houses were made from. When the stone was first quarried and homes built centuries ago, one onlooker said, "stone as white as creamed milk" and the phrase stuck to this day, and even though color of the stone has faded in the older homes, the wealthy who live there are some of the few who can afford to drink milk daily, thus Milk Town has that meaning as well.
This northern district in the Machlashalne City lies between Castle Ward and The Docks. The North Road passes by the North Gate in this region and is where most of the trade from other settlements comes in.
Ocean (East Bay)
This ocean is known for it's tricky wind and water conditions, especially as one draws nearer the rocky bay known as the Bay of Bones as the ocean meets the eastern shore of the Isle of Unase. Conditions in these waters have sent many a ship to crash against the rocks here and on the Bay of Tears to the north around the north eastern side of the isle.
Ocean (East and South)
Ocean region east and south of the isle.
Ocean (North East Bay)
Tall cliffs lead to a rocky curve of rock called the Bay of Tears due to many a ship has crashed against the rocks here. A similar fate to those who have wreaked upon the Bay of Bones the south and east.
Ocean (North and East)
Ocean region north and east of the isle
Ocean (South)
Ocean region south of the isle.
Ocean (West and North)
Ocean region west and north of the isle.
Ocean (West and South)
Ocean region west and south of the Island
Old District
Older buildings when the town was first created. Cracked and crumbling covered with moss and vines and lose cobblestones.
Old District in Inlenor
A maze of narrow cobblestone streets flanked by timeworn buildings adorned with intricate carvings and moss-covered stone. Gothic arches and Tudor half-timbering blend in a unique tapestry of styles, while market stalls line the streets, their colorful awnings casting shadows on the worn cobblestones below.
Old Keselelthei
This 'Old Town' neighborhood, contains the most permanent structures, and the homes to the most prominent and permanent. The strongest of these is long house. It belongs to the current chief.
Old Ridge
While it's not the highest point in the city, this district in the south west is built up on a gradual ridge that overlooks the rest of the city, especially the Black Spire.
Old Town
This district has a myriad of cobbled streets and varying buildings of all sizes choked with people, hovels, homes, thieves, and whores.
Old Town Warrens
A region of tightly packed homes with grass roofs and wooden contruction and twisting dirt streets in Enobethsese City.
Ollmlar City
Home to some 2500 people, the port city of Ollmlar is really a large sea-side town. It is the capital of the Ollmlar Lands. The city is comprised of three main districts, The Docks on the north, the Old District to the south, and The Hill to the east where upon the heights, a stone citadel dominates the heights and overlocks the docks and six piers where ships rest at port.
Ollmlar Lands
North of Ryterara and its lands, and West of Valfafeth and its lands, and North West of Ithanorana and it's lands, the Ollmlar Lands changes little in its terrain of coniferous and broadleaf forests. It makes up the rest of the north-western tip of the Isle of Unase. Various villages and towns make up its holdings, and its flatter shorelines and calmer waters allow for the port city of Ollmlar.
A yawning abyss, a gaping wound, a mine that extracts "black pearls" from the earth. These mysterious gems are said to be fragments of the Black Stone, a legendary black monolith that fell from the sky ages ago. Each "pearl" unearthed is a shard of the Black Stone, coveted for its purported connection to the divine. The Hlyuer Faith harvests and keep a rigid control upon the sell of the stones. Warrior priests in red cloaks guard this site.
Ryariralha City
This capital city within the Ryariralha Lands is home to 3000 inhabitants. Its flag is a green spade on a white shield on a field of black, two angled black stripes above the spade symbol.
Ryariralha Lands
Ryariralha Lands is mostly heavily wooded terrain. It holds villages and towns between the East Bay (the Bay of Bones) and the North Bay (the Bay of Tears). From west to east and south to north, the land begins to rise in elevation towards the highlands. The people here largely worship Yvedilvesena, the Ruby Direwolf. Her Sacred Forest in the north west is the seat of her worship. Her oft-persecuted worshipers have sanctuary in these lands.
Ryterara City
This is the main population center of the Ryterara Lands. It is situated inland on a small hill within a wetland region where marshland and seawater provide a mix of hunting of fowl and fishing.
Ryterara Lands
These lands boast a diverse ecology of coniferous and broadleaf forests to the north, grassy marshlands in the south and west, and rolling hills dotted with sparse copses of trees toward the east. It is home to various towns and villages, and its capital is Ryterara City, about a mile from the western coast.
