Full Map of Westeros, 1:1. Be a Dragon or Dragonrider, or the Night King or as the Night's Watch!
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Created | 214 days ago |
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A commoner, names vary, usually by the place they were born, Adamm of Hull, Brielle of Dorne.
Human, Elite eunuch warriors from the city of Astapor in Essos. The Unsullied are renowned for their discipline, loyalty, and combat skills. Trained from childhood through brutal methods, they feel no pain and fear nothing. Their training includes killing a newborn slave to prove their detachment. Unsullied are completely obedient to their masters. They are tall and muscular with bronze skin. Considered the finest infantry in the known world, valued for their unwavering resolve in battle.
Human, A nomadic horse-riding people from the eastern continent of Essos. The Dothraki are skilled warriors, known for their prowess in mounted combat and archery. They live in hordes called khalasars, led by a khal. Their culture values strength, theyhave copper skin, almond-shaped eyes, and long black hair worn in braids adorned with bells signifying victories. They follow a harsh code of honor. They often raid neighboring cities and lands for slaves and plunder, instilling fear across Essos.
Mythical creatures in Westeros, Dragons are reptilian, with scales, wings, and the ability to breathe fire. They continue growing throughout their lives, potentially reaching enormous sizes. Historically bonded with Valyrian dragonlords, especially House Targaryen. Dragons are intelligent, fierce, and nearly unstoppable in battle. Their presence shaped much of Westerosi history, from the Targaryen conquest to the Dance of Dragons. Dragon eggs are rare and highly prized.
White Walker
Undead, Ancient race of ice-based humanoid creatures from the far north of Westeros. Led by the Night King, He possesses the ability to raise the dead as wights. White Walkers have pale white skin with a translucent, icy appearance, and glowing blue eyes. They wield weapons of ice, vulnerable to dragonglass and Valyrian steel. White Walkers are linked to the long winters of Westeros. Unknkwn Origins. They pose an existential threat to all living beings, seeking to bring about an endless winter.
Human, The free folk who live beyond the Wall in the far north of Westeros. They call themselves "free folk" and are known as "wildlings" south of the Wall. Wildlings consist of various clans and tribes, united only by their fierce independence. They follow no single leader except in times of great need. Skilled hunters and raiders, able to survive in harsh arctic. Dark hair, grey eyes, and strong builds. Wildlings reject the system of the Seven Kingdoms, valuing personal freedom above all else.
Human, A minor noble house from the North, sworn to House Stark. Their seat and sigil are not known. As northerners, they likely follow the Old Gods and value honor and loyalty. House Shell probably participates in the North's defensive efforts against wildling raids and other threats. Typical northern appearance: dark hair, grey eyes, and sturdy builds suited for harsh climates. House Shell plays a role in local northern politics and contributes to the overall strength of the Stark-led North.
Human, A minor noble house from the Riverlands, sworn to House Vance of Wayfarer's Rest. Their seat is Acorn Hall. House Smallwood's sigil features six acorns on a yellow field. Known for their modesty and loyalty, they embody the practical nature of lesser houses. The Smallwoods have a history of supporting their liege lords in regional conflicts. They typically have the Andal appearance: brown hair, brown eyes, and average builds. Focused on local matters rather than grand political schemes.
Human, One of the most powerful noble houses of the Iron Islands. Their seat is Ten Towers on the island of Harlaw. House Harlaw's sigil is a silver scythe on a black field, and their words are "Reap the Wind". Known for being more literate and sophisticated than most Ironborn, they still maintain the Old Way. The Harlaws command a significant fleet and are respected warriors. Ironborn look: dark hair, blue-grey eyes, and lean, strong builds. House Harlaw has produced notable scholars.
Human, A noble house from the Iron Islands. Their seat is on the island of Harlaw. House Stonetree's sigil is unknown. As Ironborn, they follow the Drowned God and participate in the Old Way of reaving and raiding. The Stonetrees are loyal to House Harlaw, one of the most powerful houses of the Iron Islands. Like most Ironborn, Stonetrees have dark hair, blue or grey eyes, and weathered features. They value strength, sailing skills, and prowess in battle above all else.
Human, A noble house from the North, sworn to House Dustin of Barrowton. Their seat is Goldgrass. House Stout's sigil features a brown bear on a yellow field. They are known for their loyalty, typical of northern houses. The Stouts have a long history of serving as reliable bannermen. They embody the rugged nature of northerners, with members often described as stout in build, hence their name. Stouts have: brown hair, grey eyes, and sturdy physiques suited to the harsh northern climate.
