Shattered Realms - Latys  world illustration - Fantasy theme

Shattered Realms - Latys


11 new races, 7 new classes, 181 POIs 33 areas CUSTOM map art. Lore in author's notes.

Author's Note: Link to a brief (although not expansive as it is not published) lore primer of the pantheon and historical events: Apologies for new race portraits, the ai seems to struggle to create dark elf, satyr, dryad, minotaur and centaur portraits.
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63 days ago
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7 days ago


Amidst the Rauc Islands, Anthire is a militaristic city that serves as the headquarters for the Knights of the Dragon. Ruled with an iron fist by High Blood Marshall Versum, the city is a stronghold of power and discipline where the Blood Knights, clad in heavy armor, train and prepare for both land and sea conflicts. As tensions simmer among noble families, the city grapples with sporadic killings and thefts, while The Order of the Dragon struggles to maintain balance and control over the rising ambitions of the aristocracy.



Bjornsa is a bustling city nestled along the river on the Maccan Clandom side of the mountains. Known for its vibrant market, Riklig Markt, the city thrives on trade and cultural exchange, driven by its ruler, the young Sjerri Kjellan. The city bears the banner of a bear’s head on a chequered blue field, symbolizing its strength and resilience against raiding threats. Sjerri's commitment to transforming the Kjellan way of life faces challenges, especially from the looming threats of Skeggoran raiders, yet his leadership is evolving the city into a hub of prosperity.

Bradda Tribes

Bradda Tribes

Nestled in the heart of the Kjellan Wilds, the Bradda Tribes are a tumultuous assembly of orcs, goblins, and trolls, each vying for dominance under the leadership of a Bradda, or warleader. Among these fractious tribes, three notable factions stand out, each bearing the names of their current Bradda. The landscape pulsates with the sounds of tribal gatherings and the vibrant clashes of culture as alliances are formed and broken. The lands of the Bradda Tribes are also home to a new phenomenon, the Marcher Lords. These are adventurers, often rich or noble, that take their entourage to the tribe lands to try and tame and settle the dangerous landscape. They set up fortified manor houses and farms, while fighting off the greenskin tribes.



Cadhoiran, the capital of the Maccan Clandom, stands as a testament to resilient architecture and vibrant culture. Ruled by the wise Artos Maccan, the city thrives under the guidance of his devoted wife, Enori, and their two adventurous sons, Derrien and Edern, who roam the bustling streets fostering future generations. With its lively markets and grand halls, Cadhoiran serves as both a political hub and a rich source of Maccan heritage.



Darrowstawn, known as the City of the Sea, thrives on the eastern coast of the Kjellan Wilds, governed by the influential Great House of Darrow. This city is renowned for its naval power and vibrant trade, with Sea Lord Kophyn Darrow at the helm, supported by his siblings Shurphyn, the Batos, and Imraphyn, the Cultor. Although there is no native gnomish guild, the presence of gnomes in the city has fostered exceptional traditions in naval gunnery over the years.

Denyeni Isles

Denyeni Isles

The Denyeni Isles, home to the fierce Denyeni people, consist of three arid islands each ruled by a distinct warlord representing the Sherkasa, Danyoi, and Pelset tribes. These isles, known for their scorching heat, once flourished until the catastrophic eruption of Mount Pelset in 805 CE forced the Denyeni to take to the seas. Now they are marked by active volcanic landscapes, rugged terrain, and annual eruptive displays that coincide with their summer raids along the coasts of Latys, the Sunlands, and Harmony. The Denyeni alternate between hiding in the shadows of their homeland and launching fierce assaults on unsuspecting lands.



Duicil, known as the City of Arms, lies nestled at the foothills of the eastern mountains. Ruling over this thriving settlement is the Great House of Duicil, renowned smiths and builders who transform the iron mined from nearby peaks into formidable weapons and armor. The city is intricately linked to the coastal city of Darrowstawn, thanks to carefully carved mountain paths that facilitate trade of naval resources and fish. The Duicil family, led by the tyrant Zilvaer Duicil, oversees the city alongside her brothers Barzaer, the Batos, and Vhurdaer, the Cultor. The Iron House, a powerful gnome guild, maintains control over the mines and ensures the safety of the tunnels connecting to Darrowstawn, showcasing the gnomes' expertise in mining and defense.

