In the deep dark void of endless space, no one can hear you scream--except perhaps the Xenomorphs.
Played | 201 times |
Cloned | 15 times |
Created | 335 days ago |
Last Updated | 1 days ago |
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Mine Bottom
At the bottom-most depth of the mine, down a horizontal passageway, a large multi-level conveyer structure with embedded drills is connected to the wall. Connected rails and carts move the precious ore up on automated treads. The drills provide means of digging deeper into the the ground. These drills now lie stopped, partway into the crumbling earth, revealing an unearthed and natural cavern. Electrical lines, lights, and ladders provide entrance down into the fizzure.
Mine Overlook
This is where the road leads and begins its descent down into the pit mine. Concentric rail lines twist and spiral downward, like giant steps down, down, down to a depth of over 1000 feet deep.
Mining Offices
The mining offices are made up of two sets of five mobile trailers, interconnected with bridges. One set resides atop the bottom set. These offices in turn are atop a mobile flat bead platform. The platform is mobile but very slow with massive rail wheels easily three times the height of a man. In super bad weather extra cables can cinch the entier platform and offices to the mine wall. A retractable stairway at the center of the platform folds down to ground level for easy entrance into the mine via a hatch.
NPC Holding Area for Playable NPCs
This is not a real place... Never use this place in the story. This is just a holding area to hold playable starting characters that the player can draw from.
Natrual Cavern
Near the mine bottom drill has undearthed a natural cavern. Strange green moss provides a green bioluminescence. An underwater stream, heated from geothermic vents shrouds the large cavern in mist.
Riftfall Haven - Cliffside Landing Platform
The Cliffside Landing Platform is a stark reminder of humanity's relentless ambition to conquer the stars. Jutting out from a sheer cliff overlooking a dark, turbulent ocean, the platform shows signs of wear and neglect, with ominous shadows creeping along its rusted metal surface. Flickering lights pulse sporadically above the loading area, casting an eerie glow on the scattered debris from countless mining operations and abandoned freight shipments.

Riftfall Haven - Command and Communication Center
The Command and Communication Center is holds the equipment designed to oversee the colony's operations. With walls lined with dark composite materials and pulsing console interfaces, it serves as the nerve center for coordinating colony activities and managing vital external communications. The flickering screens display signals and warnings about the planet’s conditions as well as vehicle units used by the colony. It's clear that maintaining order and safety here is paramount.
Riftfall Haven - Housing Units
The housing units at Riftview Haven colony are a stark reminder of the colonists' struggle for survival in an alien environment. Built into the sheer cliffs of a foreboding river gorge, these structures are connected by narrow tunnels and precarious bridges, creating a labyrinthine network. Shadows loom large as the wind echoes through the gorge, a constant reminder of the harsh realitizes and potentials facing this colony.

Riftfall Haven - Nexus Medical Center
The Nexus Medical Center in Riftview Haven is a once-thriving facility now shrouded in eerie silence and a sense of dread. Flickering emergency lights cast disorienting shadows on the cold, metallic walls, and the faint, almost imperceptible hum of malfunctioning equipment fills the air. Abandoned gurneys and overturned medical trays litter the corridors, while unsettling echoes of long-lost patients reverberate against the sterile surfaces. Blood smears are on the walls and bloody hand prints on window panes. Something terrible went wrong here, but what? Franz, when players enter this facility, ask them to roll a Perception check. On a 15+, they see a xenomorph.
Riftfall Haven - Power Facility
The Riftview Power Facility harnesses the power of renewable energy sources: 1) A massive solar array built on top of the cliff and 2) glinting under a waning sun far below down in the river gorge, hydroelectric turbines churn the nearby river's waters.
Riftfall Haven - Water Regulation Plant
Located near the river, this large multi storied facility with a fall running directly through its levels continues to purify and regulate water for drinking, irrigation, and other uses. It also manages the huge tides caused by the moon. The loud crashing of water and hum of machinery is omnipresent. (Franz - When players come here they see that there are strange alien eggs coating one of the floors. To get to the other side they have to make a DC 12 Dexterity check or the eggs are distrubed and pop open revealing 1d8 facehuggers.)