Ryterara Marshland
On the west side, this coastal wetland area is flooded and by salt water with the tide and is comprised of dense salt-tolerance grasses and shrubs. On the east side, fresh water streams flow into this lower region, yielding a rich natural collection of trees and grasses of varying types and diverse wild life. The south west region has been a point of contention between Jalfa and Ryterara.
Sacred Forest of Yvedilvesena
This large grove of trees is said to be the religious center of Yvedilvesena worship. Interspersed among the trees are ruins of a past civilization half buried under dirt and stone and the forest loam of untold years. A huge statue of a Direwolf is here. Priests and priestesses of Yvedilvesena meditate and pray and call upon their goddess. They seek visions from The Ruby Direwolf and then move forth with zealous action to fulfill her designs.
Salt Park
Due to the climate and the makeup of the bay, salt is in higher concentration than usual. Near the north wall and the docks, this important business district harvests and refines sea salt, heaping it up and then packaging it for sale across the Island nation and even exporting it across the channel to the main continent primarily to the Principality of Oshrionle.
Seven Groves
This newer city district has risen up in the shadow of the northern city walls outside their protection. It was originally built around seven large groves of fruit trees. Those groves of trees remain to this day. New building continues north and west of the walls as new homes offer newcomers potential opportunity.
South Bay
Southern bay of waters between Inlenor on the west, Kaselelthei on the east, and Inlenor Lands on the north. The coast line along this bay is high, mountainous, and largely rocky, with old moss and vine-covered ruins. If there were gentle regions to land a ship ashore they are unknown. Most ships avoid this region.
South Gate
A handful of buildings built in a sprawling heap outside the southern wall leading into the city of Ithanorana.
South Ward
Neighborhood and homes that are on the south of the city Inlenor. They are on the south side of the ridge and overlook the valley and wilderness to the south. To the north, one can see the Black Spire.
A hodge podge warren of buildings and hovels on the south side built up in the shadow of the southern wall of City Jalfa.
Spirit Cliff
A region outside the northern city walls where at one point, the ground ruptured and a massive fissure-like cliff had opened up, revealing a forgotten city below in the gloom. When Ithanorana was built, they called this area the Spirit Cliff. Here, there's also a large, ancient, vine-covered archway that juts out of the ground. No one knows who made the archway or why, but Hlyuer warrior priests guard both this area and the arch zealously.
The Docks
The docks is where ships from the West Bay come in to harbor at Jalfa. All types of business is performed: imports, exports, as well as trade both legitimate and illegitimate. In the harbor, navy ships patrol the waters.
The Docks at Machlashalne
This small harbor in the Machlashalne City cannot hold the large galleys or line ships, but smaller cutters are found about its four piers. This region of the city not only takes in the waterfront pier and wharf but also a block of buildings leading inland up both streets.
Twilight Rock
This district is built up around a massive glassy black rock that is said to have fallen from the skies ages ago, long before the city was built, before humans came here. Many buildings are owned by the Hyluer Clerics who let them out for those on religious pilgrimages to see the strange site. The site is guarded by Hyluer Warrior Priests wearing red cloaks, chain mail, and the emblem of of their weeping god, Fanoreriar, upon their cloaks.
Valfafeth City
Called a city by those who don't know better, this large wilderness town within the Valfafeth Lands, is built up around a fort with wooden palisades and towers. It is nearly a league south of the cliffs that overlook the Bay of Tears. Its industry is primarily hunting and fishing. Nearly two thousand people live under the leadership of Lady Aramelle Roper.
Valfafeth Lands
In the temperate zone, this wilderness area on the northern-most side of the Isle of Uname, receives heavy rain and is full of coniferous and broadleaf forests near its west end boasts tall, jagged cliffs that overlook the Bay of Tears where the debris from past shipwrecks float, riven upon its sharp rocks. It is home to hunters and trappers and various towns and villages and holdings, the largest and most prominent being the Valfafeth City.
West Bay
Ocean region with calmer waters close to the western side of the isle
West Bay Shallows
Ocean region. Shallower waters nearing land.
Westshore Wetlands
These freshwater wetlands have intermingled with ocean water in a collection of sturdy salt resistant plants and shrubs. Fresh water enters the wetlands from runoff from the east.
White Fair
On the south west side of the city, it is named after the many tents and buildings over the years that have sprung up here around the sizeable fair grounds. It is also where justice and fairness is done in the form of officially sanctioned duels and challenges for slighted honor to either first blood or to the death. Much coin changes hands during these events and a sizeable temple of Yvedilvesena, The Ruby Direwolf overlooks the affairs.
Wide Reach
Southern collection of homes in Kaselelthei City