Frostbound Cove

Frostbound Cove

Frostbound Cove is an icy coastal area nestled in the northern Kjellan Wilds, often besieged by ice giants from Old Yjellan. This harsh environment bears witness to the ancient struggles of the Yjellans, Kjellans, and Noydani, who had to retreat southward into Latys as their lands were overrun.



Hrumindo, known as the City of Abundance, is a dark elven metropolis in the northwest of the coalition, ruled by the formidable Great House of Hrum. Renowned for their incredible farming and architectural skills, the city features towering high walls enclosing vast agricultural fields. Within its boundaries lie powerful siege weapons and a fortified defense mechanism capable of reducing enemies to rubble. The city thrives under the rule of Tyrant Ristel Hrum, alongside his brothers Yaztel Hrum, the Batos, and Istel Hrum, the Cultor.

Kingdom of Edhellen

Kingdom of Edhellen

The Kingdom of Edhellen, born from the convergence of elven lore and the enchanting Panna Realm, stands as a testament to the union of nature and magic. Under the watchful rule of King Blodren Cano, this kingdom navigates a delicate balance between peace and conflict, especially with the neighboring satyrs. The vibrant forests are rich with ancient secrets, and the elves here hold a deep connection to their pantheon, reflecting their proud heritage and fierce loyalty. Non-elven travellers may likely find themselves pierced by many arrows, unsure of where they were fired from...

Krygen Coalition

Krygen Coalition

The Krygen Coalition is a unique assembly of four distinct drow and deep gnome city-states nestled in the eastern reaches of the Kjellan Wilds. Each city specializes in various goods and services, fostering trade and mutual reliance among them. The cities are ruled by three types of leaders: Tyrants, who oversee defense and military; Batos, who are in charge of infrastructure; and Cultors, the high priests responsible for religious practices. Deep gnomes predominantly reside in subterranean enclaves but many choose to make their homes above ground, contributing to the guilds that assist the ruling families in forging, construction, trade, and magical research. The Krygen Coalition worship Anagenissi as their main deity however other gods are also allowed to be worshipped. For example many in Darrowstawn worship Myrmidonna as their main deity and those in Hrumindo favour Vedaudur.



Latys is a circular continent teeming with diverse nations and landscapes, ranging from the untamed Freedlands in the northwest to the dense and mystical Panna Forest in the southwest. In the east, the Kjellan Wilds provide a rugged terrain filled with secrets, while the southern expanse is marked by the seafaring Imperrex Admiralties. Surrounding this vast land are numerous island nations, including the Rauc Islands and the enigmatic Denyeni Isles, each with their unique cultures and mysteries to explore.



Lentasect, an imperrex admiralty, thrives on the eastern side of the Bay of Stakes, ruled by the opulent Pirator Tertinia Tibullus. This notorious pirate state is infamous for its raiding fleets targeting the Krygen Coalition, while maintaining a cautious distance from the perilous Rauc Islands. Guarded by the formidable Piros Guard, who quell conflicts among the various pirate factions. There are also two other factions within the city, two pirate gangs rivalling Tertinia who have grown in power; The Scarred and Lyco’s Lictors. The Scarred are pirates who sail under Castor Pavo, a bull of a man. Lyco’s Lictors still operate as if in an Imperrex Legion, using tactics and group formations in battle. Lyco was originally born in Relictus and became a tribune. Seeking more gold and glory however, he came to Lentasect and set up a gang, bringing many of his Relict legionaries with him.



In The Maccan Clandom, Lepen is a joyous city, ruled by the Le Pen family under the leadership of matriarch Gwenved Le Pen. The city bursts with vibrant architecture and rich culture, characterized by its grand tournaments, festive feasts, captivating plays, and lively street festivals that celebrate even the smallest occasions.

Maccan Clandom

Maccan Clandom

Ruled by King Artos Maccan. The Maccan Clandom is a kingdom of humans not related to Yjellanders, Noyvda or Imperrex. As far as they know, their people have always lived in the steppes and mountains of the northwest. The Maccan family united the clans in the War of Three Sires, defeating two other clans, Arden and Glantach, in 536 CE. The Maccan family became the royal dynasty and rules from the city of Cadhioran. Other cities include Morvan and Lepen. The Order of the Lake calls the Freedlands their home. An order of knights dedicated to protecting the Moir Lake. They follow a water spirit that calls the lake home, known only as the Lady of the Lake, an avatar of Lochor. Their headquarters is a castle on the banks of Moir Lake, called Locstal Keep. The Steppen Highlanders live in the steppes and highlands to the south and east of the cities, protecting them from incursions. They are nomadic in nature, following herds of animals for food however they have two outposts.