Human, A once-powerful noble house from the Riverlands, now extinct. Their seat was Harrenhal, the largest castle in Westeros. House Strong's sigil was a tripartite pale blue, red, and green on white. They played significant roles in Targaryen history, serving as Hand of the King and on the Small Council. Known for producing both great warriors and scholars, the Strongs were respected and feared. Strongs were described as having dark hair and strong builds, living up to their house name.
Human, A noble house from the Westerlands, sworn to House Lannister. Their seat is Cornfield. House Swyft's sigil is a blue rooster on a yellow field, and their words are "Awake! Awake!" They are known for their agricultural wealth and cavalry. The Swyfts have served as advisors to the Lannisters, though sometimes viewed as sycophantic. They typically have the Andal look: fair skin, brown or blonde hair, and brown eyes.
Human, A noble house from Dorne, sworn to House Martell. Their seat is Wyl, a castle on the Boneway. The Wyls are known for their fierce defense of Dorne's borders and their cruel treatment of invaders. Their sigil is a black adder biting a heel on yellow. House Wyl gained notoriety during the Dornish wars, for their vicious tactics against invaders. Skilled in guerrilla warfare and poison use. Wyls typically have the Dornish look: olive skin, dark hair, and dark eyes. Cunning and ruthless.
Human, A now-extinct house from the Westerlands, sworn to House Lannister. Seat was Tarbeck Hall. The Tarbecks were known for their pride and ambition, which led to their downfall. Rebelled against the Lannisters alongside House Reyne, resulting in the complete destruction of both houses. Event inspired the infamous song "The Rains of Castamere." The Tarbecks were described as having brown hair and brown eyes, with a reputation for being tall and strong. Their sigil was a silver star on blue.
Human, A noble house from the Crownlands, sworn to the Targaryens of Dragonstone. Their seat is Sweetport Sound. Their sigil depicts seven golden stars on a field of white and purple stripes. House Sunglass is known for their devout faith and loyalty to the Targaryens. They have a history of providing ships to the royal fleet. The Sunglasses have the typical Valyrian features: pale skin, silver-gold or platinum blonde hair, and purple or blue eyes. Respected for their piety and naval expertise.
Human, A noble house from the Stormlands, ruling the island of Tarth. Their seat is Evenfall Hall. Known as the Sapphire Isle, Tarth is famed for its blue waters, though not for actual sapphires. Their sigil features yellow suns and white crescents on a field of azure. House Tarth has a long and proud history, with bloodlines linking them to the Durrandons, old kings of the Stormlands. Known for their skilled warriors and sailors. Tarths often have fair hair and skin, with some exceptions.
Human, A young house of the Westerlands, sworn to House Lannister. Their seat is Clegane's Keep. Their sigil depicts three black dogs on a yellow field, representing the hounds that saved their founder from a lioness. The house was founded by a kennelmaster who saved Lord Tytos Lannister from a lion attack. Cleganes are known for their immense size and strength. They have a reputation for brutality and unquestioning loyalty to House Lannister.
Human, One of the noble houses of the North, sworn to House Stark. Their seat is Castle Cerwyn, located near Winterfell, the closest bannermen to the Starks. Their sigil is a black battle-axe on silver, and their motto is "Honed and Ready." The Cerwyns have a long history of loyalty to the Starks, serving as key advisors and commanders. They command a modest but well-trained force. Cerwyns typically have the appearance of northerners: sturdy builds, brown or black hair, and grey or brown eyes.
Human, an old house that ruled the westerlands from Casterly Rock. Origins trace back to the legendary Corlos, tricked the rock's lion inhabitants out of their gold-filled home. Casterly ruled as Kings of the Rock for centuries, amassing great wealth from the gold mines beneath their seat. Their sigil was a golden lion on red, later adopted by House Lannister. The Casterlys mysteriously vanished, with legends suggest they were outwitted by Lann, founder of House Lannister. Tall and fair-haired.
Human, One of the noble houses of the North, and principal house of the Dreadfort. Their official motto is "Our Blades Are Sharp," while their unofficial saying is "A naked man has few secrets; a flayed man, none." Known for their ancient practice of flaying enemies, officially outlawed but continue in secret. They have a long history of rebellion against the Starks. They command a modest but loyal force. Their appearance: pale skin, dark hair, and most distinctively, their eerie, pale eyes.