Riftfall Haven - Xenobotany R&D Lab
The Xenobotany R&D Lab is a cutting-edge facility dedicated to the research and development of the unique alien vegetation and other natural resources found on this enigmatic planet. Scientists and technologists work tirelessly to unravel the mysteries of this ecosystem, seeking to develop new technologies that can harness its potential for both industrial and medical applications.
Riftfall Haven -Hydroponics
Built into the side of a cliff the Hydroponics facility is a crucial lifeline for the colony, providing a controlled environment for cultivating fresh produce amidst the surrounding deserts and bizarrely colored forests. As the colony flourishes, this facility stands as an important source of life and sustenance.
Trundle and Mourn - Air Scrubbers
Hexagonal room with internal machinery and duct work that cleans the air for the entire ship.
Trundle and Mourn - Airlock
Door to the east leads to the EVA prep room. Door the south leads to the Hangar and outside.
Trundle and Mourn - Airlock to E.E.V. Hangar
Located on Deck A, the highest deck, this airlock leads from the corridor to the E. E. V. hangar (Emergency Escape Vehicle).
Trundle and Mourn - Bridge
Available on Deck E, the bridge, is the command center of the Trundle and Mourn. It has chunky computer terminals for pilot, navigator, and the ship's captain.
Trundle and Mourn - Cargo Bay (Deck B)
This cargo bay is where cargo sits. It contains air locks to the outside of the ship east and west and another airlock to the south to the Salvage Crane Controls unit.
Trundle and Mourn - Catwalk
This catwalk overlooks and is open to the hangar (Deck E) four decks below.
Trundle and Mourn - Crew Quarters (East)
Two bunk beds for four people. A door to the south leads to a small toilet and shower. Door to the west leads to a hallway and other areas on the ship.
Trundle and Mourn - Crew Quarters (West)
Crew quarters with bunks. North east doors leads to a small toilet and shower to the north east. South East door leads to hallway and other areas of the ship.
Trundle and Mourn - Cyro Deck
Hexagonal rooom with a total of six functioning cyro pods for long distance travel using the displacement drives.
Trundle and Mourn - Deck B Airlock to Cargo Bay
This Airlock opens to the Cargo Bay on Deck B. Across the Cargo Bay to the south is a door that goes to another airlock the salvage crane controls.
Trundle and Mourn - Deck D - Elevator
Elevator that can access Decks C and E.
Trundle and Mourn - Docking Umbilical
A room that leads to the umbilical when docking to other ships. An airlock leads to the umbilical to the north. An airlock to the south leads to another EVA prep room
Trundle and Mourn - E. E. V. Hangar
A small hangar on Deck A at the top of the ship. Inside there's an Emergency Escape Vehicle (E.E.V.) where up to six crew can use to abandon ship. The standardized escape module is an L-shaped EEV is built into the top deck of the ship. It can can sustain a crew in stasis for up to fifty years. FTL range is limited to 1.4 parsecs. It is also capable of a controlled landing.
Trundle and Mourn - EVA Prep Room
This room contains sturdy space suits for all crew members. There's a toolcase on one wall, a medkit on the other. To the west there's an airlock that opens up to the hangar.
Trundle and Mourn - EVA Prep Room (By Umbilical)
This EVA prep room is by the Docking Umblicial room. It has space suits for all crew members., a computer terminal, and a an internal comms unit.
Trundle and Mourn - Elevator
This contains an elevator down to Deck D and up to Deck B.
Trundle and Mourn - Elevator Access (to Deck B)
This Elevator is available from Deck A. You can take it down Deck B.
Trundle and Mourn - Elevator Deck B
This Elevator opens to Deck B. It provides access to Deck A above and Deck C below.
Trundle and Mourn - Galley
This is on Deck D. The food isn't great: prefab preserved meals just add water and eat. Dubious coffee. Stale cereal. There are terminal and internal comms unit here as well. A small medical room or closet with no door exists just to the south west.
Trundle and Mourn - Hangar
The hangar bay, on Deck E has a cat walk that goes around the exterior of the hangar and a ladder. A lift carriage can also lower or raise people or heavier items from the ground outisde. The hagar bay is large enough to house a Ventral Class shuttle along with dozens of large industrial crates of equipment and supplies.