Morvan is a city in the Maccan Clandom ruled by the Morvani family, known for their participation in the War of the Three Sires. The current rulers, Felis Morvan and his wife Arscella, bear a palpable grief from the mysterious disappearance of their daughter Elesbed when she was just 13 years old, casting a shadow over the city and its inhabitants. This sense of loss has permeated the atmosphere, resulting in a population that mirrors the family's dark and brooding demeanor.



Narsurin, known as the City of Splendour, is the heart of the coalition’s lands, thriving under the rule of the Great House of Narsur. Famous for its expert goldsmiths, the city boasts wealth from the gold mines that lie below, known as the Shadows Beneath. The current Tyrant, Vuvyr Narsur, presides over a majestic city filled with opulent structures, while his brother, Vhulimar Narsur, is respected as the Batos, and their sister, Mounrafein Narsur, serves as the Cultor, adding to the lineage's prestige. Key locations include the grand Narsur Hall, the industrious Guild of Gold, and the lively Golden Goblet tavern.



Necrossan, one of the three Imperrex remnant cities, is a perilous domain teeming with the undead. This forsaken place is devoid of the comforts of taverns or markets, filled instead with shambling figures and towering blackened edifices. The Lich Queen Zenobia reigns with unyielding dominance, leading her undead army and spectral navy through her Banelords. Amidst the constant drizzle and oppressive storm clouds, a twisted worship of the Masked Guides offers a grim semblance of faith.

Northern Godspine Mountains

Northern Godspine Mountains

The Northern Godspine Mountains form a towering spine through the land of Latys, acting as a natural barrier that separates the lush Freedlands to the west from the untamed Kjellan Wilds to the east. Jagged peaks pierce the sky, their rocky surfaces adorned with patches of stubborn evergreens and hardy alpine flowers. The air is crisp and carries the scent of pine and earth, while the distant sound of cascading waterfalls echoes through the valleys below.



Perched amidst the rugged heights of the Kjellan Wilds, the City of Noyvda is a vibrant metropolis forged from the enduring spirit of Noydani humans and the sturdy Skomi dwarves. Once two distinct societies, they now exist as one, with intermarried families forming the influential Noyvskom dynasty. The city is a harmonious blend of cultural architecture, showcasing both human-style onion towers and sturdy dwarven halls. Above ground, the bustling streets teem with traders and artisans, while below, the intricately carved tunnels of the underground city, Skomizharr, echo with the sounds of mining and discovery.

Noyvdan Crownlands

Noyvdan Crownlands

The Noyvdan Crownlands is a diverse landscape characterized by its icy tundra to the north and east, where the frigid winds whip off the sea, contrasting sharply with the lush grassy expanses to the south adjacent to the Kjellan principalities and Krygen coalition. To the west, towering peaks of the Godspine mountains loom impressively, creating a natural barrier that enhances the rugged beauty of the area. This region serves as a crucial borderland, rich in resources yet harsh in climate, providing both challenges and opportunities for adventurers and travelers alike.

Old Yjellan

Old Yjellan

Once a vibrant homeland of the Noydani and the Yjellans, Old Yjellan now lies under the icy grip of its new rulers, ice giant lords. The whispers of the past echo through the frozen valleys, a reminder of the once-thriving cities and cultures that were forced south during The Ending. With giant fortresses rising from the glaciers and remnants of ancient civilizations buried beneath layers of snow, Old Yjellan is a stark testament to both its rich history and its current dominance by formidable giants.

Pakov's Domain

Pakov's Domain

Pakov's Domain is a dense and mystical forest in the southwestern region, ruled by the fierce green dragon Pakov. The forest is alive with the sounds of rustling leaves and distant growls, as Pakov frequently dispatches his minions to raid the nearby elven territories to the north and the Panna realm to the east. Filled with towering trees, hidden glades, and treacherous underbrush, this domain serves as both a lair and a battleground in the ongoing conflict.



In the Panna Realm, the city of 'Panna' stands as the largest settlement, a vibrant hub where diverse species such as satyrs, dryads, minotaurs, and centaurs have gathered through ancient portals from Elfhame. From the seed of a great tree planted by a Pan, the city has flourished, extending its roots deep into the community. Surrounded by thick walls formed from the very trees that define its landscape, Panna is a harmonious blend of nature and architecture, with structures skillfully crafted from mud and thatch interspersed amongst the towering trunks.