House Blackfyre is an extinct noble house from the crownlands. A cadet branch of House Targaryen, House Blackfyre was founded by Daemon Blackfyre, a legitimized Great Bastard of King Aegon IV Targaryen. House Blackfyre is named for the Valyrian steel sword of the same name. Typical Valyrian traits.
Human, One of the Great Houses of Seven Kingdoms, and the principal house of Dorne. Their seat is Sunspear, a palace. Motto is "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken." The ruler of Dorne holds the title Prince or Princess. Dorne has a harsh desert climate. The Martells command loyalty through respect rather than fear. Martells are known for their olive skin, dark hair, and dark eyes, reflecting Rhoynar ancestry. Often dress in loose garments suited to the hot climate, favoring oranges, reds, and golds.
Human, One of the Great Houses of Seven Kingdoms, principal house of the Reach. Seat is Highgarden, a lush castle amidst fertile lands. Motto is "Growing Strong." Warden of the South is often a Tyrell. Bountiful harvests of the Reach have made the Tyrells among the wealthiest houses, second to the Lannisters. They command a sizable army and a strong fleet. Known for their beauty, having brown hair in shades of chestnut to golden-brown, with eyes of brown or gold. House colors of green and gold.
House Baratheon of Storm's End is one of the Great Houses of Westeros, and is the principal house in the stormlands, which they rule as Lords Paramount of the Stormlands. Their seat, Storm's End, an ancient castle raised by the Storm Kings. The Baratheon sigil is a crowned black stag on a field of gold. Their words are "Ours is the Fury". The family tends to be tall and powerfully built, with black hair and blue eyes, as well as strong, square jawlines. Known for their mercurial tempers.
House Greyjoy of Pyke is one of the Great Houses of Westeros. Rules over the Iron Islands, a harsh and bleak collection of forbidding islands off the west coast of Westeros, from the Seastone Chair in the castle of Pyke on the island of the same name. The head of the family is traditionally known as the Lord Reaper of Pyke. Their sigil is a golden kraken on a black field, and their house motto is "We Do Not Sow." Members of the family are attractive and tall with black hair and dark black eyes
House Tully of Riverrun is one of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms. Lord Hoster Tully, the Lord Paramount of the Trident, rules over the riverlands from the Tully seat of Riverrun. Their sigil is a silver trout leaping on a striped field of blue and mud red, and their house words are "Family, Duty, Honor." Members of House Tully tend to have fair skin and blue eyes, including deep blue. Tullys have had auburn (red-brown), red, and brown hair.
House Arryn of the Eyrie is one of the Great Houses of Westeros, and is the principal noble house in the Vale of Arryn. Their main seat is the Eyrie, which is considered impregnable. The Arryn sigil is a sky-blue falcon soaring upwards, outlined against a white moon on a sky-blue field, and their words are "As High as Honor".
Human, One of the Great Houses of Seven Kingdoms, and the principal house of the westerlands. Their seat is Casterly Rock, though another branch exists. Their unofficial motto, well known, is "A Lannister always pays his debts." The Warden of the West is a Lannister by tradition. The gold mines have made the Lannisters the wealthiest of the Great Houses, and the Lannister fleet is anchored at Lannisport. Lannisters have a reputation for being comely with fair, golden hair and emerald green eyes.
Human, House Stark of Winterfell is one of the Great Houses of Westeros and the principal noble house of the north. In days of old since Aegon's Conquest they have been Wardens of the North and ruled as Lords of Winterfell. Their seat, Winterfell, is an ancient castle renowned for its strength. Their sigil is a grey direwolf racing across a field of white. Their words are "Winter Is Coming". Most have brown hair, and grey eyes, melancholy and iciness, a wildness called "wolf blood"
Human, Westeros's foremost family, Dragonlords, ancient lineage. Known by their hair indicating Valyrian descent. The only family of dragonlords who survived the Doom of Valyria, the Targaryens left the Valyrian Freehold twelve years before the Doom. House Targaryen of King's Landing is a noble family of Valyrian descent who once ruled the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. Renowned for their beauty. They usually have typical Valyrian features: pale skin, silver, platinum, or gold hair.