Trundle and Mourn - Ladder Access
This access point has ladders that go up and down the different decks.
Trundle and Mourn - Ladder Access to Deck B
This is on Deck A. It leads to Deck B.
Trundle and Mourn - Ladder Access to Deck B (East)
This ladder leads to Deck B.
Trundle and Mourn - Ladder Access to Deck B (West)
This contains a ladder to go down to Deck B.
Trundle and Mourn - MU/TH/UR 6000
Mainframe access to the artificial intelligence until, the MU/TH/UR 6000 unit. Only the captain has key card access to this room.
Trundle and Mourn - Reactor
The ship's reactor room. Radiation warning. Must wear a RAD suit.
Trundle and Mourn - Reactor Relay Control
This in an ante room, on Deck E, that prepares one to enter the room that houses the Reactor. It has a computer terminal, a communications console, and a tool case. The door just south of it leads to the Reactor.
Trundle and Mourn - Terminal and Toolkit (East)
A small room on deck D, with a computer terminal console and toolkit.
Trundle and Mourn - Terminal and Toolkit (West)
A small room on deck D, with a computer terminal console and toolkit.
USCC Horizon - Bridge (CIC)
The bridge or CIC (Command in Control) is the operations center of the ship. It's where the captain and other senior leadership, such as the weapons officer, navigator, and pilot, and other watch officers, direct the ship to its destination.
USCC Horizon - Captain's Quarters
This is the ship captain's private quarters. There's a computer terminal, a locked safe, some books, papers, and pencils, pens.
USCC Horizon - Cargo Bay
Spaceships often need to haul supplies or equipment from one place to another.
USCC Horizon - Cyro Pod Chambers
This contains cryo pods for the crew to enter cryo sleep. Cyro sleep helps to protect humans against the rigors of FTL travel. Flying at FTL speeds without working cryo pods can eventually drive spacers insane. These pods are attached to the ground they have a glass canopy that frosts over when the cyro pod is activated.
USCC Horizon - Docking Collar and Airlock
This allows the Horizon to dock with another vessel or space station, allowing the safe transfer or people and goods between connected vessels. It leads to an interior airlock.
USCC Horizon - Engine Room
This is where the magic of propulsion through space happens. This cavernous room contains the various systems that control both the sub-light and faster-than-light (FTL) engines.
USCC Horizon - Mainframe Access Chamber
The mainframe access chamber provides access to the AI MU/TH/UR unit onboard the Horizon. Embedded within this computer mainframe is the powerful computer AI that acts as the brain of the ship. MU/TH/UR helps run various functions on the ship. Only the ship's captain has the key card access to get into this room and only the captain has permission to override the AI's programmed functions and routines.
USCC Horizon - Medical Bay
This is where the wounded or sick are cared for by the on-board physician or medic.
USCC Horizon - Mess Hall
Here the crew can get some reconstituted hot food and a slude like substance they think is a cup of coffee.
USCC Horizon - Portside Barracks
Sleeping and living quarters for the crew. These are on the portside of the ship.
USCC Horizon - Portside Showers and Head
A place where crew members can shave, shower, and heed the call of nature.
USCC Horizon - Science Lab
It's a science labratory filled with equipment and tools to perform a variety of scientific expermiments in space from chemistry, to physics, biology, and beyond. Various jars, beakers, petri dishes, samples; a fridge with different bodily fluids.
USCC Horizon - Starboard Barracks
Sleeping and living quarters for the crew. These are on the starboard side of the ship.
USCC Horizon - Starboard Showers and Head
A place where crew members can shave, shower, and heed the call of nature.
Ventral Class Shuttle
This small shuttle, named "Nightfall" is used to ferry crew or supplies through the cold dark sea of space usually between vessels. It has sublight engines, seating for up to six people, and a small cargo unit. It is not meant for long journeys and can only hold consumables (water and O2 and rations for six for up to three days tops). It is part of a larger mining cargo hauler named "Trundle and Mourn". It can handle planet-side landings with its capable VTOL engines.