Petrified Grove

Petrified Grove

In the north of the Bradda Tribelands lies the Petrified Grove, a haunting remnant of a time when Zenobia's necromantic wave swept across the land a thousand years ago. The once-vibrant forest now stands frozen in time, with lifeless trees transformed into stone sentinels, their twisted forms casting eerie shadows across the desolate ground. Occasional whispers of the past reverberate through the hollow trunks, a reminder of the tragic beauty that once thrived in this now-silenced realm.



Amidst the Rauc Islands, the city of Rauc is a unique metropolis where the divine and the sinister coexist in harmony. Ruled directly by the dragon Raucanthire, the city thrives under the watchful eye of its vampire-draconic deity. The Church of Rauc serves as the heart of the city, with its adherents, consisting of both vampires and human citizens, fervently worshipping Raucanthire. The church is led by the high priest Nezera, a cunning vampire whose influence reaches deep into the city's affairs.



Relictus is a resilient city that has resisted the ravages of The Ending, standing proud across the Bay of Stakes in the western region of Latys. Despite a history steeped in tragedy and manipulation, the city thrives under the rule of King Tarquin Rex, supported by the powerful Shackled Church. Ongoing tensions remain palpable as remnants of betrayal and loss echo in its streets, but the formidable navy and army ensure the city's defenses against external threats.



Skeggoran is the northernmost city of the Kjellan Principalities, known for its fierce raiding culture and strategic trading practices. Ruled by the content Agnost Kjellan, the city thrives under the banner of a black crow on a purple field. Agnost, along with his wife Egila and their children Meri and Jonst, navigates the complex dynamics with his distant cousin Sjerri Kjellan, ruler of Bjornsa, who advocates for improved relations with neighboring lands.

Southern Godspine Mountains

Southern Godspine Mountains

The Southern Godspine Mountains form a jagged spine running through the heart of Latys, their towering peaks reaching into the sky like the claws of a slumbering titan. These mountains serve as a natural barrier, effectively splitting the lush Panna Forest to the west from the turbulent waters of the Imperrex Admiralties to the east. The terrain is rocky and often treacherous, with hidden passes and steep cliffs challenging even the most experienced travelers.

The Imperrex Admiralties

The Imperrex Admiralties

The Imperrex Admiralties are a vast expanse that echoes with the remnants of the once-mighty Imperrex Empire. Following The Ending and Zenobia’s necromantic wave, the once-thriving realm now showcases its scars as haunting silhouettes of its former glory, with three surviving cities—Necrossan, Relictus, and Lentasect—standing resilient against time's march. Each city breathes a unique atmosphere where echoes of the past blend with the whispers of the undead that roam the lands.

The Kjellan Principalities

The Kjellan Principalities

Nestled within the rugged central mountains, The Kjellan Principalities are a testament to resilience. Formed by survivors of The Ending, the region comprises two prominent cities, Skeggoran and Bjornsa, established by the brothers Skeggi and Bjorn Kjellan after they led their families and retainers into the safety of their rocky refuge. Over time, these settlements evolved from humble caves and tunnels into thriving, fortified cities amidst the towering peaks.

The Panna Realm

The Panna Realm

The Panna Realm is a vibrant and mystical forest located in the eastern part of the Freedlands, inhabited by dryads, centaurs, minotaurs, and satyrs. Governed by the four Elder Voices, each representing a different species—chosen for their unique merits—the realm thrives with harmony and a rich blend of cultures. The satyrs’ reverence for nature's fungi often leads to miraculous transformations into Pans, while the dryads, centaurs, and minotaurs contribute their own strengths to maintain the balance of this enchanting area. The inhabitants of Panna worship Ogon, Lochor and Drukknath. Minotaurs favour strength, Centaurs favour strategy, Dryads favour magic while Satyrs favour the ability to drink alcohol.

The Rauc Islands

The Rauc Islands

The Rauc Islands consist of four fog-drenched land masses ruled by vampires, all pledging loyalty to the vampiric dragon Raucanthire. This chain of islands is steeped in dark history, from the dragon's rise to power to the cursed existence he has passed onto his followers. The two eastern islands cradle the cities of Rauc and Anthire, while the west is characterized by murky swamps where hunting is a twisted sport. Surrounded by legends of blood, treasure, and power struggles, the Rauc Islands harbor secrets that even time has shrouded in mist.

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